Pokémon Rust

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Pokemon Rust is an interactive adventure story written by Edge Of Oblivion (just "Oblivion" on the forum) on the MS Paint Adventures fan forum's Fan Adventures section. The story stars aged-to-16 versions of Calvin Hobbes and Susie Derkins transplanted into the world of Pokemon, set in the frontierish Iotavi Region, and follows them as they pursue their League journey. The story is mostly text, identifying speech with character sprites (taken from the various Pokemon games, mostly from Generations III-V), providing "Ambience Links" to suitable music for the moment, and loosely following the game's mechanical systems in scene-for-scene described battles; RPG Maker 2003 is used to provide game-like panels portraying the character and their surroundings, and on occasion for simulating important battles with videos.

The story begins here.

Tropes used in Pokémon Rust include:
  • Affably Evil: One of the grunts Calvin runs into comes across as this; heck, he even bets that Calvin will take out an Agent. The other members of Team Infinity though, not so much.
  • Big "What?":


  • Funetik Aksent: Mel.
  • Idiot Hero: It's Calvin.
  • Improvised Weapon: Out of Pokeballs? Knock out and catch a Mon with a sled and a roll of twine.
  • Kid Hero: It's a Pokemon Adventure. Seriously.
  • Name's the Same: Due to his lack of a last name in the original comic, Calvin is given the last name "Hobbes". To worsen the pun, his middle name is "Andrew".
  • Photographic Memory: Susie's introduction mentions that she possesses eidetic memory. It hasn't come to use yet however.
  • Police Are Useless: Not too many cops in Iotavi - the only one we've seen was a security guard in a Poke Center's lodge, there to prevent trainers from battling indoors.
  • The Rival: Calvin and Susie to each other, and possibly Moe to Calvin.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Locke is planning one.
  • Super OCD: Susie.
  • Sure Why Not: The reason Calvin and Susie are the PCs.
  • Theme Naming: Calvin's Pokemon are mostly named after philosophers or other famous thinkers (Hobbes the Shinx, Locke the Sandshrew, Huxley the Barboach, etc.); Susie names her Pokemon like they're people (Mr. Bun the Buneary, Freya the Snorunt, Dr. Bonebeak the Archen, etc.). Gym Leaders and some other trainers have patterns as well.
  • Wham! Episode: The first battle against a Team Infinity Agent: he completely drops the rules of Pokemon battling; attacks Calvin, sends out multiple 'mons and most worryingly uses a Snag Ball.
    • Mel, the first titled officer (an "Operative"), pulls a GUN on Calvin after losing. Only the interruption of another trainer's Cubone prevents him from a trip to the hospital or worse.