Life's a Zoo/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Cargo Ship: Jake and Juanita, a papaya; to be fair to Jake, he was horribly sleep-deprived at the time.
  • Crazy Awesome: Ray is a complete party animal, and totally off the wall, and his craziness has saved the day a couple of times.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Every episode featured a music video played while the houseguests took part in some activity, but they saved the best for last. Episode 20 featured a more somber song ("Leave Alight" by Krista Muir) playing while amnesiac Chi Chi was watching the entire run of the show to get her memory back; the depressing music plays while Chi Chi starts her mental breakdown, when she sees how badly the show has changed her.
  • Evil Is Sexy: For furries perhaps. Minou is a former supermodel, but she's more mean and bitchy than outright evil; Bobbie is evil.
  • Tear Jerker: Jake suffers a breakdown when he overdoses on everyone's addictions as a replacement for his own, and when he goes to the hospital, the other houseguests are told he won't make it; thinking Jake's dying, they have a group hug, and hold a mini memorial for Jake. He gets better, so long as he can stay away from Minou that is.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: Why are the monkey and crocodile in the closet? And that was in the first episode.
  • The Woobie: Just watch the last episode, and try not to cry along with Chi Chi.
    • Episode 14 was on her birthday, and no one paid any attention to her; worse, she gets saddled with the job of nurse when the others get sick after eating some of her food, which was Ray's fault.