We Are Our Avatars Escapist

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Delta could see that the ship that he was from has docked, quite calmly just like the wind whistling in his helmet. He has finally set foot on land, such a nice empty space; I wonder why it's empty though? Delta thought. he took one giant stride and put his metallic foot gently on the soft blades of grass. He wanted this to be his home, the nice outside world. But the problem was, that there was nobody around!!
SUBJECT_DELTA's first post on the original thread.
Satan made a cheeseburger and all the LOLcats descended upon it, disappearing forever.
Satan getting rid of the army of LOLcats who attempt to destroy the world viva invasion.

We Are Our Avatars (Escapist) is a Roleplay thread started on the Escapist by SUBJECT_DELTA, which now has a sequel thread. The original thread is here and the sequel thread is here. Escapist no longer appears to host a forum, so those links are to the Wayback Machine.

In We Are Our Avatars, the players control the character in their forum avatar. Many players also bring in extra characters from that universe as support character (however they are not always from the same universe), and some play as original characters. The thread is similar to Ramthundar's Avatar Adventures, but was unconnected (except by certain characters). As many characters are from popular media, their abilities are well known or known to be non-existent; be warned that some pages might be missing.

As players change avatars when a character dies, or simply because they want to change character, there are Loads and Loads of Characters.

Tropes used in We Are Our Avatars Escapist include:
  • All Gays Are Promiscuous: Joel, and Robert.
    • There was even a threesome, that nearly became a foursome. And somehow ended in a death.
  • All Men Are Perverts: Well, let's see... Lesbianism, check... Large breasted females, check... Sex jokes, check...
    • Subverted with Tophat, and Dio. Both are played by Kirke22
    • Also subverted by Gearhead mk2, who has called himself asexual several times.
  • Author Avatar:
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: The Deltas, Dromaeus (dragonborn), Mia (died but returned later)
  • Badass:
  • Berserk Button: Doctor Com and his hat, threatening to brutally murder Mia out of anger for her threat to his hat.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
    • Doctor Com did this almost every post.
    • Trilby expressed displeasure at the increase in craziness after a nap by leaping through it.
    • The whole San Fransisco incident.
  • Brick Joke: Early on, Robert said that satan owed him money. Later on, he ATTACKS SATAN TO GET HIS $5 BACK!
    • At the start of WAOA 2, Sasuke and Tophat started fighting, and created a violent rivalry. Then, Sasuke returned in WAOA 3. It did not go well.
  • Butt Monkey: Doctor Com.
    • Doctor Com more-so, being attacked nearly every time he comes on.
      • Not just attacked, mutilated. He's lost legs, bits of tail and some of his horn.
      • Doctor Com here, and I say, "EVERY SINGLE TIME!"
  • Bus crash: Fluttershy died not long after being introduced.
  • Call Back: Knife reading a black book in the second thread, which was given to him in the first thread by Doc Sparkle.
    • And it was a major plot point in the Eldar arc.
  • Catch Phrase: The Mason Sisters' "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." line has become this.
  • Cloudcuckooland: Everyone is insane, as is lampshaded by Reg. The sanest is Laura.
  • Everyone Is Bi: Ferdinand, Joel, Matt, Vriska (technically), Four, Mia, Charlotte, Laura, Roland and many more are all either bisexual or in homosexual relationships yet not confirmed as exclusively homosexual.
    • Vriska is only technically bisexual, as Trolls have no concept of sexuality. So her entire species follows this trope.
  • Functional Addict:
    • Reginald, barely.
    • Joel. Except when he crippled himself in the first thread.
    • Mia actually GAINS telekinesis when on drugs.
    • Almost all the heroes engaged in a massive drinking competition, shortly before they were ambushed.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: In Rosh's slashfic-ing of the characters, Charlotte and Laura are given the personalities of Excellen Browning... and her boyfriend.
    • Roland had a boner when Mia and Four kissed
      • Mia and Four are a couple
    • Pointed out by Outisakanobody's post
    • Mia, Four, Charlotte and Laura had a lesbian foursome....yeah.
  • Swiss Army Weapon: Roberts trope chains are these, being able to form guns, armor, and giant mechas
    • Jio's Devil Summoner also fits this Trope. It literally allows him to absorb information from nearly anything to use that information for attacks. It can even create matter!
    • Varger's weapon systems fit this also. he has the ability to create blades, guns, launcher, armour and buildings with technology hes broken down into Faelon.
  • Gundam: Alot of Cmmdrrosh's characters use picture placeholders of Gundam characters, and their multiple spin-offs.
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Almost completely inverted. Almost none of the characters have this. If they did, it was probably ignored.
  • Hammerspace:
    • Doctor Com has access to hammerspace.
      • Along with his evil counterpart, Robert.
    • Trilby and Knife do as well.
    • Dromaeus and A Eanna both have satchels with near limitless capacity (Bag of Holding)
  • Insistent Terminology
    • Joe's portals can only be activated by 2D people
    • Dromaeus is a MALE Argonian. Not a female dinosaur.
  • Insane Equals Violent
    • Joel.
    • Mia's bloodlust.
    • Rugal full stop.
  • Improvised Weapon:
    • Knife and Trilby are Mall Fighters. That's pretty much their entire arsenal.
    • Reginald is from the Fallout Universe.
    • Tophat is a mind controling Tophat.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: It's a WAOA thread, what did you expect?
  • Lampshade Hanging: This tends to happen frequently within the thread.
    • Especially common within the Out of Character comments.
    • Several characters have pointed out that they come from completely different places or different versions of the same planet or future.
    • Satan did this to Conall when he pointed out that Winona would have to return to her own time and universe without him, eventually.
    • Joe, the stickman, basically lives off this trope. Even using it to fight.
      • He tends to turn to his side, making him basically invisible.
    • Several characters have been shown to have two different voices, usually because there is another entity within them, which is usually symbolized by different text colors, and have switched between them. Occasionally within the same sentence. This has caused various reactions by other characters.
    • Recently, several characters have been identified as Chroniclers. This basically allows them to read the very thread, giving them knowledge of things they shouldn't know normally. Though they can't read the Out of Character comments.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: Even the asexual Doc Com has had sex.
    • With Fluttershy.
      • Acctually, SHE seduced HIM.
    • Subverted to an extreme by Jio. He's not even known to have kissed a girl in his own series.
  • Mega Crossover: The entire point of the thread is to make this happen.
    • Hell, Rugal and Severin crossed over from another Crossover Role Play!
  • Bronies: Knife is a brony, as is Severin, and Doctor Com is a pony (who appears to be dating Fluttershy).
  • Not Safe for Work: There was a gay threesome at one point. And a lesbian foursome. And childbirth. And Joel's backstory.
  • No Fourth Wall: With doctor Com around, the fourth wall is non-exsistant. He routinely breaks it, outright stating that the people who are reading this are actually a work of fiction themselves.
    • It has been completely removed, and now the ACTUAL PLAYERS are characters.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: Knife has a revolver that fires neon coloured musical lasers.
    • R has a revolver which fires wub.
  • Original Character: Lots, especially in the second thread.
    • A list of all characters can be found here..
  • Trope: Robert has Trope-chains.
  • Violent Glaswegian: Trilby.
    • Alang wi' rolain, fa, efter gettin' some drugs pumped intae heem, proceed tae gie a bad scottish accent, an' started shootin' at reg.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity:
    • Joel.
    • Preginald.
    • Rugal and his super powered States
    • Jio is literally two minds in one body. Himself and Satan.
  • You're Insane!:
    • Joel.
    • Reginald:
      • One, Two, Three and Four were voices in his head.
    • Preginald.
      • Though it can be argued that he was ordered to take over the earth.
  • Dimensional Traveler:
    • Joe.
      • But he only can travel to dimensions that he has been to before e.g. The Dimension of Angry Chili Peppers.
    • Preginald.
      • Though it was unknown whether he went to multiple dimensions during the first WAOA thread, it became common knowledge that most of his trips were back to his own universe.
    • Doctor Com.
      • Though it may be just a facade and he could actually be seeing universe through his many dimensional selves rather than actually travelling.
        • Well, he is known to disappear suddenly.
    • Renlen.
      • Though he didn't display any Dimensional Hijinks in the first WAOA, he has more than made up for it in the current thread. Going so far as to threaten someone with a certain Dimensional of questionable activities and taking the same person and imprisoning them in the Zone of Silence.
    • Rugal traveled to WAOA to take over it after several attempts to control the Avatar Adventure RP.
    • Severin's story is similar to Rugal's, but with more muffins
    • Conel
      • he is the founder and Co of Aperture Science in this universe. he traveled through the multiverse to take over and steal that 'Apetures' funding
    • Dromaeus's mysterious amulet.
    • Varger
      • Varger's ship can phase in and out of other dimensions to travel great distances or completely travel to another dimension.
  • Dark and Troubled Past:
    • Royce Maine.
      • He watched his whole team die, and actually caused a few of these deaths himself. Some PTSD is too be expected after something like this.
        • But he got better.
          • For a short time anyway...
    • Joel, just Joel.
    • Knife.
      • How does someone who has died so many times stay sane?
    • Michael and his Daemons.
      • Literally his demons. Those Dark Souls aren't just for show.
    • Doctor Com.
      • Seems to know a little to much about everything and a thread. (Fourth Wall isn't kind to him.)
    • Varger.
      • Former soldier from a giant space fleet made up of differant corporations known as the Conglomerant, Varger recieved an injury in the field that prevented him from performing in active duty. As a security guard for Asgard corporation he was the only volunteer for the V.A.R.G.E.R program to change him from human to a shape changing cyborg.
    • Renlen.
      • Though no one has clue as to what he might have done. Though his brooding almost got him killed by a buncha of Ethereals, who hunt the soulless.
        • This was a miscommunication: they hunt empty bodies with no souls. Though why Renlen said he has no soul is intriguing...
    • Jio lived his life devoid of friends and Satan made his life a living Hell.
    • Jin's parent were killed by Satan, something he originally blamed on Jio. He even spent his early life as a mercenary killing for money.
      • And yet, he is good friends with Jio.
    • Dromaeus was hatched into slavery, and lived as a fugitive after killing his owner.
    • A Eanna's family came to grief in a vicious feud that forced her to flee.
    • Cecilia Alcott
      • A year before the events of the second thread, Cecilia was married to a man named Alex Almer. However due to a rogue Phantom Task element that kidnapped him, she was left with the choice of blowing up the containment box where he was tied up to, or allow the people of London to die due to toxic gases being vented into the the city from the exact same location where Alex was.
  • Put on a Bus
    • The Delta Squad.
    • Joel
    • The Magi Brothers
    • Brook
    • Travis Touchdown was last seen chilling with Doc Sparkle.
  • Metal Gear: A few characters make quotes from these games...
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him:
    • Sherlock Holmes was killed by Varger.
    • James took a knife to the throat when Zen panicked.
      • Both characters played by Trilby Will. As was Sherlock.
    • Preginald, possibly. He got shot in the face by Joe.
      • Though it was a duel and Joe was getting revenge for Will, who Preginald had effectively forced Joe to kill.
    • Doctor Com. One moment, he was alive, the next, BAM, dead.
  • Villain Team-Up: The Dark Souls, Hazama and Kessler
    • Emory, Joel and Regulus.
  • Running Gag: The WAOA Drinking Game. Every time something becomes a running gag, it is added to the Drinking Game.
    • Another gag related to the drinking game is that actually playing the drinking game would kill you in minutes.
    • Joe and his constant habit of getting covered in rubble, traumatizing any NPC cooks that are unlucky to serve him, and with some of the more violent characters, having his face slammed into the floor.
  • Banned User's
    • Jaguar Dwarf
  • Yoshiyuki Tomino: Cmmdrrosh is given this title by the group. this can't possibly end well for our heroes