Unarius the Arrival

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

The context of this film: an hour-long "educational" movie for members or would-be members of the Unarius Academy of Science, a New Age alien/personality cult of sorts. Members believe (among other things) that founder Ruth E. Norman, known in the tabloids as "Spaceship Ruthie", was a physical manifestation of God.

The film itself starts out with a hunky and improbably clean-cut caveman named Zan, who is visited by an alien who tells him that humanity has a higher purpose and how they are reincarnated over and over to learn from their experiences. Zan doesn't believe him, so the alien gives him a vision of his past life, in which he was ruler of a planet and joined an evil planet-destroying empire for power.

It's incredibly cheesy, sort of like a New Age Chick Tract with more special effects and fewer threats of eternal punishment.

The film can be found on the Internet Archive here.

Tropes used in Unarius the Arrival include:
  • As Himself - the co-founder of the Unarians, Ruth E. Norman/Uriel, appears in this film to play Uriel, complete with the infamous gaudy clothes she/he was fond of wearing in her later years.
  • Bald of Awesome - the aliens (referred to as "light beings" in the credits) are all bald.
  • Based on a True Story - according to the Unarians, anyway.
  • Costume Porn - Uriel's costumes (and she has at least half a dozen), if they can be called that, seeing as how she wore the same thing Real Life as well.
  • Cool Starship
  • Cult of Personality: Unarius Academy, for Ruth Norman.
  • Easy Evangelism - Caveman!Zan accepts everything the alien tells him and has a Jack Chick-esque "conversion" after he gets mind-raped with his past life.
  • Exposition Beam - via Telepathy.
  • Everything's Better with Sparkles - the aliens' ship and the vision sequence near the end.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: The Evil Empire Dude wears baggy silver pajamas with a flopped-over Ming the Merciless collar and three diagonal red stripes in the general vicinity of the sternum. "Uriel's" glitzy robes don't do her any favors either; they make her look like a parade float. Spaceman!Zan's tsarevich outfits are kinda cool, though.
  • For the Evulz - there's no real reason given for why The Empire wants to take over the galaxy except for the power and being able to control people.
  • Ho Yay - that alien looks pretty taken with Caveman!Zan.
  • Human Aliens
  • Gem-Encrusted - the buttons and controls in Zan's ships are colorful crystalline things.
  • Mr. Exposition - one of the aliens.
  • My God, What Have I Done? - Spaceman!Zan wonders this after destroying a planet inhabited by 4.2 billion people.
  • Narm - arguably the whole film, but there are a few moments that really stand out...
    • The flashing tile floor in the alien's ship. Oooh, aliens love disco!
    • The readout in Spaceman!Zan's ship, which is in BASIC.
    • Zan's Southern American accent.
    • "For I am Infinity!"
    • The alien's strange hand gestures, which look like he's doing the Macarana in slow motion.
    • "Uriel's" constant goofy, I'm-stoned-out-of-my-mind grin. In fact, the sheer desperation of the film's attempt to create an atmosphere of awe is giggle-worthy all by itself.
  • Obviously Evil - the representative of The Empire who asks Zan to join them.
  • Reincarnation - Caveman!Zan was Spaceman!Zan in a past life!
  • Physical God - Uriel
  • Ridiculously-Human Robots - Zan's ships are operated by them.
  • Snark Bait: If the YouTube comments are any indication, this is why most people watch it.
  • So Bad It's Good
  • Special Effects Failure - They didn't always get the skullcaps affixed the actors' heads very well...
  • Telepathy - the aliens are telepathic.
  • The Empire - it wanted to conquer the galaxy for unexplained reasons.
  • Unfortunate Implications - everyone in the film is white, even Zan, who is supposed to be a human living 160000 years ago.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair - for some reason, Uriel has pink hair with one of her costumes.
  • Zeerust - the computer reads out in BASIC.