Spanky's Quest

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Spanky's Quest is an action game developed by Natsume for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the Game Boy respectively. Both versions of the game differ in terms of mechanics and how one goes about playing it, but are fairly identical to each other. You play as a cute little monkey named Spanky, who is exploring in a forest one day until suddenly, a tall tower is erected around him. Poor Spanky has been kidnapped by a witch named Morticia, who proceeds to cast a spell that brings the fruits he bought with him to life as her minions. Can Spanky fight this army of fearsome fruits, defeat the witch, and escape the tower he's imprisoned in?

As if the description wasn't strange enough, the gameplay mechanics take the weirdness to a whole new level. To fight the fruit, Spanky can create bubbles that he can bounce off his head. With each bounce, the bubble changes color and when popped, will release a sports ball, ranging from baseballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, and basketballs. Depending on the game, to progress you either have to gather a certain amount of keys to open locked doors to the next level (SNES), or kill every enemy present (Game Boy).

Tropes used in Spanky's Quest include:
  • Airborne Mook: The lemons are levitating enemies that will drift around from side-to-side.
  • Anthropomorphic Food: Just about every enemy save for the witch and her crow/raven are this: melons, oranges, lemons, apples, strawberries, kiwis, and what may be avocados are enemies, while a sour apple, pineapple, watermelon, peach, and cluster of grapes serve as bosses.
  • Asteroids Monster: The Grape Boss is actually a cluster of smaller grapes working together as one big unit, and trios will break off and attack you alongside the main unit.
  • Badass Adorable: Spanky's not only cute, but tough enough to fight a powerful witch and her army of minions all by himself... and win!
  • Big Bad: Morticia the witch, who kidnaps Spanky for... reasons.
  • Boss Rush: Before you fight Morticia, you have back-to-back rematches with all the game's previous bosses.
  • Bubble Gun: Spanky fights by tossing bubbles at enemies. But while the bubble can stun enemies, they can't kill them: it's the balls they summon when you pop them that finish the job for you! They're also fairly versatile, and can grab keys and other important items that are just out of reach.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: When it seems like you've defeated Morticia, she comes back for a second go at you. However, she's tiny, weak, and can only run around back and forth. She can periodically transform into a more threatening giant crow, but its only attacks are a spreadshot of three feathers that you can dodge in your sleep.
  • Cool Shades: The Pineapple Boss wears a pair.
  • Delinquents: The Pineapple Boss's design evokes punk hooligans from the 80's/90's. His leaves are styled to look like a mohawk, and he wears a pair of cool-looking sunglasses.
  • Elite Mooks: Watch out for the strawberries: they're ridiculously nimble and acrobatic, not to mention aggressive in their pursuit of Spanky.
  • Everything's Better with Monkeys: Especially when those monkeys can turn bubbles into sporting goods!
  • Excuse Plot: Why does Morticia kidnap Spanky and force him to fight an army of fruit? Because it's fun, that's why!
  • Fake Difficulty: Not to ludicrous extremes, but the game has a big problem with unseen enemies suddenly dropping right on top of you with little to no time to react. Ditto for you having to make blind leaps of faith onto the off-screen ground which may or may not have unseen enemies running around. When you're playing as a One-Hit-Point Wonder with a very limited amount of lives, every unfair hit hurts.
  • Feathered Fiend: The Kiwis, flame birds, and Morticia's crow are all hostile and extremely dangerous opponents. Morticia herself can also turn into a huge crow during the final battle.
  • Flunky Boss: The Peach and Grape Bosses will send tiny minions after you.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: The Watermelon Boss wears a pair of round spectacles.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: The protagonist is a monkey named Spanky, with spanking the monkey being a euphemism for masturbation.
  • Gonk: A Cute Witch Morticia ain't. With her massive, warty nose and squat stature, she's a textbook example of a stereotypical "old crone" kind of witch.
  • The Goomba: The melon enemies are slow-moving, and don't really have any special qualities to their name.
  • Graceful Loser: When they're defeated, Apples will take a bow before falling off the stage.
  • Invincible Minor Mook: One stage hazard shoots fiery birds that will chase you around while homing in on you. They're annoying and can't be defeated or even stunned with your bubbles/balls, but thankfully they burn out after a bit.
  • Mook Maker: Fruit cans, which will create backup enemies after you've killed a few.
  • Palmtree Panic: World three is a beautiful neon beach.
  • Plant People: The fruit enemies are anthropomorphic, with arms, legs, mouths, and eyes, and they have distinct personalities: the melons are angry and determined, the apples are flirty showoffs, the strawberries are vain and perky, and so on and so forth.
  • Ruins for Ruins' Sake: The fifth and final world appears to be ancient ruins with a Greco-Roman feel to them.
  • Smug Smiler: The Sour Apple boss has a self-satisfied grin on his face during the entirety of his boss fight.
  • Stalked by the Bell: The lack of a visible timer doesn't mean you're free to goof off: take too long to complete a level, and Morticia's invincible pet bird will come after you until you either proceed or die.
  • Under the Sea: The fourth world has an underwater aesthetic with neon sea creatures and kelp in the background, but it plays identically to the other worlds.
  • Visual Pun: The kiwi enemies being birds may seem random unless you happen to know about kiwi birds, which they're a dead-ringer for.
  • Wicked Witch: The main villain of the game.