Shin Megami Tensei/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Lucifer fell because Philemon had shown him the truth about YHWH. ==
The way it would appear, this being Megaten and all, is that Lucifer never truly fell. He just was like a protagonist who got to know a thing or two about God, namely that he hit the reset button every time he got bored. He likely decided to stop that lunacy but was overpowered in the process so he started planning. First, we get the first game where he isn't very mature about what he can do and just wants to screw up the game God set up, then we get the second game where he learns a few things and fakes his redemption in the eye of YHWH to get the dragon but fails again and the world is reseted, then we get to the third game where he got a few millenia to think about his plan and created a demon with the heart and will of a human to see if can be a feasable option,and then as it proves very good indeed he gives some of his powers to him after he has proven capable of holding his own against Lucifer,and they start the second rebellion,where it would appear in the probable [[SMT 5]], and then if they win and the universe isn't screwed again we get to the ''[[Persona]]'' series.
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* Think about it:
** She has cat-like ears (horns?) on her head.
** She hates humans, calling them [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|more cruel than demons]].
** Her soul color is pink.
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He did soften up a bit in [[Devil Survivor]], as the result of the sealing of Nyx and the defeat of Izanami, reducing the negative energy he's being fed, seeing there might be something worth rescuing on humans... but obviously He was back to his old self in [[Strange Journey]]. Therefore, the Persona series comes ''before'' [[Shin Megami Tensei]] and not afterwards, with [[Devil Survivor]] next, then [[Strange Journey]], with the Neutral ending in which humanity didn't learn anything and precipitated the conditions for the apocalypses ravaging the Earth in [[Shin Megami Tensei]]'s series, in which every hero seems to have an affinity for hitting the [[Reset Button]] in Neutral endings in I and II, then IMAGINE; this last one returned control of Earth to humanity, letting it all culminate on [[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne]], which is the final battle for dominion of all with the destruction of Kagutsuchi and the end of all time.
[[Humans Are Special]] and [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]], indeed.
== [,19263/ This] is the plot of the next [[Shin Megami Tensei]] game ==
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== The flaw of the universe began as a result of the schism between YHVH and Mem Aleph ==
When pursuing the free-the-Demiurge quest, a female voice--Memvoice—Mem Aleph, given that you've shut down the remaining female archons of the Schwarzwelt--imploresSchwarzwelt—implores you not to free the father of the Schwarzwelt. Well, given that Mem Aleph is the ''mother'' of the place, as it were, there's an implication that YHVH (which Demiurge is a component of) and Mem Aleph were once co-creators. Or, better still, once the same entity. Unfortunately, ''something'' happened to split the original Neutral entity into law-elemental YHVH and chaos-elemental Mem Aleph...who suddenly regarded each other as anathema, with the Schwarzwelt's possibility-swath as their initial battlefield of choice. Both were planning to use it for the same purpose, to "purify" the now-defiled (to them) world of its taint. Mem Aleph is arguably in the lead, but only because she's been successfully keeping it roughly slanting towards her purpose of Law-abolition.
The notable point here is that the angels don't have a high opinion of humanity...but neither do Mem Aleph & Co., who think humans will only be "good" once they've been transfigured into demons. Law and spirit are probably both meant to have been as ancient as creation, thus originally both seen as good by whatever created it. Unfortunately, now it seems only humans and a select few Light-aligned characters share that opinion. ''Both'' parts of the creator have turned on the creation, because both have lost their original combined wisdom. And yet...what caused that to happen? {{looks at Lucifer}} You got anything to say on what happened, or do we turn to Abraxas?
* Personally don't believe that the female voice is Mem Aleph as even the chaos route she does not call herself by name. Instead saying that if your spirit aligns with the Mother of the Earth to turn back. Regardless it should be known that Mem Aleph has been with the earth since the beginning. As all organic and demonic life originated from her. Even demons and the Mothers do not deny this. But YHVH and his Angels appeared later and with them came mankind. He was in fact just another God amongst many back in day before worship of him allowed him to become as powerful as he does. Both Mem Aleph and the Angels treat as being created by her and YHVH with Mem Aleph creating the human soul and YHVH most likely creating the rest. The earth being tainted according to them isn't completely wrong either as Gore will admit after regaining his senses that mankind brought the Schwarzwelt upon itself. The Schwarzwelt being used as a battlefield between the Angels and Demons has not shown any signs of happening in the past either. As Mem Aleph succeeded in cleansing the sinful civilizations and intelligent life that came before mankind in ages past and the Three Wise Men treat is as them getting what they deserved for their sins.