Why Isn't It Attacking?: Difference between revisions

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[[Sister Trope]] to [[Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?]]. Contrast [[Get It Over With]], [[Would Not Shoot a Good Guy]]. See also [[Zombie Advocate]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* This is first played straight, but ultimately subverted in [http://www.mangahere.com/manga/shingeki_no_kyojin/ Shingeki no Kyojin], where one of the soldiers of a band of giant killers is cornered by one of the smaller giants, who desperately tries to hold back its [http://www.mangahere.com/manga/shingeki_no_kyojin/c018.5/14.html Horror Hunger] (to the point of clawing its face until drawing blood). This clues to her (and the audience) the unsettling revelation that the terrifying, humanoid giants that have plagued humanity after nearly exterminating them several hundred years ago, the seemingly unintelligent creatures who have devoured humans and caused untold atrocities for their last remaining stronghold, are not only intelligent but [[Tragic Monster|transformed humans]]. Eventually the giant succumbs to hunger and, in obvious despair, devours the unlucky scout before she can escape. This is pretty much confirmed by the protagonist and another female member who hid her condition amongst the giant killers even while squashing and maiming half the team as a giant. The former was barely able to control his descent into madness and hunger when he subdues the female member during a long fight (both in giant form).
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== Film ==
* ''[[The Host (2006 film)||The Host]]'' looked like it was going to do this when {{spoiler|it captured the protagonists' daughter}}, but it was subverted.
* ''[[King Kong]]'' may well be the trope codifier.
* Happened in ''[[Alien (franchise)|Alien 3]]''. The creature gets to Ripley, who is helpless, and... hisses, and leaves. Of course, it's because {{spoiler|Ripley is hosting a queen alien}}.
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* In ''[[Star Trek III: The Search For Spock]]'', Kruge ponders ''why'' the ''Enterprise'', which has a weapon advantage of 10 to 1, hasn't finished him off, and the captain is parleying terms of surrender instead. Kruge is [[Genre Savvy]] enough to call ''Kirk'' on his bluff.
== Live -Action TV ==
* In ''[[Doctor Who]]'' there are a couple of instances of Daleks not attacking despite all logic. Often justified by their weapons not working, though notably in Waters of Mars it was because {{spoiler|the target was due to die at a fixed point in time}}.
* In an episode of [[Stargate SG-1]] as the team is hiding, they are spotted by Amunet as she, Apophis and a group of guards are leaving though the gate, but she does not signal their presense. {{spoiler|The host Sha're, Daniel's wife, was using her willpower to distract Amunet}}
* Occurs in Season 2 finale of [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]. The Caprican Resistance walks into a Centurion ambush and a bitter firefight ensues...until the Centurions just stop firing. The Resistance spend the whole night awake wondering what the frak is going on.
** It is also an inversion: The group contains a humanoid Cylon infiltrator. When the firefight stops, he begins to wonder why his side won't attack despite numerical, technological and territorial advantages.
** Also occurs on the Season 4 opener, where {{spoiler|Anders}} gets into a dogfight with a Raider. The Raider gets off a scan...and breaks off. It doesn't make the poor guy happy, [[Tomato in the Mirror|as he had found out moments ago that he is a Cylon]] and could have probably lived without the stamp of approval from a Raider.
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== Video Games ==
* Many unintentional examples in video games occur as a result of poor coding, e.g. [[Mooks]] will stand and watch their comrade's heads sprout crossbow bolts without taking any action - providing the player doesn't enter their designated threat zone.
* Shining Blade in ''[[Guild Wars]]''.
* Done by the ''player'' in ''[[BioShock (series)|Bioshock 2]]'' if you choose to spare a certain character (who up until that point considered you a mindless monster) she'll undergo a [[Heel Face Turn]] of sorts (she won't outright betray the [[Big Bad]], because she still believes in her and thinks she was just wrong about you, but she'll send you supplies every so often).
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** By the way, [[Gameplay and Story Integration|that scenario]] [[Medium Awareness|happens a lot in]] [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|the game itself.]]
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Eerie Cuties]]''; when [[Our Vampires Are Different| Nina]] and [[Horny Devils| Chloe]] first meet, the latter assumes the former intends to feed on her, so she nervously bears her neck while pleading with Nina to "Just leave me enough to get home tonight!" However, Nina is actually [[Vegetarian Vampire| more interested in the chocolate in Chloe's backpack]].
== Western Animation ==
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