The Ultimate Fighter/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Accidental Innuendo: Dana: "This isn't Survivor! You don't vote people off, you beat them off! ... That didn't sound good, did it?"
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The Cloudcuckoolander, Bunny Ears Lawyer (and thus Crazy Awesome) Jason "Mayhem" Miller of (Bully Beatdown fame) is to be one of the coaches for Season 14, with Michael Bisping as his counterpart.
  • Broken Base: The show at first divided the hardcore base. Many thought the show was great for getting exposure of the sport to the mainstream (and/or just enjoyed the show), while others bemoaned the influx of noobs to the online forums who didn't know anything about the history of the sport or any fighters who weren't on the show (with a little It's Popular, Now It Sucks thrown in). Now, most have learned to accept the show or just completely ignore it.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The exciting barn burner Light Heavyweight finale fight of Season 1 between Forrest Griffin and Stephan Bonnar. A fight so pivotal in the history of US MMA, Dana White constantly lists it as THE reason The Ultimate Fighter got renewed after the first season and led to the rise of the sport's popularity in the US. Dana has even said despite Bonnar's increasingly poor record of late that he'll never fire him due to the fight.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny:
    • Stephan Bonnar's comeback to Diego Sanchez' question, "Who are you, my dad?"
    • Dana showing up for the coach's challenge in Season 10 wearing a PRIDE t-shirt (Japan's PRIDE was once UFC's biggest organizational rival, since bought out by UFC after allegations of Yakuza involvement).
    • In Season 12's premiere, after the fourteen contestants have won their fights to get into the house, coach Josh Koscheck was eying Michael Johnson, an athletic and well-rounded wrestler. However, GSP knows that Koscheck will also want Marc Stevens, so he writes up a list of his supposed top picks with Stevens' name written in giant letters at the top, holding it so that Koscheck can see it. Koscheck's team wins the coin flip, so they choose to have first pick of the fighters, but Kos spies GSP's top pick and decides that he needs to secure Stevens with his first pick. GSP whispers, "It works!" to his coaches and proceeds to steal Johnson out from under Koscheck.
    • In Season 12, Team Koscheck came in riding high on their first win after three consecutive losses and having finally gotten under GSP's skin by taunting the losing Spencer Paige. With match-making privilege, they match their #1 pick Marc Stevens against GSP's #6 Cody McKenzie, who is known for his "McKenzietine", a modified guillotine choke that negates the usual escape method of passing to side control. Come fight night, Stevens follows his wrestler's instincts and almost immediately dives head first into a McKenzietine, and reacts by shifting to side control. Stevens is unconcious sixteen seconds into the fight. While GSP tells his team to be respectful in victory, Team Koscheck is left in shell-shocked silence until a glassy-eyed Nam Phan simply says, "Wow." In the second figt of the episode, Jonathan Brookins (whose claim to fame thus far was then-WEC-featherweight-champion Jose Aldo taking more than two rounds to defeat him) comes out and, in less than a minute, lateral throws the big-talking judoka Sevak Magakian, jumps on his back and rear-naked chokes him, putting the score at 5-1 for Team GSP.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Upon his victory, season 11 winner Court McGee fought back Manly Tears. (McGee had been a heroin addict who turned his life around in 2006 by getting clean.) Also, McGee gave his son the middle name Charles after his TUF coach Chuck Liddell.
  • Jumping the Shark: Subjective, but many feel that the last good season was 5. After that, they started recycling coaches and former contestants started returning as coaches, the quality of the fighters went way down, and the show got really repetitive to some. The nadir that got a lot of people thinking this was Season 10, where word of Rampage's departure for the "A-Team" movie leaked (thus not fighting his rival coach Rashad Evans on the TUF10 finale) and, as a heavyweight season of would-be MMA fighters who generally needed a lot of polish, there were a lot of fights where both fighters gassed before the end of the first round. However, seasons 11 and 12 have been entertaining enough to get viewers back into it.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • Dana White's "Do you want to be a fuckin' fighter?" It became the show's unofficial motto and is immortalized on a placard in the training center.
    • Kari Parisyan's "Do you know who I am bro?"
    • Rampage's insulting nickname "Titties" to an opposing fighter.
    • Ken Shamrock's "I'll beat you into a living death!" said to Tito Ortiz.
  • The Scrappy: Now and forever, Josh Koscheck. He amazingly manages to come off worse as a coach in Season 12 than he did as a fighter in Season 1, since he goes from merely "dumb, immature jock" to "dumb, gullible, immature jock who turns half of his team into dumb, immature jocks that lose badly and are poor winners".
  • "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: Matt Hughes, who detests flashy moves and such. To a point where he cut a promo on Rashad Evans for showboating during a fight in Season 2.