Ron the Death Eater/Video Games

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Examples of Ron the Death Eater in Video Games fan works include:

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Thanks to Edelgard being one of gaming's biggest examples of Draco in Leather Pants, it's only natural that the main three faction leaders opposing her are all given this treatment to some extent.

  • Poor Rhea is easily the biggest victim of this trope. Being the shady archbishop of a similarly dubious-looking church in a genre where evil churches are the norm means that she was playing with a stacked deck from the onset, but even when her many good traits become apparent, many fans choose to ignore them and make her out to be as bad, if not worse than Those Who Slither in the Dark.
    • A recurring problem in the game is that many characters' lives are ruined, or at the very least, plagued by issues regarding their Crests, special powers carried down through their bloodline. Blame is often laid at Rhea's feet for "perpetuating the Crest System" despite the Church's doctrine disavowing Crest-based elitism, and the people actually responsible for antagonizing victims of "the Crest System" are quietly ignored when Rhea isn't being blamed alongside them.
    • Others claim that Rhea is bigoted and intolerant towards foreigners and non-believers, and in turn blatantly ignore the foreigners and non-believers Rhea has employed at the church (such as Shamir and Cyril) and allows to attend Garreg Mach Monastery's Officers Academy (such as Petra and Dedue). In fact, the Church of Seiros stands against intolerance, and one of the reasons why the radical Western Church hates them is because they aren't xenophobic bigots. Some of this stems from Claude's misconception that the Church of Seiros preaches xenophobic doctrine, but even that ignores the fact that it's a misconception and that Claude realizes that he's wrong about the church and Rhea over the course of the Golden Deer/Verdant Wind route.
    • Speaking of the Western Church, Rhea catches flack for being "unreasonable and tyrannical" when she orders the execution of multiple Western Church members at the end of Chapter 4, as well as sending the Knights of Seiros to kill Lord Lonato when he's rebelling in Chapter 2. While she does act creepy and fanatical, neither Lonato nor the Western Church are blameless victims. Both lead armed insurrections that would get plenty of innocent people caught in the crossfire, with said insurrections being attempts on Rhea's life. Rhea was content to live and let live before they tried to murder her and anyone else that got in their way.
    • Rhea's experiments that resulted in the creation of Sothis' failed vessels are also used as points against her, and paint her as being no better than Those Who Slither in terms of inhumane experimentation... except Rhea's experiments weren't inhumane. She created artificial homunculi to serve as new vessels for Sothis, but when they failed to carry out their purpose, she was content to let them live out their lives in peace and in the case of Sitri, even marry. Similarly, her giving Byleth Sothis' crest stone was at Sitri's behest, and a necessary operation to save their life thanks to being stillborn.
    • While Rhea does cross the Moral Event Horizon by ordering the burning of a populated city in the Crimson Flower route, she's still a far more heroic character in 3/4 routes, and even here only crosses the line as a result of having every single Trauma Button pressed simultaneously by Edelgard and Byleth, forcing her to relive the genocide of her people and turning her nearly insane as a result. This doesn't stop fans from declaring that her Crimson Flower-exclusive homicidal insanity is her true self no matter the route.
    • Rhea's motivations are often boiled down to being a selfish and childish desire to see her mother again. And while a desire to bring back her mother is partially the truth, the other part conveniently left out is that Rhea doesn't believe peace and prosperity can truly come to Fodlan unless Sothis returns, giving her plenty of non-selfish motivation to bring back Fodlan's goddess.
  • Dimitri is an earnest, humble, and kind-hearted man with a dark side, but Edelgard fans often treat his descent into violent insanity during the timeskip as the mask slipping off and showing Dimitri at his basest, true self. Never mind that it stems from the trauma of witnessing his father's violent murder and the near-genocide of the people of Duscur, never mind that he's consumed with self-hatred for the violent path he walks, never mind that he ultimately comes back from the brink and spends a lifetime atoning for the things he's done, it's far easier to label him a crazed animal that needs to be put down and call it a day.
    • Crimson Flower is the route where he's hit the hardest with this, despite the fact that he's perfectly sane and a clear-cut Hero Antagonist defending his homeland from Edelgard's invasion there. When he rightfully calls out Edelgard's bullheaded commitment to murder and violent conquest, she essentially pulls an anemic "No U!" on him by condemning him for "reconquering and killing in retalation", a sentiment her fans tend to agree with wholeheartedly.
  • While he avoided this treatment at first, even Claude would fall victim to demonization at the hands of hardcore Edelgard fans. He's easily the most morally squeaky-clean of the four faction leaders to the point of being an outright good guy despite his shady presentation, but his detractors claim that he's exactly as untrustworthy as his façade would indicate and claim that he's every bit the would-be conqueror Edelgard is despite her methods being the antithesis of his own. Some of it stems from a cheeky remark about how he wanted to conquer Fodlan if defeated and spared after his boss fight in Crimson Flower, but it ignores the fact that he's clearly shooting the bull and willingly pandering to Edelgard's perception of him given how his portrayal in other routes don't even hint at a genuine desire to conquer Fodlan, but rather peacefully foster relationships between it and Almyra while putting an end to the mutual xenophobia between both countries.


  • The Chinese Touhou doujin Yuyuko's Yukkuri Farm goes to the extreme and has Yuyuko as a literal baby eater (warning: link is to Danbooru and has NSFW ads).
  • A dark fic author by the name of Stripe Pattern believes Byakuren, one of the unambiguously good characters in Touhou, is a psychotic monster in the doujin Love and Peace.
  • Portraying Sanae as a sadistic youkai tormentor/killer is a big enough trend among doujin artists and in fanarts to have its dedicated pool on Danbooru. To no one's surprise, Kogasa is her main victim, and Sanae's awful treatment of her in Undefined Fantastic Object is probably what started the trend.
  • Mei Miya's murder mysteries inevitably turn some neutral or nice characters into villains (spoilers marked if anyone wants to read them):
    • Murder of the Shining Sun applies some Fridge Horror to Koishi Komeiji's unconscious actions by making them an equivalent of Hollywood schizophrenia: at any moment, she can have an unconscious impulse to kill someone, no one can predict it, not even herself, and the unconscious nature of the act makes it impossible to hold her accountable for it.
    • In Seasons Lit with Gold, Kanako Sayaka murders Minoriko Aki in cold blood because humans would worship Minoriko in times of harvest instead of the Moriya shrine, then Sanae brings her lifeless body back to Shizuha Aki as a warning while making incredibly morbid comments about gods leaving cold and heavy corpses behind them just like humans do. Poor Shizuha is so heartbroken and terrified beyond belief that she commits suicide.

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