
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Revision as of 16:48, 27 September 2022 by Umbire the Phantom (talk | contribs) (Adding more examples, starting a list of works mentioning Twitter, example tweaks...)

"Brevity is the soul of wit."
Shakespeare, Hamlet (follow his Twitter here)

Twitter is a microblogging and social networking service created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 and launched in July of that year. On Twitter, registered users can post, like, and retweet tweets, which can be anything from mundane reporting on one's life, a wry one-liner, or the start of an Internet campaign that will snowball and end up with international media coverage. Really, for 280 characters - which used to be 140 until near the end of 2017, there's lots of potential.

By 2012, more than 100 million users posted 340 million tweets a day, and the service handled an average of 1.6 billion search queries per day. In 2013, it was one of the ten most-visited websites and has been described as "the SMS of the Internet". By the start of 2019, Twitter had more than 330 million monthly active users, though in practice the vast majority of tweets are written by a minority of users.

The site's open, public API allows for its adaptation and use on many different platforms. Android, iPhone, browser extension, desktop software, mobile phone... you can tweet from just about every device going. Hell, you can even monitor tweets with a typewriter! The real-time search function allows you to search all (public) tweets being made for any word or phrase you wish, and is one of the most popular aspects of the site. This is combined with the "trending topics", a list of the ten most popular topics at the moment, based on how much they're being tweeted about.

Twitter is notable for being one of the first Friending Network-type sites (aside from work-oriented LinkedIn) in which thirty-something media professionals outnumber teenagers. It also helps that the age range of the userbase is incredibly varied, from the 16-year-old intermittent poster to the 50-year-old Twitter addict. On the note of teenagers, Twitter is naturally also a major hub for a significant chunk of fandom, with tropes abounding in abundance as posts and threads circulate about users' favorite works and their attempts to analyze them, for better and for worse, with varying quality and results.

Twitter has a particular reputation for the worse, which is as much a result of Twitter's pre-existing reputation as Internet Backdraft central as it is a consequence of said fans' actions - such a dynamic became even more pronounced after Tumblr's ban of NSFW content on December 17th, 2018, as the exodus drove many of the site's former users to Twitter. There's also a plethora of themed and sometimes-weirdly-specific accounts dedicated to specific subjects, tropes and other happenings; as with fandom discussions, these "gimmick accounts" can also be similarly hit-or-miss.

Twitter has gone from just a major source of media attention to a major fixture of society comparable to Facebook Meta, and has been used for various purposes from people organizing protests and civil disobedience to governments engaging with foreign publics and their own citizens. Major events tend to be covered rapidly through the system, and practically every celebrity in Hollywood has a Twitter account.

You can follow All The Tropes on Twitter, or browse All The Tropes Twitter-style in the Laconic namespace.

Twitter is referred to or appears in the following media:
Tropes found on Twitter and its various accounts include:
  • Beige Prose: Though it's still impressive how much you can say within 140 characters.
  • Big Brother Is Watching: According to the Terms of Service; Didn't Read website, Twitter "ignores the Do Not Track (DNT) header and tracks users anyway even if they set this header".
  • Character Blog: There's a sizeable roleplay community present on Twitter - look for the telltale "[RP]" or "role-played" somewhere in their profile. Some companies have also made similar accounts for characters that they own as well. You can see a list of some of them here.
  • Colbert Bump: A big part of why Twitter is so popular has to do with celebrities having taken to it so enthusiastically. And unlike most trendy things celebrities do, there's a (semi-)practical benefit to ordinary people following suit: People can now address their tweets directly to them, and supposedly even get their attention this way.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin:
    • There's no shortage of gimmick accounts that describe exactly what they post, no matter how specific - for example, this account is dedicated to posting a specific panel from the Tintin comics every Wednesday.
  • Fan Girl: Practically a given.
    • For several weeks on end at one early point in 2011, the list of Twitter's trending topics almost always included Justin Bieber - at least until Twitter supposedly banned his name from trending, and his fans made "let Bieber trend" a trend instead. When they were no longer able to do that, they resorted to trends like "Bustin Jieber". Still, Justin Bieber-related topics trended almost every day for a while, and in 2012 they were joined by topics about British-Irish boy band One Direction.
    • The Jonas Brothers, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga get plenty of trends, too.
  • Food Porn: A common subject of tweets in Twitter's early days.
  • Going Mobile: Twitter has an app for mobile users, so users can tweet on the go.
  • I Am Spartacus: After Paul Chambers lost his appeal against his conviction for tweeting a joke about blowing up Robin Hood airport (known as the "Twitter joke trial"), people began retweeting the original message en masse with this attached as a hashtag.
  • New Media Are Evil:
    • Subverted to hell and back by old media's reaction to Twitter. They are crazy for it, and pretty much every old-media organization had set up multiple Twitter accounts (plus dozens of individual personal accounts for employees) before it even really caught on. See also Small Reference Pools, below.
    • Played straighter by some younger media -- for example, read the hilariously hypocritical message board rants against it. Boo, any interpersonal e-communication that isn't e-mail... wait...
  • Please Select New City Hashtag: Sometimes hashtags collide. For instance, #btv had been used primarily for discussions pertaining to Burlington, Vermont (from the city's airport code), until a massive influx of Arabic-language posts in early 2011 referring to Bahrain Television, after which the Burlington folks switched to #bvt.
  • Small Reference Pools:
    • The BBC in particular is obsessed to an indescribable degree with Twitter. Any news that can possibly be related to anything to do with technology or society in general, never mind the Internet, is determinedly dragged around by its news interviewers to the subject of Twitter, often leading to the more net-savvy interviewees becoming bewildered.
    • CNN had a Twitter problem to the point that the The Daily Show had taken to mocking them for it.
    • Twitter users riff on this often, with one particular refrain for this trope stemming from this viral tweet by user @afraidofwasps.

Guy who has only seen The Boss Baby, watching his second movie: Getting a lot of 'Boss Baby' vibes from this...

  • Streisand Effect: Countless examples.
  • Strongly Worded Letter: The strong presence of politicians, corporations and other high-profile figures on Twitter naturally lends itself to vitriol directed at them by various other users - including examples of this trope all across its spectrum. The most benign instances may be from misguided strangers who at best don't recognize that some folks aren't easily cowed by aggressive tweets; meanwhile, the worse examples tend to come from people severely overestimating their social media influence and/or the capability to enact change through social media, both of which are already subject to less-than-accurate portrayals.
  • The Tetris Effect: In addition to hashtags being nigh-synonymous with Twitter itself, the practice of "@-replies" has spread to other blog comments and forums. From Cheezburger Network's "Failbooking";

OP: It seems like Twitter-style hashtags have replaced HTML-style coding as Internet shorthand for meta-commentary.
Reply: </era>

  1. making posts invisible in many contexts