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Characters from Snowflakes, listed in order of appearance, include:


Her full name is Lusitania, but she prefers the shorter version. She's the cutest of the main cast, but also the oldest (ten) and not quite cute enough to get picked. Her goal at first is to make herself cute enough that parents will want her, though this gradually changes to trying to make herself smart enough to impress Greg.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Lu's best friend at the start of the comic, Priti has all the makings of a great Political Strategist. She was the daughter of a wealthy CEO until she ran away to the orphanage with plans of eventually becoming a nun, since according to her mother they "talk directly to God." She's an excellent manipulator and is very good at getting results. Her loyalty is only good as long as those results are happening, however, and she doesn't stay friends with anybody for very long.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The orphanage's resident optimist, Glory looks for all the best things in life. Most of it is cake. He tries to be friends with everybody, and never actively looks to hurt people. However, his people-pleasing tendencies make him very vulnerable to suggestion, and people tend to take advantage of that. Not that he even notices or cares.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Daughter of a bullfighter and what appeared to be a Valkyrie, if her memory could be trusted. Most people would call her a psychopath. Wray would call them fools or wraiths, depending on what mood she happens to be in. She has very strange views on the afterlife (two words: Viking Jesus), and a fuse so short it's actually on the inside of the bomb. She is quick to anger, but like any charging bull, she can be steered away rather easily if you know how to manipulate her.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Ax Crazy: Literally--she believes in the Viking afterlife.
  • Blood Knight: Wray lives for combat; given the setting, however, this usually translates into sociopathic bullying.
  • Comedic Sociopath: She's a notorious bully, but she's so over the top about it that she's actually one of the most popular characters.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: Wray represents Wrath.


Wray's best friend and resident genius. Sloan helps keep her friend as sane as she can, which is no small task for a girl who doesn't like to get out of bed more than once a day. She eventually develops a friendship with Lu based on their mutual love of knowledge.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


An eight year old human packrat, Greg spends his time gathering shiny things and studying history. His father was an Adventurer Archaeologist who left him at the orphanage so that he could fit more gold into his backpack and hasn't been seen since. Greg has a crush on Lu, who briefly returned it before he ran off saying that he had to find his father.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A sociopathic five year old who is so evil that he doesn't even have a shoulder angel: both of them are devils. His feelings for Lu go far beyond mere obsession. He is willing to do absolutely anything to make her his, something that can be very easily exploited.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

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