The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes/Heartwarming

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Season 1


  • Wasp fighting by Hulk's side.

Hulk: You're helping me?
Wasp: Yeah. Now hit him!
(Hulk looks bewildered for a second, then grins and gets back to asskicking)

Living Legend

  • Tony Stark telling Steve Rogers of the ways Steve's adventures as Captain America inspired the current generation of crimefighters. He also gives him a memento of the past.

Tony: I found something. I want you to have it.
(Tony hands Steve a picture of Captain America and Bucky with with Tony's father)
Steve: Howard Stark!
Tony: My father. He looked up to you so much. We all did. We all do.
Steve: That was a long time ago. Thank you for the photo, Tony. It's actually all I have now.
Tony: That's not true. You saved our lives today. Zemo and Arnim Zola are still out there. You have a place here, Steve. With the Avengers.
Steve: I'd be honored!
(Tony and Steve shake hands)

Everything is Wonderful

  • Nick Fury returning Captain America's motorcycle to him, and recalling how the stories Jack Fury recounted about Cap inspired Nick.


  • After Giant Man has just protected Wasp from the Kree drone.

Giant Man: (Struggling to stay conscious) Stop...the bomb...only thing that...matters...Jan...I lo..."

  • cue CMOF later when she asks him to finish the sentence*
  • Before Captain Mar-Vell leaves to convince the other Kree of Earth's value, Wasp thanks him for his help in protecting the Earth, assuring Mar-Vell that she no longer distrusts him.

The Kang Dynasty

  • This part:

Thor blocks the Damocles' laser and starts falling from the sky
Wasp: Thor!
Hulk: *smiles* Goldilocks is tough. He'll make it.

  • This exchange between Iron Man and Cap following the war:

Iron Man: I pride myself on my intelligence, my tech. I think of myself as a futurist.
(Tony unmasks himself)
Tony Stark: But to someone like Kang, I'm living in the past, just like you.
Captain America: The past isn't so bad, but the future, that's what we're fighting for.

Widow's Sting

  • When Black Panther and Captain America offer to help Hawkeye catch Black Widow, Panther says he knows that backup can prove important even in personal pursuits. This shows the lessons he learned about teamwork in "Panther's Quest" hadn't gone to waste.
  • During a later battle, Hawkeye gets the perfect opportunity to shoot Black Widow. However, he quickly notices Madame Viper has Mockingbird at gunpoint, and uses his arrow to make Madame Viper lose her gun instead.
  • Once you find out Black Widow's true allegiance, go back and watch the part where she restores Hawkeye's energy after it gets stolen by Baron Strucker.

I am sorry, Clint.

Hail Hydra!

  • Hulk distrusts Captain America because it seems like Captain America paired himself with Hulk due to the fact that Hulk's more liable to hurt people, and Captain America says that, in his book, the Hulk is a hero.

Cap: In my day we had a name for people like you.
Hulk: Yeah? What's that?
Cap: Hero. I've been watching you Hulk. No matter how scared people are of you, no matter how you're hounded, you always do the right thing. And that makes you a hero in my book.

  • Black Widow and Hawkeye's goodbye is this as well as a slight Tear Jerker, ending in the pair sharing a kiss goodbye.


  • The entire fact Pym had hard wired it so Ultron COULD NOT HURT Wasp, is pretty heartwarming. Let's put that in perspective. Ultron can kill his 'father' and 'erase' Thor but he can't lay a finger on Wasp.
    • Until "The Ultron Imperative," where he has no such qualms...
      • It's more hearwarming toward Hank then Ultron, he loves Janet so much that even something not intended to fight the Avengers is hard coded to never, ever, hurt Wasp even to the point of killing him over hurting Wasp. Also a bit of Fridge Brilliance, if Hank ever went bad Ultron is hard codded to stop him to protect Janet.
        • Another way to look at it is this; Ultron's brain is based off of Hank's, and Hank loves Jan so much that it carried over into Ultron. Hank didn't even have to program it in.

The Ultron Imperative

  • Tony wanting to defend Hank and absolve him of his guilt, admitting his own selfishness with Ultron, doing research, and even posing the theory that the reason Ultron went bad was because of something that happened interfacing with Kang's technology (quite resonable). What makes it even more heartwarming was how this compares to their initial relationship and how when the team was founded, they were the two people butting heads the most. Only goes to show how Tony's grown as a leader and a friend.
  • Wasp congratulating Ant-Man for using science to defeat Ultron. Shame that Maria Hill had to ruin it by pointing out Ant-Man's role in Ultron's creation.

The Fall of Asgard

  • Hank confessing his love for Janet. (She's unconscious at the time, but still.)

Season 2

Acts of Vengeance

  • It's subtle, but Zemo talks about how Iron Man would betray him to The Enchantress, when Captain America (comics) would allow him to live. Yet what does Iron Man do when he hears how Zemo left Dynamo for a delaying maneuver? He immediately orders the team to set up the trap, watch their enemies, and then tells Hawkeye that they're going to save the Crimson Dynamo. For all the talk of Stark's pragmatism and tough dealings, Tony gets time to show his more compassionate stripes in saving Dynamo to help defeat Amora. This stands in contrast to Skrull Captain America being willing to let Zemo die.
  • Black Panther makes it clear that much of their victory was because of Wonder Man and both his Heel Face Turn and his Heroic Sacrifice. Panther may be The Stoic, but he does take the time to honor true heroes, even those who were former enemies.

To Steal an Ant-Man

  • Mr. Scott Lang only stole the Ant-Man gear and carried out the thefts in order to pay off gangsters holding his little girl hostage.
  • In the end, Hank and the others comment that Scott will make a fine hero.

Michael Korvac

  • On a meta level, the dedication to Boyd Kirkland. In a surprisingly polite move, Disney XD didn't even play Marvel Mash-Up after it.

Who Do You Trust?

  • Cap preventing the rest of the Avengers from breaking up after the revelation about the Skrulls shattered the team, showing the leadership that comics fans expect from him. It's especially touching because the remaining Avengers are the ones who are most emotionally invested in the team. Subverted because Cap was the Skrull infiltrator in the first place, and he's only keeping them together so he can spy on them.
  • Hulk sided with Hawkeye after Hawkeye is accused of being the Skrull infiltrator.
  • Hulk explaining that he will stay an Avenger to uphold the promise he made at the end of "Gamma World." ("I'll stay if Cupid stays.")

The Ballad Of Beta Ray Bill

  • It's not a superior display of force that causes Beta Ray Bill to back down, it's Odin's Papa Wolf tendencies and the father-son bond that Odin and Thor share.
  • Sif's offer to accompany Beta Ray Bill on his travels in order to aid his people, his grateful refusal and the way he calls Thor "brother". Really, the entire ending scene (okay, not the bit with Surtur, but still).

Nightmare in Red

  • Red Hulk is pummeling Hulk.

"You've lost, you hear me? You're nothing!"
"You're wrong! I'm an Avenger!"

Prisoner of War

  • Captain America jumping out of the shuttle to save Madame Viper from Super Skrull.

Henry Gyrich: Is he insane? What's he doing?
Mockingbird: He's being Captain America!

Behold...A Vision

  • Black Panther admitting that he would have failed to save the Vibranium mines from Vision if not for his "fellow Avengers."

From the comics:

The Limited Series

  • The tie-in comic "Courage" has Wasp admit to a gravely injured Captain America, during a battle against a Wendigo, that some fights actually make her feel more scared than she appears. Cap assures her that her willingness to continue fighting makes her a hero despite these fears. After Wasp defeats the monster, Cap uses his last breath to call her the bravest person he knows.

Marvel Universe