
Custom information


Headphones Equals Isolation, Loner with a Heart of Gold, Corrupt the Cutie, Break the Cutie, Adorkable, Constantly Curious, Desperately Looking for Purpose, Determinator, Nice Guy, Idealist

Other information

Revenge of the Sith, End of Evangelion, Glory, Platoon, I Am Legend, Little Shop of Horrors, The Prince of Egypt


Neon Genesis Evangelion, Full Metal Alchemist, South Park, The Simpsons, Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night UBW, Darling in the Franxx


Sabaton, Imagine Dragons, The Dear Hunter (Metal, Alternative, Rock)

Video games

Persona, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Paradox, The Legend of Zelda, etc

Personal information
Places I have lived

California, Florida, Arkansas, Massachusetts


Bachelor of Arts in History

About me

I joined this site because I loved Tv Tropes, but hated how the site was being run. The last straw was when

I got suspended for a minor rule infraction when I tried to report an obvious troll. A mod then perma-banned when without discussion when I argued against it. That troll is still going around vandalizing pages, but here I am.

My goal here is to help this wiki overcome Tv Tropes so that we can take back this concept from the tyrannical mods over there. I make some controversial edits here and there but if you've got any issues with what I've changed, feel free to talk to me. I'm a reasonable fellow. Please also keep in mind that I am a writer at heart, not a programmer.

I've been on a number of wikis under various names.

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