Random Doom

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Clockwise from far left: Scratch, Sibelius, Edna, Danny, Merry, Elizabeth, Matthew, Cotton, Napoleon, Rupert, Vincent, Veruka, Saria and Ross.

Random Doom is a Pokémon webcomic and collection of fan works by BehindTG on Deviantart about a Pokemon trainer named Jenna, but more importantly about her various Pokemon that she owns. The series started as single gag comics but expanded to have several well developed characters and stories. The series was expanded into a proper story. At the moment, Random Doom consists of:

  • Random Doom - A collection of 18 gag comics. Ongoing, recently updated after a lull between installments lasting from Summer 2010.
  • Random Doom the Comic Series - The spin-off of the aforementioned gag comics. Consists of 4 (and counting) short stories:
    • Riolu is Born
    • For The Love of Luvdisc
    • Ghost of Old Chateau
    • Dear Departed - Ongoing
  • What is Random Doom? - A collection of bios and backstories of various characters from Random Doom's various comics and side works.
  • Dozens upon dozens of peripheral pieces of art.

Also, for a collection of assorted fan works, it's popular. Really popular. To the point where Random Doom's comics have managed to gain the following of 7(!) running fan translations and have led to the creation of a small body of its own fan works.

They can all be found here.

Tropes used in Random Doom include:

  • Art Evolution
  • Action Girl: Veruka, oh so very much.
  • Author Avatar: Jenna.
  • Berserk Button: Don't threaten Cotton or Veruka; Napoleon and Vincent respectively will not be happy.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Cotton and Vincent.
    • Apparently Matthew also qualifies.
  • Badass Grandpa: Leopold and Matthew. Elizabeth is also apparently strong enough to hold Vincent aloft with one pincer and throw him with the force of a full tackle, qualifying her for this as well.
  • Butt Monkey: Vincent.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: Random Doom began trending towards more serious undertones and themes starting with the launch of its comic series. Thankfully, it has managed to do so while retaining its initial sense of humor and lovable cast of characters.
  • Character Development: The entire cast has evolved from their initial characters over Random Doom's lifespan. One of the most clear-cut examples would be Presto Sebelius' alterations since his introduction.
  • The Cynic: Elizabeth.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The Gengar from Ghost of Old Chateau had some decidedly nasty plans for revenge for Danny and Merry spoiling the locals' preparations for a party.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Danny really doesn't like it when Merry calls him "Poffin."
  • Escape Artist: Danny and Merry.
  • The Fool: Oh, Vincent, Vincent, Vincent, you lovable idiot. You're the klutziest, ditziest character in the strip, a hopeless Fool for Love and inimitable fountain of randomness. And that's exactly why the fans all love you.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Vincent has such a moment in Ghost of Old Chateau.
  • I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin: Rupert and sugar, to the extent where he inadvertently causes a large chunk of Ghost of Old Chateau while attempting to get a soft drink.
  • Jerkass: A few of Jenna's Pokémon have their moments, especially Napoleon and Elizabeth.
  • Keet: Scratch and Sebelius.
  • The Klutz: Vincent.
  • Hot Amazon: Veruka, Pun intended.
  • Hot-Blooded: Napoleon, also Veruka to a lesser extent.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: And how!
  • Perky Goth: Edna may be a witchlike ghost-type, but has a fun-loving (if mischievous) personality.
  • Plucky Girl: Saria.
  • Primal Fear: Vincent is terrified of the dark, the result of getting lost in a heavily Poke-populated cave as a young Riolu. This fear, however, is sometimes played for laughs.
  • Official Couple: Several. In the main cast alone, we have:
    • Vincent and Veruka
    • Napoleon and Cotton
    • Ross and Saria, although the two don't officially know it yet (See Twice Shy below)
  • Retired Badass: Leopold doesn't fight much now, but he won't say no to a worthy opponent. Matthew, on the other hand, was expressly forbidden to fight after he tore off part of Zorro's wing and possibly almost killed him.
  • Rickroll: No, seriously. There is an unofficial Behindt G strip (the artist specified that it isn't an RD comic) that features Vincent trying to sing "Never Gonna Give You Up" to Veruka, as he clings to her tail and apparently gets dragged around. The fans sometimes refer to it as "LucarioRolled" or "VinceRolled."
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Young Vincent in Riolu is Born.
  • Schedule Slip: The speed at which updates come is very much tied to the amount of free time that the author has at a given moment, leading to schizophrenic oscillations between multiple updates within a single day, to weeks-long droughts of new materials.
  • Shrinking Violet: Ross, especially around Saria
  • Stalker with a Crush: The Feraligatr from For the Love of Luvdisc.
    • Zorro the Mothim would also qualify for Elizabeth.
  • Sticky Fingers: Danny.
  • Tsundere: Veruka is a type A.
  • Twice Shy: Ross and Saria. Possibly one of the cutest examples you'll ever find.