Eldritch Abomination/Fan Works

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Eldritch Abominations in Fan Fiction.

  • Hammered Down portrays the Vasto Lorde-class Espada as Anthropomorphic Personification(s).
  • Invoked/parodied in the Codename: Kids Next Door fan fiction Operation: There Is No Operation where we meet the Galactic Kids Next Door, some of which are eldritch abominations with unpronounceable names. Since they are minors, they only induce temporary insanity in other species who see them and only with specific intervals, so as long as you remember to blink at the right time, you are fine. Oh, and one of them wants to date Nigel Uno.
  • Aeon Natum Engel and Aeon Entelechy Evangelion mix Neon Genesis Evangelion with Cthulhu Tech and F.E.A.R., while Thousand Shinji mixes it with Warhammer 40,000. Let's just say much unpleasantness follows.[context?]
  • The Plot Hole from PRIMARCHS. A living gestalt of all the plot holes accumulated in fiction that wants to eat the universe until only it remains.
  • A Kim Possible fanfiction series called Blood Bond, Blood Omen (link to the author's page) culminates in a fight against an Eldritch Abomination called the Unshaper that is using the Go family as its avatars so it can swallow the Earth whole.
  • Ellen Brand's Personality Conflicts Mega Crossover depicts the Green Ranger and Nyghtmayr as this.
  • The fanon of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic likes to do this with many of its characters, particularly the Big Bads.
    • In the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Doctor Who Crossover Time Lords and Terror, The Smooze - the infamous blob-monster from the G1 theatrical movie - is re-imagined as the S’Müz, an omnicidal cloud of psychokinetic energy whose voice alone is enough to incapacitate mortals with its innate hideousness, and who will be satisfied with nothing short of absorbing all the psychokinetic energy (AKA 'life energy') in not just the universe, but the multiverse. This thing is essentially an actively malevolent Class-Z Event! The only way the non-Time Lord protagonists are able to withstand seeing the monstrosity with sanity intact is with the help of inverted perception filters. It doesn't help that the author can convincingly write in the Cosmic Horror Story style, with in-depth descriptions of the alien and often contradictory aspects of the abomination, nor that it was deliberately written to channel Sovereign.
    • The original Garry's Mod Applejack model was so freaky that it was reinvented as Eppaljeck, in the style of other GMod abominations (see below).
    • Popular fanon is that Celestia and Luna, rather than being Physical Godesses, are benevolent versions of this trope, considering their incredible age, almost unmatched power, Non-Standard Character Design, and being worshiped as deities by their subjects with a combination of unquestioning obedience and paralyzing fear. Luna is more frustrated that being imprisoned in the moon for a thousand years means she's a Fish Out of Temporal Water, rather than from being imprisoned for a thousand years. One fanfiction even has Luna casually mention that she and her sister are more than four hundred million years old, spending most of that time playing in the glaciers and lava flows of the planet respectively, and the other ponies are continually reminded that the two are very much Other.
    • Cloudcuckoolander and Genki Pony Pinkie Pie is also sometimes speculated to be an Equestrian Abomination, and there is a disturbingly high amount of supporting evidence, what with her tendency to casually break even the magical rules of Equestria, such as appearing wherever she wants whenever she wants (much to the horror of Rainbow Dash and Cranky Doodle), including in places that couldn't possibly be large enough. And it's especially notable that when Discord first appeared, everypony else (including Celestia) was fearful while Pinkie was ecstatic.
    • In Twilight Sparkle: The Case of Wild Clover, the eldritch abomination is you.
    • The Pony POV Series has several. Discord's parents are the most obvious. His mother, Entropy, is the Anthropomorphic Personification of Heat Death and so massive that her just rising from the ocean of chaos she calls home creates waves so massive they could drown continents, and Celestia refuses to describe anymore than her skin color to Twilight. If Entropy merely says someone doesn't exist (at least, in her own realm), then they never did. The Windigos? They were tiny pieces of her. Her mate, Havoc, is the Anthropomorphic Personification of Mass Hysteria and described as every fear that ever has, does, or ever will exist personified. He is so horrific to behold that just looking at him will leave a mortal pony incapable of sleeping for the rest of their days. His mere voice would reduce them to horrified wrecks. Entropy erasing Havoc from existence, then him willing himself back into it is equal to one member of a bickering couple shoving the other to them. Celestia's parents probably qualify as benevolent versions as well, considering they're just as massive, powerful, and indescribable, but are among the kindest beings in existence, even stepping in and saving the pony world from Havoc and Entropy's wrath when they were accidently enraged.
    • In Under The Northern Lights, Luna's and Celestia's greatuncles and greataunts are described in a vision as "lights... sounds... patterns of magic in a black sphere that itched the brain and made the soul cry". They decided the laws of nature, seemingly on a whim. The only hostile one seems to be Discord, though, and his reality warping powers are presumably because he never agreed to what his siblings decided. The generation of their parents has some traits of eldritch abominations but are more like Our Titans Are Different, having motivations similar to mortal ungulates despite their ancient age, huge size, and inequine shape.
  • In the Team Fortress 2 fandom, use of Garry's Mod has created multiple popular freaks, dubbed (in no particular order) Painis Cupcake, Snyphurr, Sewer Medic, Anuspy, Dic Soupcan, See Man, the Odd Scout, and Vagineer. Painis Cupcake twists his body in ways that will instantly kill or disable a normal individual, and is a morbid cannibal who seldom says anything except "I am Painis Cupcake! I will eat you!". Snyphurr is a giant torso with a concealed, bloody head; he turns people into stone. There is simply not enough information on Anuspy. Sewer Medic will use similar methods to Painis Cupcake and Dic Soupcan to get rid of threats. Dic Soupcan floats, mumbles irritatingly, and has multiple Gran-Mal seizures and will regurgitate explosives if agitated. Another version of the Demoman, See Man, distracts enemies with an infamous "See" - hear him say this? You are screwed beyond any reasonable doubt. Just look at all the grenades that spawned around you. (Yes, yes, this is a less traditional Eldritch.) The Odd Scout is distorted past even Slender Man proportions, converts other Scouts into its own distorted likeness, and can make Your Head Asplode through eye contact. The Vagineer is the original, and probably the worst, speaking only backwards and with powers ranging from using body parts of others to repair itself to corrupting others by its mere presence.
  • Warhammer 40,000 has no shortage of this trope, but The Shape of the Nightmare to Come adds even more. The New Devourer is an unstoppable tide of death and hunger that eats a third of all life in the galaxy before inexplicably leaving, with hints that it ate everything in another galaxy. The Star Father is the God-Emperor made manifest in the Warp, the Chaos God of Order that removes all thought and emotion in its subjects, and is so powerful that it took all four of the other Chaos Gods attacking it at once to prevent it from crushing them. Almost nothing is known of the Ophilim Kiasoz except that it causes entire star systems to cease to exist simply by being near them. And then there's the Nex, an Ultimate Evil at the (maybe) heart of the Warp. To Go Mad from the Revelation is the least terrible thing that can happen to you if you learn anything about it beyond its name.
    • The sequel, The Age of Dusk, adds Draziin-maton, apparently Pre-Fall Eldar constructs possessed by...something, from layers of Warp so deep that their pressence alone turns Daemons into unfanthomable, mindless chaos.
  • Ayanami Rei's Nobody Dies incarnation is this.
  • The Touhou fanfic Imperfect Metamorphosis has the delightful being known as the Shadow Youkai. Walking Wasteland personified, a single touch can result in death, even the most powerful denizens of Gensoukyou are not completely immune from its corruptive power, in addition to its formidable combat abilities. Near-impossible to kill, its vanquishers could only seal it in a weakened from and strip it of its memories, but that didn't last long. And now, obtaining the resistance of Rin Satsuki and the immortality of the Hourai Elixir, even the combined forces of Gensoukyou may not be enough to stop it in time.
    • Then there's Yuuka Kazami - she's horrifically powerful, inspires petrifying dread by her very presence, not even Yukari knows what the hell she is, and her powers are disturbingly ineffective against Kazami. Even with the Shadow Youkai running around and causing a mess of everything, nearly everyone treats her as the bigger threat. Later events reveal she's actually a Great Old One, straight out of Lovecraft.
  • The Pokémon fanfic Latias' Journey is chock full of Abominations all led and mostly created by the Big Bad Deoxys (who is one himself), being the embodiment of evil and chaos. Others include:
    • Dark Latios, the evil undead brother of the main protagonist who ends up mind raping her until she transforms into an Eldritch Abomination herself.
    • Mewgle, a Shout-Out to the Moogles from Final Fantasy. Starting off as the innocent dungeon master of Team Rocket's virtual reality software, Mewgle is recruited by Deoxys and turns into a sadistic Killer Game Master with Joker Immunity.
    • Leviathan, an enormous red serpent who devours all the Ghost Pokemon in the world and is made out of thousands of corpses. Oh, and she is Latias' mutated mother.
  • The god Toltiir from the many works of Gregg "Metroanime" Sharp and his coterie during the 1990s and early 2000s, including most notably the fic cycle called The Bet, is a retired elder god of chaos, implied to have once been a Cthulhu-level creature of madness-inducing horror. These days, however, he prefers to be a god of mischief, and usually manifests as a black cat.
  • In the Worm/Luna Varga crossover Taylor Varga by "mp3.1415player", the partnership/merger of Taylor and the Varga is this to the Endbringers and at least some of the shards -- impossibly powerful and utterly alien creatures whose very nature is unknown and unknowable, and whose presence is terrifying if not outright madness-inducing.