
Revision as of 00:16, 28 September 2022 by Umbire the Phantom (talk | contribs)
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"Facebook is for people who have a pathetic, insatiable hunger for the attention of friends, relatives, acquaintances, and people they met at a party once three years ago to feel like they matter. People who have a pathetic, insatiable hunger for the attention of strangers use Twitter. In unrelated news, did you guys know you can follow me on Twitter? I make tons of funny jokes there and sometimes post pictures of my cat! Follow me! Love me! I need this!"
The Comics Curmudgeon on a Curtis strip from April 10, 2015
"I love it when someone's tweet goes viral and they reply to themselves with an Oscar's speech and link to all their worthless bullshit that no one cares about"
Chris O'Neill (@OneyNG), April 2018 tweet

"You know what I really hate? Whenever Trump makes a positive tweet and there are still hundreds of douchefucks down below insulting him.
Like seriously, what the fuck is even wrong with Twitter nowadays? Ever since Trump got into office it turned into this far-leftist website full of vicious, bitter cyberbullies who have nothing better to do than to attack him at every opportunity, even when he’s doing literally nothing at all, and the amount of political agenda on it has gotten so overwhelming to the point where you can’t even look up Star Wars Day without coming across Trump-bashing. This election ruined the site and turned it into a vile cesspool."

Camouflaged97 in the Trump Derangement Syndrome thread on KiwiFarms