Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Characters/Recurring And Minor Characters

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Joyce Summers (Kristine Sutherland)

 "You belong at-at a good old-fashioned college with keg parties and boys, not here with Hellmouths and vampires."

Buffy and Dawn's divorced single mother, who runs an art gallery. She is originally ignorant about Buffy's activities as the Slayer but learns about them in Season 2. She still worries about her daughter and is reluctantly supportive of her work. She dies of an aneurysm in Season 5, an event which greatly affects all the Scoobies.

 Joyce: Have we met?

Spike: Uh, you hit me with an axe one time. Remember, uh, "Get the hell away from my daughter"?

 Buffy: I think she's just so wigged at hitting on one of my friends that she's repressing. She's getting pretty good at that... I should probably start worrying...

Principal Robert Flutie (Ken Lerner)

 Buffy: Mr. Flutie...

Mr. Flutie: All the kids here are free to call me Bob.

Buffy: Bob--

Mr. Flutie: But they don't.

Principal of Sunnydale High in early Season 1.

Jenny Calendar (Robia LaMorte)

Computer science teacher at Sunnydale High, techno-pagan, and Giles' Love Interest in Season 2 (until she was killed).

Principal R. Snyder (Armin Shimerman)

 "There are things I will not tolerate: students loitering on campus after school, horrible murders with hearts being removed. And also smoking."

Principal of Sunnydale High after Principal Flutie gets eaten by possessed students. Really had it out for Buffy due to her record. Got eaten by the Mayor (in snake-demon form) in the Season 3 finale.

 Snyder: You really have faith in those kids, don't you?

Giles: Yes, I do.

Snyder: Weird.

 Buffy: You never ever got a single date in high school, did you?

Snyder: Your point being?

Kendra Young (Bianca Lawson)

Jamaican Slayer activated upon Buffy's (temporary, clinical) death by drowning in Season One. Killed at the end of Season 2. Unlike Buffy, she was very traditional in her ways.

 That's me favourite shirt! That's me only shirt!

  • Mauve Shirt: Since she died in her third appearance.
  • No Last Name Given: Kendra specifically says she has no last name. An unproduced Watcher supplement would have revealed it to be "Young", though. Presumably she didn't know it because she was raised by her Watcher instead of her parents.
  • No Social Skills
  • Number One Dime: Her lucky stake, "Mr. Pointy". Though the stake itself is lost for good, Buffy borrows her nickname for it.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Supposedly the accent was a last-minute addition, and the dialect coach taught Lawson an accent from a very specific, obscure area of Jamaica. To both viewers and crew it just sounded like a lame Jamaican accent.
  • Overly Narrow Superlative
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: She seems to be blue to Buffy's red because she's a more classically trained by-the-book slayer yet her lack of experience and gung-ho attitude puts her on the red.
  • Ryu and Ken / Salt and Pepper: Buffy and herself.
  • Sailor Earth
  • Straw Vulcan: Buffy eventually taught Kendra that human emotion wasn’t necessarily a hindrance to being a Slayer.
  • Stuffed Into the Fridge
  • There Is Another
  • Weak-Willed: Effortlessly hypnotised by Drusilla while they were actually fighting; it's implied that her training and upbringing has left her with little ability to resist orders.
    • This or possibly ...
  • Welcome to the Caribbean Mon
  • Why Are You Not My Son: She and Giles hit it off straight away, much to Buffy’s annoyance.
  • The World's Expert on Getting Killed: It's specifically stated that Kendra's fighting technique is slightly superior to Buffy's due to the fact that training and studying demonology are literally all she's ever done since childhood. But as the above entry notes, while a Buffy vs Angelus or Buffy vs Spike fight is sure to be an epic brawl, Kendra vs. Drusilla was a disappointing defeat for good. Kendra goes down like a Red Shirt


A balancing demon sent by the Powers That Be. Whistler guides Angel into meeting Buffy, and also tries to assist her in stopping Angelus. Later reappeared during the Twilight crisis and its aftermath.

Faith Lehane (Eliza Dushku)

 "You hurt me, I hurt you. I'm just a little more efficient.""

Slayer from Boston activated by Kendra's death at the hands of Drusilla in the penultimate episode of Season 2, and a Foil for Buffy in Season 3. Loved Slaying a little too much, and ended up playing The Dragon to the Mayor. Moved to Angel, ended up in jail, and came back redeemed for the final few episodes.

After the battle in Sunnydale, Faith joined the others as part of the worldwide Slayer Organization, setting up shop in Cleveland, where she assisted a Slayer squad led by ex-boyfriend Robin Wood. This changed after assisting Giles with a mission against a rogue Slayer, and together they decided to find Slayers that were having difficulty with their new life and help them out.

In the aftermath of the destruction of the Seed of Wonder by Buffy and Giles' death at the hands of a brainwashed Angel, Faith remains the only person willing to associate with Angel, and is dedicated to helping him -- and herself -- find redemption.

 Giles: "Faith has many skills, but fortunately lying is not one of them." Fridge Logic sets in when he hires her to infiltrate a castle and assassinate a slayer.

  • Bastard Girlfriend: As part of her role reversal with Buffy, Faith loses interest in creepy kinky sex after spending a night with Riley, who is more of the vanilla missionary-style school.
  • Bathtub Bonding: With Genevieve Savidge in Season 8.
  • Being Evil Sucks: When she begged Angel to kill her, it was because of this.
    • "Who Are You" focuses on Faith's realization of how far she's fallen from the Slayer ideal.
  • The Berserker: When we first meet her, the result of witnessing the gruesome death of her Watcher. She relapses back into it when she awakens from her coma.

 Buffy: Girl's not playing with a full deck, Giles. She has no deck. She has a 3.

    • Berserk Button: Being told off for trying to do the right thing seems to be this. After she tries to kill Angel to stop who she thinks is Angelus it causes a deep rift from the gang. When told off for trying to rationalize killing the deputy mayor and get rid of the body she becomes psychotic and monsterous. In the comics when Buffy won't let her explain what she's doing Faith tries to drown her, before realizing what she's doing.
  • Beware the Superman: Believed she was better than other people because she's a Slayer.
  • Big Eater
  • Blood Knight: As the Mayor's pet.
  • Book Dumb: On having the phrase "Achilles Heel" explained to her.

  "Ah. The school thing. I was kinda absent that decade."

 "You don't know how many men have said that to me." On being promised that she'd get off (the murder charges against her would be dropped).

"Just like riding a biker." On getting back into slaying after her stint in prison.

  • Death Seeker: First, she is clearly unafraid of the possibility of Buffy killing her at the end of Season 3. Dying isn't her exactly plan then, but she'd still welcome it as a victory because it would corrupt Buffy like she herself was corrupted. Secondly comes the literal example, where after spending time in Buffy's body and learning that being evil sucks, she goes to LA in hopes of getting Angel to kill her.
    • Originally Faith was to have hung herself after killing the deputy mayor. Instead she becomes a borderline Complete Monster.
  • Dominatrix: Doesn't mind playing sex games with boys "as long as they know who's on top."

 Cordelia: What the hell is it with you and Faith! As if I didn't see the way you looked at her. She cracked her whip, and you liked it. You were practically in her leather-clad lap!

  • Double Standard Rape (Female on Male): Faith seems to think raping Xander is no big deal when he visits her to discuss the murder she committed. Angel...disagrees, and shows his views to Faith forcibly.
  • The Dragon: To the Mayor.
  • Ethical Slut: Before her Face Heel Turn she lists off a number of boyfriends, and prods Buffy about Angel and Xander. She didn't think it'd hurt Willow by sleeping with him. Then after her Heel Face Turn she describes another boyfriend she had to Spike, and sleeps with Wood.
  • Evil Counterpart
  • Face Heel Revolving Door
  • Foe Yay: With Buffy.
    • There's also a fair amount of Fawn Fan Fiction.
    • And in Season 8, there is a ton between her and evil Slayer Genevieve Savidge.
  • Freudian Excuse: Her desire to be the Mayor's surrogate daughter is unsurprising, given that he's the first parental figure she had that actually loved her. Well, aside from her first Watcher, who was brutally murdered in front of her.
  • Friends with Benefits: Her and Xander were not exactly friends, about as close as they got was him revealing that Angel was alive, and all for killing him. Nonetheless, in Xander's character episode he saves Faith from a group of vampires, then they do the deed, Faith later treating it as a casual fling. Then, when he tries to use their "connection" to talk to her about her accidental murder of the Deputy Mayor, this becomes a Moral Event Horizon crossing, as she refuses to listen, insists that guys only ever want one thing from her, pushes him onto the bed and starts forcing herself on him, and chokes him, before Angel knocks her out.
  • Gamer Chick: Well, the Mayor does give her a Playstation, and she treats it as just about the greatest thing ever.
  • Good Feels Good: When she switched bodies with Buffy, she was expected to do Buffy-like things since nobody knew she did it. This was what led to her Heel Face Turn.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Before her Face Heel Turn.
  • Good Is Not Soft: After Xander tells her that Angel is back, after he was last seen as a Complete Monster, Faith becomes fearful of who he might hurt and decides to go behind Buffy's back to kill him.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Faith has taken to smoking after her Heel Face Turn. The comics suggest it's to steady her nerves, what with dealing with what she's done and fighting over a second Hellmouth. She goes through the better half of a pack because of her unease with assassinating a rogue Slayer.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Slowly adopts more and more murderous tendencies, until finally she is indistinguishable from Angelus himself.
  • The Hedonist: Which doesn't go well for her.
  • Heel Realization: When she switched bodies with Buffy, she eventually figures out that she could have taken a run at Angel for Complete Monster, and would reappear on his show as one in the hope he would kill her. He sees right through this ploy and doesn't comply with it.
    • Another mild one crops up in the comics. Aside from the fact she is crazy enough to snap and try to kill Buffy despite her Heel Face Turn; due to a combination of liking the person she was going to kill, trying to protect her from Buffy and some belief that if she kills Buffy she'll be a hero; the realization she treats any an who is the least bit decent to her like dirt. While she was nice before her Face Heel Turn and after her Heel Face Turn after she realizes this she makes more of an effort to treat people as more than just getting what she wants.
  • Hello, Nurse!: Discussing sex role play with Spike Faith mentions this as a whack fantasy. Naturally it's revealed a certain crunchy granola girl' has such three way vampire fantasies.
  • Hot Amazon
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Though she'd never admit it.
  • If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him: After her Faith Heel Turn Faith invokes this when Buffy attacks her.
  • Klingon Promotion: Elevates herself to Dragon after dusting Mr. Trick.
  • Jumped At the Call
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Accidently killing someone, or getting yelled at for her actions (such as when she tried to kill Angel or saves Buffy and an evil slayer) makes Faith completely snap. The second time especially.
  • The Ladette
  • Loves the Sound of Screaming
  • Meaningful Name: Faith as in her faith in people which she keeps losing.
  • Mentor: After the Twilight crisis, Faith begins mentoring a group of Slayers based in London.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Faith cites this as a reason she doesn't like authority figures in general.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Slightly more physically imposing than Buffy, and her fighting style favors powerful strikes. She still shouldn't be able to hit like a truck without Slayer powers.
  • Nice Girl: Compare Faith after going to prison to Buffy to see how much she had improved.
  • Not Staying for Breakfast: How she treats her one night stands. Wood teases her about it motivating Faith to try and ravish him despite them trying to prepare for the final battle, before he convinces her to give him a chance to show that men can be more than a quick lay.
  • Older and Wiser: Faith had come a long way from when she first appeared.
  • Orphan's Ordeal
  • Pop-Cultured Badass: Faith has a habit of referencing classic literature, music, Star Wars of all things, and in one particularly frightening scene even Transformers.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Faith's induction into the Scoobies helped to temper her lawless approach to slaying (which Buffy initially didn't know about). However, Buffy lied to her about Angel's resurrection, which allowed Gwendolyn Post used to turn Faith against the gang.
  • Prophetic Name: You can take this from several view-points. For instance, her sponsorship by Angel, or (in the comic series) Faith's loyalty to same.
  • Psycho for Hire
  • Put on a Bus: Being rendered comatose, then going to jail.
  • The Quisling
  • Reformed but Rejected: For a good while in Season 7. About the only one to accept her is Willow, who just came off from a stint of evil-doing herself.
  • Reformed Criminal
  • The Resenter
  • Rival Turned Evil
  • Rogue Agent
  • Running Gag: Played for Drama. From her introduction Faith takes Buffy's friends, her meal and looks like she's trying to take her job. From there it gets worse: first she sleeps with Xander, before later trying to rape and kill him. She tries to take Angel from Buffy (which she ironically succeeds at), her life; in both senses of the word, her body, her current boyfriend, and then she seemingly sleeps with Spike, takes Buffy's leadership of the potentials, then Robin Wood who was Buffy's potential boyfriend, then Giles, then Angel, in short everything Buffy had Faith takes away from her. Tragically half of these are by accident. Buffy's friends like Faith, Angel rejects Buffy over the way she acts when he tries to help Faith, it would later be confirmed that Faith did not sleep with Spike, the potentials reject Buffy over the way she's acting, Buffy is outraged with Giles and Angel over what they've done and thus turn to Faith. Things like Buffy's food, or boyfriends, are a case when Faith does not think, or worse, when she does.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: Outside of her selfish nature Faith is willing to Shoot the Dog and kill Angel in case he goes evil, cover up her accidental murder of a morally grey character, and allow herself to be killed to satisfy Buffy's thirst for vengeance and go against Angel trying to redeem her. Recently, she gets so upset with Angel tormenting himself that she tries to stab him in the back and turn him human so he can let go of the guilt he feels, only stopping because of the Body Horror her actions would cause.
  • Self -Harm: A bit of an atypical variant, as she's harming her body while her mind isn't actually occupying it. (As such, this could be argued not to be harming "herself" per se. That said, all of the self-loathing and rage of a self-harmer is present as she lays into her Buffy-occupied body.)
  • Sex Is Cool: Faith's raison d'etre. She needles Buffy about her love life and sets her sights on Xander. Possibly the most varied and numerous of sex lives, putting the moves on most if not all of Buffy's potential and actual love interests, including at least two vampires.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: Giles is clearly impressed when Faith shows off her look for going undercover at a formal party, a Pimped-Out Dress with Absolute Cleavage.
  • Shipper on Deck: With Buffy and Xander and Angel, before her Face Heel Turn.
  • Sixth Ranger Traitor
  • Street Smart
  • Teenage Wasteland: A teenage girl who knows all about the Five Basic torture Groups. The Mayor must be so proud!
  • Tiger Versus Dragon: Buffy favors tight, quick moves, whereas Faith's moves are flashier and take more time to deploy, but impart more power.
  • Took a Level In Jerkass: During her Face Heel Turn, Up to Eleven.
  • Took a Level In Kindness: There's little resemblance from her psychotic earlier years and the way she becomes after her incarceration.
  • Torture Technician: She was quite fond of torture - at one point, Angel complimented her on how well she knew how to do it. One wonders how a teenager knew so much about the "five basic torture groups".
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Buffy in Season 3 until she breaks that friendship up badly. She and Buffy do become closer again at the ends of Season 7 and Season 8.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Faith loads up on weapons after learning of a Back From the Dead, supposedly reformed from Complete Monster Angel being in possession of a magical glove, scared of who he might kill. When she finds Giles had been attacked she immediately thinks 'Angel' and defies everyone in a bid to kill him.
  • What Could Have Been: One storyline idea was that Buffy would have found Faith had hanged herself, unable to live with killing an innocent man. What the writers came up with instead was much more interesting.
  • Whip It Good: "This one guy I ran with, he liked me to dress up like a schoolgirl, and take this friggen bullwhip, and I'd be like..."
  • Yin-Yang Clash: Faith once theorized that this is why she and Buffy don't get along. After all, There Can Be Only One.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

 "I have, in fact, faced two vampires myself. Under controlled circumstances, of course."

A replacement sent by the Watcher's Council following Giles' termination. Clean-cut, by the book, and not without an inflated sense of self, Wesley is immediately detested by both Buffy and Faith. Most of his decisions (though well-intentioned) fail spectacularly, such as his attempt to "rehabilitate" Faith when she goes rogue. Like Giles before him, the Council eventually tires of Wesley and lets him go. This prompts Wesley to migrate to L.A., eventually ending up as a series regular on Angel.

Jonathan Levinson (Danny Strong)

 "We're, like, supervillains."

Originally a background classmate at Sunnydale High, he is given a breakout performance in "Earshot" in which Buffy talks him out of committing suicide. He later becomes adept at magic, especially Shapeshifting, and joins the humorously villainous Trio. He dies in Season 7 when Andrew is tricked into sacrificing him to open the Seal of Danzalthar.

 Jonathan: "I'm serious, I really miss it [High School]. Time goes by and everything drops away; all the cruelty, all the pain, all the humiliation, it all washes away. I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day, I miss the people who never knew I existed. I miss 'em all. I want to talk to them, y'know. I want to find out how they're doing, I want to know what's going on in their lives."

Andrew: "You know what? They don't want to talk to you. All those people you just mentioned, not one of them is sitting around going 'I wonder what Jonathan's up to right now?' Not one of them cares about you."

Jonathan: "Well, I still care about them. That's why I'm here."

Andrew Wells (Tom Lenk)

 "I admit I went over to the Dark Side, but only to pick up a few things."

Member of the Trio, and hopelessly nerdy. Skilled at summoning demons and making sci-fi references. Spent a few episodes in Season 7 as the Scoobies' prisoner before they started trusting him. Later became a Watcher in the Slayer Organization, running the Rome squad.

  • 20% More Awesome: When he shows up on Angel, Andrew boasts that he's become "82% more manly" than the last time Spike saw him.
  • Adorkable
  • Altum Videtur: He displays a knowledge of Latin several times in the show and comics.
  • Ambiguously Gay: The actor who plays him is quite openly gay, and Joss Whedon decided to toy with the notion.
    • Lampshaded in "Life Serial".

 Jonathan: All right, now you have to hold hands.

Andrew: With each other?

Warren: Well, you know what homophobia really means about you, don't you?

Robin Wood (DB Woodside)

 "I knew I signed on for something, but, Buffy, I'm just a guy. Granted, a cool and sexy vampire-fighting guy, but still."

The principal of the renovated Sunnydale High in Season 7. Turns out to be the son of Nikki Wood, a Slayer that Spike killed in the 1970s. He tries to seek vengeance for his mother's murder, but fails. After the defeat of The First, Robin led a Slayer squad in Cleveland, Ohio.

Quentin Travers (Harris Yulin)

 "The Council fights evil. The Slayer is the instrument with which we fight. The Council remains. The Slayers... change. It's been that way from the beginning."

Leader of the Watchers Council. A traditionalist who doesn't like the way Giles and Buffy does things. First fired Giles for being too close to Buffy, and tried to replace him with Wesley for both Faith and Buffy. Then, two years later, made them go through a review in order to see if the Scooby Gang was worthy of their intel on Glory. Two years after that, Quentin, and the rest of the Watchers Council, are killed by Caleb shortly before their rallying to war and fight the First.

Kennedy (Iyari Limon)

 "I've always sort of gotten my way. So you're going to make it through this no matter how dark it gets. Because now, you're my way."

Potential Slayer, self-professed brat from a rich family, and love interest for Willow in Season 7. Hated by much of the fandom. Also noteworthy as being part of the first lesbian sex scene on network television (with Willow).

Vi / Violet (Felicia Day)

 "I could use a shot of that yak urine right about now."

One of the potential Slayers who arrived in Sunnydale, Violet survived the final battle there and became a leading member in the Slayer organization, heading up the New York base.

Rona (Indigo)

Another of the potential Slayers who joined the growing army in Sunnydale, Rona was a reluctant Slayer, but became a squad leader in Chicago. She was more frustrated and resistant to the whole slayer-thing than many of the others.

Amanda (Sarah Hagan)

A student at Sunnydale High with Dawn, Amanda was discovered to be a potential Slayer and joined the growing army at Buffy's house. She was killed during the battle in the Hellmouth.

The Buffybot (Sarah Michelle Gellar)

 Xander: Hey, I know this. You're both Buffy.

Buffy: No, she's a robot. You couldn't tell me apart from a robot?

Buffybot: Oh, I don't think I'm a robot.

Anya: She's very well made.

An android replica of Buffy constructed by Warren at the behest of Spike during Season 5. She was later used as a decoy during the battle with Glory and pretended to be Buffy in-universe between Season's 5 and 6

 "That'll put marzipan on your pie plate, bingo!"

 Glory: "The Slayer's a robot? Did everybody else know the Slayer was a robot?"

Vampire: "You're... you're a machine!"

  • Rule of Symbolism: Buffy returns in time to see the sweet innocent Buffybot permanently destroyed when it's ripped apart by demons, showing Buffy's loss of innocence and the need to build herself anew.
  • Robo Cam: Including a drop-down menu of 'adult' options.
  • Seemingly-Profound Fool: "School is where you learn." Preach it, sister.
    • It helps that Warren uploaded her with banal observations about the Scoobies.

 Buffybot: ANYA. How is your money?

Anya: [delighted] Fine, thank you!

  • Sex Bot: Spike has her built to consumate his unrequited Foe Yay for the Slayer. And yes, that does include sex.

 (Buffybot writhing on top of Spike, watched by a horrified Anya and Xander) "Oh Spike, you're the Big Bad! You're the Big Bad!"

 Willow: (thinking she's talking to Buffy) So just this one time you just did something kinda crazy?

Buffybot: It wasn't one time. It was lots of times, and lots of different ways. I can make sketches!

Willow: No!

    • And later...

 Xander: Spike must have had her built so he could program her t-

Buffy: (horrified) Oh god.

Willow: Yikes. Imagine the things-

Buffy: No! No, no imagining. Any of you.

Xander: (raises his hand) Already got the visual.

 Buffybot: Angel's lame. His hair goes straight up, and he's bloody stupid!

  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: It's not entirely clear how sentient she is, but the Scoobies seem a little unnervingly cavalier about how they treat her.

Clement (Clem)

A demon who Buffy befriended in season 6. Eventually hightailed it out of Sunnydale as the showdown with The First drew closer.


Hank Summers (Dean Butler)

Buffy and Dawn's father (though he may never have actually met the latter outside of their fake memories); divorced Joyce some time pre-series, and was infrequently in and out of his family's life after that before apparently running off to Spain with his secretary and explicitly not even bothering to get in touch after Joyce's death.

Wishverse Buffy

 "The universe is what it is. We fight. We die."

When Cordelia wishes that Buffy never came to Sunnydale Anya creates an alternate world where she instead operates over the second-rate hellmouth in Cleveland. Buffy eventually makes her way to Sunnydale, after Giles tries contacting her, where we quickly see that she's...changed.

 "Is this a 'get in my pants' thing?"

  • Murder Is the Best Solution: Rather than try and help Giles find a way to reverse the wish her idea is to just stake Anyanka.
  • Neck Snap: The Master does this to her.
  • Nineties Anti-Hero: This is what Buffy might be like had Grant Morrison gotten his hands on her.
  • Took a Level In Jerkass: Her basic attitude is to kill anything bad, kill anyone in her way and disregard everyone else.
  • What Could Have Been: Initially Buffy was going to be decked out in more military style clothing, with a larger cross. The writers must have thought it would look silly so they went with a grittier, harder version of Buffy's normal dress sense.

The First Slayer (Sharon Ferguson)

http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/528px-First Slayer_243.jpg

 "I have no speech, no name. I live in the action of death. The blood cry, the penetrating wound. I am destruction, absolute, alone."

Sineya, the First of the Ones, the Primitive. The first girl to ever become a Vampire Slayer, she had the "honor" forced upon her by the Shadow Men. She was an outcast from her village, who feared her even more than the demons she fought.

Cheese Man (David Wells)

 "I've made a little space for the cheese slices."

A bald gentleman who places great importance on cheese. Each of the Scoobies dream about him during their shared nightmare in "Restless." Even the First Slayer is no match for him. The Cheese Man is alone in the cosmos, straddling the line between good and evil. With great cheese comes great responsibility.

 Giles: [to himself] You really meet the most appalling people..."

Nikki Wood (April Weeden-Washington/K.D. Aubert)

A Slayer in the 1970's, and the mother of Robin Wood. Appears several times in flashbacks, where Spike kills her, and as a disguise of The First.

Samantha Finn (Ivana Milicevic)

Government demon hunter and spy, married to Riley.

The Shadow Men (Geoffrey Kasule, Karara Muhoro, Daniel Wilson)

  "We cannot give you knowledge. Only power."

A trio of African shamans who created the first Slayer to combat the forces of evil. They only appear in one episode, season 7's Get It Done.

Comic-specific Good Characters


A Japanese Slayer activated by Willow's spell, Satsu joined the Slayer organization and quickly became one of Buffy's best and most relible fighters. Satsu then fell in love with her, and they slept together twice before Satsu took over the Toyko base of operations after Buffy told her that while what they had done was nice, it wouldn't go any further.


Another new slayer activated by Willow's spell, she and Xander devloped a mutual attraction to each other. They were going to begin dating, but Renee was brutally killed by a vampire during a battle in Tokyo.


A Scottish Slayer in Buffy's Slayer squad, often seen hanging out with Rowena.


 "Wiccans to ta rear! Slayers... fuck 'em up."

A German Slayer in Buffy's squad, often seen hanging out with Leah.


Oz's wife and a fellow werewolf, they met when he went to Tibet to learn how to control his transformations, and they had a child together. She helped teach the Slayer army to channel their magic into the earth to hide from Twilight.

Aluwyn/Saga Vasuki

A mysterious demon who guides Willow during her continued magical training.


A British Slayer who joins a group of other Slayers being mentored by Faith in London. She lost her entire squad during the Twilight crisis, and will stop at nothing to find and kill those responsible.


Another British Slayer being mentored by Faith, she is more easygoing than Nadira.

Alasdair Coames

A older archmage who is highly knowledgeable about both magic and hundreds of different demons. Angel and Faith turn to him for information on their current cases in London.

Robert Dowling

A young detective on the San Francisco Police force who is partners with Detective Cheung. Dowling and Cheung's cases led them to investigate Buffy. Currently, Dowling is learning about vampire-fighting from Spike so that he can handle the city's zompire problem.

Miranda Cheung

A detective on the San Francisco Police force who is partnered with the younger Detective Dowling. Their investigations into mysterious bodies led them to Buffy.

Eldre Koh

A ancient demon who was imprisoned in a mystical prison by evil forces. After the Seed of Wonder was destroyed, he was released and began searching for Buffy to thank her for freeing him and fight alongside her.