Most Wonderful Sound (Sugar Wiki)

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"Oh, I love that sound. [It's] the sound of us getting out of here in one piece."

—Darman, Hard Contact

The complete polar opposite of the Most Annoying Sound, this is for a sound/visual cue/etc - usually in a video game (but not always), that may or may not come up often, but is so satisfying to hear that sometimes you just want to reset the game/rewind the video and hear it again. Whereas Most Annoying Sound is universally caused by the sound itself, the Most Wonderful Sound can either be caused by the sound itself (perhaps it's a particularly catchy jingle, is an iconic sound, or is a quote that's just that Badass), or because hearing means that something really good just happened or is about to happen.

The most wonderful part of these wonderful sounds, of course, is figuring out how to spell them.

Compare Awesome Music. Contrast Hell Is That Noise.

Examples of Most Wonderful Sound (Sugar Wiki) are listed on these subpages:
Examples of Most Wonderful Sound (Sugar Wiki) include:

New Media

Theme Parks

Other Media and Real Life

  • A purring feline is possibly nature's most soothing white noise.
  • The sound of your baby's first cry immidiately after it's born.
    • The woosh-woosh sound of it's heartbeat in the womb. The first time he/she says 'mama' or 'dada' or 'I love you'.
    • Heck, a baby's laughter period.
  • Two from dogs: the rumbly, grumbling noise some dogs make when you scratch their ears (like the dog version of a purr) and their own personal percussion - a wagging tail as it hits your leg, the wall, nearby furniture, sometimes the floor...
  • "I LOVE YOU!"
  • Train whistles in the distance. Pure music.
  • That noise an old kettle makes when the water inside it starts to boil.
  • Adobe After Effects plays a very easily distinguished and very pleasing "Twingg!" sound when it reaches the end of a Render Queue, meaning the videos are finished being edited and are ready for viewing.
  • Click your mouse...YEAH! Now do it a couple more times, best sound ever.
  • The startup sound of Windows 3.1. Holy nostalgia.
  • The Mac startup noise.
  • Orgasmic.
  • The "Boooommm!" noise at the end of the Dolby Digital Countdown advertisment.
  • Clack-clockle... NATURAL 20!
  • In Girl Genius, the twisty musical notes emitted by Agatha when she's in full-on Spark mode. You can almost hear them.
  • Sports.
  • The noise in a football stadium - or a packed bar - when your team scores. Less wonderful if it's the other team scoring.
    • The silence in a packed bar when your team scores, if everyone else in the bar is supporting the other team.
  • The sound of a golf ball falling in the hole.
  • A tennis ball's little pa-thmp as it bounces off the court.
    • The big pa-thmp it makes when connecting with the racket is even better.
  • A nothing-but-net swish in basketball.
  • The sound of metal (or plastic) cleats on concrete as the team leaves the locker room. It's like a pre-game anthem for those lucky enough to hear it.
    • Hockey skates make a similar noise.
  • Goal Horns followed by your team's choice of celebratory song.
    • Hearing your favourite player/team/etc cheer after winning is always wonderful, especially since they've worked so hard on it. A particular nod towards Formula One drivers who love screaming in their helmets.
      • Speaking of Formula One and motors in general: the revving of an engine. So soothing.
      • Some find racecar engines to be annoying little weedwhackers compared to real horsepower:
  • The drone of a large box fan. I can't sleep without switching one on its highest speed. "Whurrrrrrrrrr....."
  • The sound of a passenger jet taking off. That is, if you're inside the plane or standing sufficiently far enough from it to avoid ear damage.
    • In a like vein, the sound of a jet engine spooling up.
    • Or the sound of an entire group of fighter jets doing afterburner takeoffs, one after the other, each jet following right after the one before it.
  • The sound of serious gunfire. I'm not talking about the little fire cracks of an AR-15. I am referring to the mighty blast of a gun such as a Mosin-Nagant M44
  • Pump-action shotguns being cocked.
  • The four clicks of a Colt Single Action Army being cocked.
  • The sound of a well-maintained electric engine. For a layman, a barely audible hum. For an engineer? Basically a purring cat.
  • White noise can be a very relaxing sound.
  • Any Vanity Plate that is not Nightmare Fuel tends to induce nostalgia and ends up as this.
    • Especially this [3] and this [4]
  • The sound of a coffee grinder at 7 in the morning (or earlier) - any time of the day if you're a writer.
  • The various sounds of water. Rain, a trickling stream, a waterfall, the sea...
  • The sound of bubble wrap...bubbles popping.
  • The K 5 LA train horn (the ones you hear on Amtrak trains). Especially with the Doppler Effect.