Kick-Ass (comics)/Headscratchers

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  • OK, so at the end of the book Katie is so pissed-off with Dave that she sends him a picture of her blowing another guy. Why? What's to stop Dave from making photocopies and distributing them around the school- especially since she gave him several reasons to take that kind of revenge! Never mind that this level of horrible spitefulness comes out of nowhere- why would a high school girl even risk the possibility of having a photo of her with a cock in her mouth being distributed around the school/city/internet or show to her parents?
    • Because she's a massive bitchwhore. Really, it's that and a combination of Shoot the Shaggy Dog and Crapsack World. There's a very good reason why many people prefer the movie's much lighter deconstruction over the comic and as you pointed out, the blowjob isn't supposed to make sense, just give Dave one final fuck you and portray him as even more of a pathetic loser and make it all the more wangsty. For an in-universe reason, I have nothing. She really is a slut and doesn't care? Although having a jerkass boyfriend that'll knock someone as per her request, she might assume Dave would be too much of a pussy to do anything about it.
    • Katie's idiocy does have a lot of real life in it. High school girls are doing so many similar things there are actual Public Service Announcements asking them not to.
  • Why isn't Dave capable of kicking the shit out of that boyfriend of hers? He might not be a GREAT fighter, not at all, but there is no way any beating from a high-school kid will be anywhere near the amount of punishment he has taken in the past, and we have seen him kick the shit out of people with at least twice the muscle mass. Dave should have left the guy sobbing and bleeding on the ground without teeth.
    • I thought the same thing. Dave getting his ass kicked offscreen by some teenager after beating grown mobsters left and right was definitely the low point of the comic. It deflated the very idea of Dave becoming Kick-Ass and, for me, was the point at which I knew the movie version rolled all over the comic. At least in the movies, Dave's personal life is all the better for being Kick-Ass but in the comic, it does absolutely nothing for him and it was a complete waste of his time and effort, since he was basically the same loser as when the comic started. Of course, the comic did start with him getting his balls fried off so maybe that explains why he doesn't have them in the end.
      • The comic is supposed to be a satire, and (almost) a total reconstruction of superhero tropes. Dave isn't a real hero or a Badass; almost all of his "victories" are due to him getting lucky, or Hit-Girl doing all the hard work, so it's not that weird that a guy much bigger and stronger could still beat the shit out of him. If Dave would "win" in the end, that would undermine what the comic is all about. The movie gives up on the deconstruction/satire at some point by making Dave into a real Badass; the comic, for better or worse, follows it all the way through.
  • In the film, we're told why Chris D'Amico (Chris Genovese in the comics) becomes Red Mist: as a ploy to gain Kick-Ass' trust because his dad thinks Kick-Ass has been killing his men. In the comic, Chris' identity as Red Mist is not revealed until he and John Genovese (Frank D'Amico in the film) get the drop on Kick-Ass, Hit Girl and Big Daddy, and in fact Genovese is not really introduced or has any storyline relevance up until the ambush. So is it just a Contrived Coincidence in the comic that Red Mist happened to team up with Kick Ass who was rescued by Hit Girl?
    • He was using the same plot, except he was trying to lure out Big Daddy and Hit-Girl, not Kick-Ass. He teamed up with Kick-Ass for sh*ts and giggles and when he found out Kick-Ass had a connection to Hit-Girl, he took advantage of it.
  • Big Daddy & Hit Girl waste no time in tracking down Kick-Ass (with incredible ease), yet they don't both to do a background check on Red Mist. And it ends up getting Big Daddy killed. Why?
    • In the comics, they followed Kick-Ass and probably didn't have an opportunity to do the same with Red Mist.
    • Red Mist was an even lamer "hero" than Kick-Ass. While Kick-Ass actually confronted the bad guys, Red Mist just dropped a dime on them. You don't need a superhero costume for that (except to cover your identity for fear of reprisal). Red Mist, by all accounts, was just a grandstanding copycat and there was no reason for them to want to recruit or assist him (which is why they tracked down Kick-Ass in the first place). They didn't even know Kick-Ass and Red Mist were together until they showed up at the hideout.
    • Just on that, Big Daddy tracked Kick-Ass down by tracing his IP address. This was the first thing I thought of when Dave put up the site. Why didn't anyone else try it, like, say, the police? Y'know, who were actually trying to find Kick-Ass?
      • They covered that in the film. Big Daddy rerouted his IP as soon as they found him.
  • After his second fight (the first one after having been in hospital), Kick-Ass narrates that he lost all of his teeth. But later, we don't see anything of it. How?
    • Dentures.

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