Pokémon: Storm Clouds/Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Old Shame: Deeman 45 hates the early Storm Clouds chapters (up to about chapter 12 or so.), as he sees the writing style as too wooden and fauxlosophical, the wording and dialogue being too weird, compared to his later efforts.
  • Schedule Slip: Mostly the sequel, but the original took a while as well. The sequel's slip got so bad, the author posted an April Fools' joke related to it.
    • The sequel's slip was particularly awful because it took a six-month hiatus immediately after the first chapter was posted! The update schedule, even running consistently, is also much slower than most other fanfics--roughly a month to a month and a half pass between updates.
  • What Could Have Been: Word of God says that he originally planned on turning Armor into a human, but then decided the idea was stupid to begin with.