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Bad, bad Collet-Serra

TBeholder (talkcontribs)

Collet-Serra offered some ... interesting<ref>Read "inflammatory" and borderline racist.</ref> opinions

Is it really necessary to bring here fandom flamewars and "everything not from California is racist"?

Ecclytennysmithylove (talkcontribs)

Now that I read the interview, yeah, Collet-Sama should know better than to say such nonsense. For example, he claimed that Japan's stories "never have strong characters. They're used as a way to move the other philosophy forward." Well, newsflash, Mr. Collet-Serra, there are a lot of Japanese stories that have strong characters. Take Dragon Ball for example.

TBeholder (talkcontribs)

Which is completely irrelevant. As in, there's a difference between "X expressed a rather strange opinion" and "X is KKK!!1one". Moreover, the latter does not necessarily follow from the former. Even if said opinion happens to contain the proper name of a people or place as a substring.
And that's exactly how this fan RAGE comes across.

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