My Work Is Not Yet Done/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Complete Monster: Usually averted to some degree, but Harry, Richard's Dragon and Juggernaut from "My Work Is Not Yet Done" definitely qualifies for this title. In stark contrast to many of Ligotti's other antagonists, there is nothing remotely likeable about him. He is inelegant, petty, self-absorbed and wantonly destructive. And did we fail to mention that he's also a serial rapist? How charming.
    • To some degree, all of the Seven are like this, but Harry is notable for being the only one to outdo them all in terms of sheer repulsiveness. Only Richard himself comes close, but even he avoids sinking as low as Harry through simply being utterly brilliant.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The fates Frank subjects his victims to.