Highschool DxD/Characters

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This page is for the characters that appear in High School DxD.


Occult Research Club

Tropes relating to them:

Issei Hyodou "The Pawn"

Voiced by: Yuuki Kaji (Japanese)

The primary protagonist of the series and is also called "Isse" by his peers. He gets a girlfriend early on in the story, goes on his first date with said girlfriend, and then gets killed by said girlfriend. Before he gets killed though, he wishes he can be brought back to life and his wish is so powerful that Rias Gremory gets to answer his call and he is reincarnated as a devil. He dreams of being a harem king, unknowingly already in the middle of being one.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: In one of the short stories of Volume 8, it's revealed that he has a female gorilla spirit who has a crush on him. Needless to say, he's not amused.
  • Achilles' Heel: Notable in that he's got twice the number of weaknesses because he's both a dragon and a devil.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: After Rias appears to him all of a sudden in volume 2 and then goes back to her home. Thankfully, the anime omitted that little detail.
  • Ascended Fanboy: He's a fan of Super Sentai shows alongside Irina, and he finally gets a show in hell called Breast Dragon. He's conflicted however whether he's happy about it or not seeing as it's embarrassing for him to have his show called "Breast Dragon", however kids do love it.
  • Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence: He's got both Great Red and Ophis' existence within him.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: Averted, much to his chagrin because he really wants to lose it but can't because of his indecisiveness. Most of it being trauma that he got by getting killed by his ex-girlfriend and then being told that he was boring.
  • Badass: Just to count the ways...
    • Badass Abnormal: Having Boosted Gear already makes him a lot more powerful, but with him being a devil, he becomes a lot stronger.
      • And then this trope just got increased even more Up to Eleven after having his body created by both Ophis and Great Red.
    • Badass and Child Duo: When he and Kunou were the only ones who got together when everyone got separated at Kyoto.
    • Badass Boast: "Buchou, Rias Gremory-sama’s virginity belongs to me!!" Said in front of hundreds of devils attending Phenex's engagement to Rias'
      • Another one would have to be "If you want to burn me, bring me a phoenix or a dragon!"
    • Badass Creed: Gains this after getting Crimson Queen mode instead of Juggernaut Drive.

I who is about to awaken. The Red-Dragon Emperor who discarded away my ambition. I held the infinite dreams and hope within my arms. I shall walk the path of rule of right. I shall become the king of Crimson Dragon. I will promise to you all. I shall show you the future which glows in crimson light.

However, Gasper! It’s no use if you don’t get up on your own, you know? After receiving encouragement by a girl, next is standing up! Don't you have a wonderful pair of balls on you!?

    • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Gets to land the final blow against Loki.
    • Heartbroken Badass: His thoughts reveal that he's still traumatized after getting himself killed by his ex-girlfriend and also rejecting her beg for mercy when she gets killed by Rias.
    • Intimidation Demonstration: Does this to Diodora when he punches the ground so hard it causes a crater. This pretty much ends their fight as Diodora was scared of Issei.
    • One-Man Army: Defeats an entire group of middle-class grim reapers, beings stronger than high class devils, by himself. And this is with him only using Balance Breaker and at this point, he's a lot weaker because he just fired off two Dragon Blasters, and used Gift on Rias and Akeno. This surprises Siegfried as to how strong Issei really is.
    • Submissive Badass: He's even more powerful than any member of his group, however he's still going to follow Rias' orders no questions asked.
    • Took a Level in Badass: Took millions!
    • Underestimating Badassery: Seems like a lot of people think that he's not as badass as he's supposed to be. He proves them wrong all the time.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: The past users of Boosted Gear wanted him to use Juggernaut Drive again. He only gets saved thanks to the power of the children and Irina cheering for him, Sairaorg's encouragement, and one of the past users of Albion who's consciousness resided in the fragment Issei absorbed from Vali.
  • Berserk Button: Invoked by Vali to make him fight harder. It works too well. Said button is halving his harem's breasts.
    • A more powerful one is either harm anyone from his harem, or declaring that they're dead will and he'll rip you apart and eat you. Shalba Beelzebub found this out the hard way. It's not just physical harm either, when Phoenix shows up he humiliates Rias (his fiancee) by making out with one of his Evil Pieces right in front of them prompting Issei to release his Boosted Gear and try to attack him.
    • Tell him that you're going to harm children in his presence. We dare you.

Issei: (to Raiser) I don't understand difficult things. However when I lost to you I still remembered one thing from that. You made Buchou cry and that's all I need to know to punch you!

  • Beat Them At Their Own Game: Used Samael's poison that was from his body when he fought against Shalba, infused it with a bullet of Gogmagog he found at the Dimension Gap alongside Ophis and Great Red, and used it against Cao Cao.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Shows up Back from the Dead with Great Red and Ophis accompanying him.
  • Boom! Headshot!: Achieves this in his 2nd fight versus Cao Cao, who lost his eye after that.
  • Breath Weapon: He learns how to breathe fire after training with Taninmin
  • Buxom Is Better: Issei loves tits. It helps that Rias, his first girlfriend for real, is a busty redhead that's mouthwateringly hot. Akeno, his second and the Number Two of his harem, is just as busty, and EX reveals that his other choices paid off handsomely when it comes to large, sexy racks.
  • Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest: Averted pretty damn hard. He'll still make lecherous passes even though he finally is able to confess to Rias. Case in point: use Gift on the latter's breasts.
    • It should be noted that the girls like it this way, and constantly encourage said advances.
  • Chick Magnet: He's got (in order of who liked him first): Asia, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Xenovia, Irina, Ravel, Rossweiss, and Ophis. That's not counting the numerous amounts of admirers he has and that's not including the guys who want him. According to Ddraig, dragons are Chick Magnets.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: As much as he wants to make any moves, he just can't touch Rias because she's too good, and Asia because she's too pure.
    • As the novels go on, he does, particularly Rias who he manages to claim as his own through being a good guy. As the time goes on, he manages to nab Akeno, too, and many more beautiful women follow after her.
  • Cool Sword: Gains the Holy Sword Ascalon after Archangel Michael gives it to him as a gift.
  • Combination Attack: Due to his Gift powers, he's able to amplify his ally's attacks and launch a more powerful version. To wit, he pulled off a Field of Blades with Kiba, amplified Power of Destruction with Rias, amplified Akeno's Holy Lightning and his personal favorite with Gasper: Time stopping plus Dress Break.
  • Crazy Enough to Work: Most of his powers are pretty much this.
  • Crazy Prepared: His entire fight with Raiser at the engagement party. That is all.
    • Then there's his fight with Cao Cao, the fourth time.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: In the beginning, he's the receiver of this. Then he started training and now, he's delivering all the curb stomps to weaker devils. Just ask Diodora or Shalba Beelzebub.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He treats it like it was one. It's actually hilarious.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He gets his moments, normally when talking to Matsuda and Motohama. One particulary funny example occurs when he tells them he is going to ditch them to go to Rias' home (In the Underworld).

Matsuda and Motohama: Go to hell, you bastard!!!!
Ise: (after hanging up) Well, I am going to hell.

    • He also does it (internally) when Rias can't tell who the Maou Rangers are.
  • Deadly Upgrade: Juggernaut Drive. Makes him a lot stronger at the cost of his sanity and his devil life span got reduced to 99%.
  • Death Glare: He usually receives this to the girls. However, if he does it to you, you might want to run away pretty quick. To the point that although it was a Rating Game, Sairaorg felt a cold chill in his spine.
  • Despair Event Horizon: He crossed it when he thought Asia "died" the second time (or at least he thought she died) was this for Issei. Then he unlocks Juggernaut Drive and eats Shalba
  • Determinator: Best exemplified with his fight against Reynalle and went on from there.
  • Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?: He gains Ophis' affection from the way she clings at him. The other girls in his harem are not amused.
  • Drop the Hammer: Briefly wields Thor's hammer, Mjolnir against Loki.
  • Estrogen Brigade Bait: After his Training from Hell with Tanninim, he has developed quite a good looking body that half of his female classmates have a crush on him, knowing that he's a pervert.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: To defeat him, that is. Vali, Sairaorg, Cao Cao and Kiba wants to fight are the prime targets. Needless to say, he's not amused.
  • Evil Is Hammy: While he's definitely not evil, his actions whenever using Dress Break and Bilingual plus Gasper's Time Stop makes him one of these in the eyes of a female. Koneko even lampshades it that only villains ever get to be that hammy.
  • Fan Boy: Of Sairaorg after witnessing him settle a mess.
  • First-Episode Resurrection
  • First-Name Basis: He calls everyone in the group, aside from Kiba and Rias, by their first names. Rias however also wants to be called by her first name instead of "Club Leader", however Issei doesn't which frustrates her. He finally does call her by her first name at the end of Volume 10.
  • Foil: To Vali for having the greatest Red Dragon-White Dragon library and the fact that their origins are different (Issei's a devil who doesn't have any considerable past, while Vali's the descendant of the original Lucifer). Also, Issei is more of a pacifist and will talk with the past hosts of Boosted Gear, while Vali's more interested in dominating the past users of Divine Dividing.
    • Another one would be with him and Cao Cao. Both have companions who are willing to die for them but while Issei isn't willing to sacrifice anybody for his cause, Cao Cao will do anything i.e., brainwashing people for his cause.
  • Friend to All Children: Apparently, children are attracted to him for some reason.
  • Great Red Was My Co Pilot: Combines with Great Red to Kaiju size.
  • Groin Attack: He gets hit after blocking a speeding ball aimed for Kiba.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: 1/3 human, 1/3 devil, and 1/3 dragon to be exact.
  • Harem Hero: 2A latter evolves into 2B.
  • Harem Seeker: His ultimate goal after getting convinced by Rias.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: Out of his harem, he loves Rias the most but he can't spit it out for fear of destroying their relationship (he was killed by his ex-girlfriend after all).
  • Heroic RROD: Because of the limits of his body, he cannot call out Ddraig's full power for more than ten seconds without sacrificing a body part.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: The past users of Boosted Gear sacrificed their souls just to keep Issei's soul safe in Volume 12.
  • Hidden Depths: He's good at sewing, something that surprises Koneko.
    • He also has a love for having a harem and have sexual relationships with his fellow club members but the girls reveal that that they see fear in his eyes whenever they interact with him which shocks him. He still has a lot of trauma in regards to relationships because of Reynalle, his ex-girlfriend.
  • Horned Humanoid: After activating Juggernaut Drive the first time.
  • Idiot Hero: Zigzagged. Well he has his moments he is usually on top of things once someone explains it to him and is not nearly as lacking in commen sense as some of the other members of the Occult Club. He only gets really dumb when it concerns Love. He also gets smarter as the series goes on.
  • Informed Flaw: Everyone calls him talentless and he's often remarked as the weakest holder of Boasted Gear. At the start that makes sense but once he starts training he completely blows through the more "talented" members of the Occult Club in terms of both strength and the rate he grows stronger. While it's true that he trains hard Sairaorg trains longer and just as hard as him and he still surpassed him in the end. At this point it gets a little ridiculous when someone remarks him as weak or talentless considering how fast he improved.
    • Although to be fair, the ones calling him talentless nowadays are Azazel, Vali and Cao Cao. And even then, it's a compliment for them because they know Issei is a hard worker and is getting even stronger in a different direction.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Lots of 'em in this series and he's always the youngest; the latest being Ophis. And now Great Red is joining the fun.
  • Ironic Echo: Him promising to Koneko that he'll never use Dress Break to his allies. For those who haven't read the light novels, he uses it (by accident) towards Asia and Koneko in volume 3 because he was targeting Irina at that time, he uses it at Asia in volume 6 for his Crowning Moment of Awesome, and he uses it again towards Rossweiss in volume 9 because he needed to get past her. The one with Xenovia on volume 8 doesn't count because it was his clone running loose.
  • It Runs in the Family: His father wanted a harem too, but had to settle for one wife.
  • Jack of All Stats: Pawns have the secondary ability of "Promotion" if they are deep in enemy territory (in chess a pawn is promoted when it hits the last row on the opposing side of the board.) Which allows him to promote himself to any piece except a King, gaining that piece's abilities.
  • The Juggernaut: Juggernaut Drive. Duh
  • Kaiju: When he shows up in his Big Damn Heroes moment alongside Ophis and Great Red, he combines with Great Red and becomes gigantic sized to take out the Annihilation Maker monsters. Word of God states that it's a one time form only.
  • Large Ham: Every single time he uses Dress Break and Bilingual to his female opponents, he will be bringing ham.
    • Just how hammy was the introduction of Dress Break in the anime? He breaks out his devil wings, pulls off a pose not far off from any Tokusatsu genre, and lets loose with a finger snap. While Ominous Latin Chanting music is playing on the background.
  • Let's Fight Like Gentlemen: He insisted to Koneko that he fight Saji in a one-on-one match when Koneko tells him that it's a team battle. He then outright tells Koneko that if Saji wanted to, he could have used his Sacred Gear on her.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Everyone in his harem loves him and they're alright with his perverted antics.
  • Love Hurts: It takes him 9 volumes to get out of this and what does he get after confessing to Rias? One volume later, he dies after trying to save Ophis.
  • Magikarp Power: How his left gauntlet works. Every ten seconds, his power doubles. Get it boosted long enough and he can even kill any diety. Of course, due to the long preparation, no one's gonna wait for him to power up completely and get their asses kicked.
  • Magnetic Hero: He attracts special people like crazy. Practically everybody important in this series had some form of interaction with him.
  • Male Frontal Nudity: In episode 2 and it's uncensored even though it's only in a single frame and even then, it's easy to miss it.
  • Me's a Crowd: Something Azazel experimented on him. 300 of him to be exact. And yes, the cover illustration for said short story is a Shout-Out to said movie.
  • Mistaken for Gay: After Kiryuu spreads the photo of Issei and Kiba singing a duet together, rumors of them having a relationship spread like wildfire. Doesn't help that Kiba sometimes even outright tells Issei that he'll protect him. Issei just thinks he's nuts.
  • Mistress and Servant Boy: He's the servant and Rias is the mistress. Subverted as the time goes on, as they get close enough to be on equal footing.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: He grows extra limbs, some of which are sword-like, when in Juggernaut Drive.
  • Multiform Balance: How Trianna works.
    • Fragile Speedster: Welsh Sonic Boast Knight gives up armor in exchange for speed.
    • Glass Cannon: Welsh Blaster Bishop has a long charge time but very destructive attacks.
    • Jack of All Stats: Normal Balance Breaker has no weakness but doesn't add any special power.
    • Lightning Bruiser: Cardinal Crimson Queen basically combines all 3 modes strong points without any of their weakness.
    • Mighty Glacier: Welsh Draconic Rook has heavy attack and defense but due to the extra armor in this mode speed is lowered.
  • Mr. Fanservice: All the Training From Hell more than pays off for Issei in terms of his looks, as all those muscles make his goal of scoring hot pussy way, way easier than before.
  • Mundane Utility: How he acquired Dress Break in the first place was to peel vegetables at a distance.
  • Naked on Revival
  • Nice Guy: Despite being a pervert he is one of the nicest people in this story.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Destroying one of Cao Cao's eye didn't exactly end well when Cao Cao gets a rematch with replacing his now missing eye with a Medusa eye.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: A perverted high school student that is both a dragon and a devil.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: Stays behind the group in volume 11 to rescue Ophis from Shalba Beelzebub.
  • Normally I Would Be Dead Now: Apparently, if he didn't use Phoenix tears when he and Cao Cao fought the second time at Kyoto, he would have died already.
    • The dragon-killer curse would have killed him if Ddraig and the past hosts had not interfered.
  • Nosebleed: Too many times to count.
  • Oblivious to Love: As much as he's perverted, he doesn't catch the fact that all of the girls in the club love him. Then again, he did get killed by his ex-girlfriend and it still traumatizes him.
  • Obvious Rule Patch: Every single time he makes up a new move, the Rating Games always outright ban that move after use the match. Doesn't mean he can't use it when he's not in a Rating Game though.
  • Our Hero Is Dead: Near the end of volume 11. It probably won't stick though.
  • Pals With Ophis: The only person Ophis even considers as a friend is him.
    • And now he managed to become Great Red's friend.
  • Papa Wolf: To all the girls, but ESPECIALLY Asia and Koneko. Just ask Kuroka and Diodora.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: His missed attacks can blow up MOUNTAINS.
    • Trianna-Bishop can destabilize artificial dimensions.
    • Kiba even points out later on that whenever they train, it just feels so tiring to train with Issei because one hit from Issei will kill him.
    • The first time he uses Trianna Bishop ,he would have killed the entire Hero Faction if Cao Cao hadn't gotten them out of the way.
  • Porn Stash: Thinks he hid it pretty well until his mom blurts out where it's located at. Later on, the girls get to look at said stash, which humiliates Issei even further.
  • Power At a Price: In the beginning at least with his battle against Raiser, he borrowed Ddraig's power at the cost of his left arm turning dragon-like. For Issei however, it was worth the price.
  • Powered Armor: Balance Breaker Boosted Gear Scale Mail
  • Power Perversion Potential: Half of his abilities works like this!
    • Dress Break: Anything he touches, he shreds off their clothing. Declared an illegal move in the subsequent Rating Games where technically, there are no rules.
    • Bilingual: Yes, he can hear a woman's secret just from their breasts.
  • Punched Across the Room: How he defeats his ex-girlfriend fallen angel.
  • Red Baron: Called by everyone else as Red Dragon Emperor. Then they changed it to Chichiryutei (Breast Dragon Emperor) after completing his Balance Break by pressing Rias' nipples.
  • Red Oni: To Kiba's blue.
  • Required Secondary Powers: He needs a lot of stamina just to be able to make Boosted Gear work properly.
  • Rivals Team Up: With Vali against Loki and later on, with Pluto.
  • Roar Before Beating: When in Juggernaut Drive against Shalba.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: He's the one who screams when he accidentally walks in on Asia while she was in the shower instead of the other way around.
  • Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: Issei is the can to Ddraig.
  • Second Year Protagonist
  • Serious Business: If you want to put on a strip show for him, take out your bra first before your panties. Sairaorg's Bishop found that out the hard way.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: With Rias. Even referred by Azazel as that stupid couple.
  • Shoulder Cannon: His Illegal Triana Bishop form.
  • Shipper on Deck: Ships Saji to Souna.
  • Spanner in the Works: Wrecks his opponents plans like no tomorrow.
    • With Reynalle: Punching her in the face so powerful she got blown out of the window (anime)/punched across the room (light novel and manga).
    • With Raiser: Beats him up at his own engagement party.
    • With Souna: Uses Bilingual on the entire Sitri team and had their plans found out.
    • With Diodora: Defeated Raynare, thus getting Asia's affection.
  • Spit Take: When his mom asks him when is she going to have a grandchild ever since he finally calls Rias by her name.
  • Status Buff: How Gift works.
  • Straight Man: Pulls this off when Asia or Xenovia end up praying and gain damage.
    • As long as he isn't in his perverted antics, he's this to anybody. He's this to Rias when he recognized who the Maou Rangers were right away while Rias thought it was a new enemy. Also one to Bikou and Vali when they thought Mil-tan was a Catgirl. He even wanted to point out to Irina that although she's wanting to create a new club, she's still joining the Occult Research Club. And he also is this to Rossweiss when he pointed out that he used Dress Break on her and the first thing she complains is that she wrecked her clothes and that cost her money instead of covering herself up.
  • Superpower Lottery: Subverted. While one would think that having one of the strongest Sacred Gear that doubles your power every ten seconds would be a big win Issei himself is utterly talentless and has to compensate by going through Training from Hell to get stronger.
    • Played straight when he's now considered the offspring of both Ophis and Great Red.
  • Technical Pacifist: Never kills anybody even though he beats the crap out of them.
  • Tender Tears: Yes, perverts are able to regard girls as people with feelings-hopes-and-dreams rather than just objects.
  • The Champion: For Rias; he'll do anything for Rias.
  • The First Cut Is the Deepest: Raynare's attempt on his life, he feels that even though he would like to pursue a relationship with any member of his unknown (to him) harem, he's scared that he would be rejected almost instantly.
  • The Heart: The occult club sticks together mostly because of him. In fact if he ever decides to leave and form his own group both Asia and Xenovia would go with him.
  • The Messiah: Even though he's a dragon-devil.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Inverted. Cao Cao, Vali, Sairaorg, and Kiba all express their wishes to defeat Issei one day. Them being all guys, Issei wasn't amused by it.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers this towards Shalba Beelzebub the second time he curb stomped him.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: Hasn't really killed anybody outside of Rating Games and even then, no one dies in Rating Games anyway. He might beat them to a bloody pulp though. His first kill however is from Shalba the second time they fought.
  • Time to Unlock More True Potential: Well, it is a shounen series after all. His true potential, as revelealed by the EX spin-off light novel, is marrying a harem consisting of Rias, Akeno, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Rossweise, Ingvild, Le Fay, Kuroka, and Koneko and then siring at least one child with each.
  • Title Drop: Since Great Red used his powers to create Issei a body with the help of Ophis, he's now also known as the "Dragon of Dragons" or "D×D" who's still in high school; or in short, High School DxD.
  • Transformation Sequence: When he puts on his Balance Breaker for the first time in the anime.
    • Transformation Is a Free Action: Yet somehow, no one attacks him while he's transforming in this form. Even Maou Ranger Red (Sirzechs) lampshades that it's a rule to never attack while the opponent is transforming.
  • Unskilled but Strong: His main problem once he actually starts getting stronger is that he lacks technique.
  • The Rival: While Vali is more likely his rival thanks to their Sacred Gears, he considers his true rival to be Saji.
  • The Worf Barrage: Possibly the weirdest one ever. Dress Break doesn't work on Sairaorg's Bishop because she's willing to strip, thus using said skill would be pointless because ruining a strip show is pretty bad. He then tries to use Bilingual but the only thing that's coming out from her breasts is which clothes is she willing to take off next.
    • A more serious example would be his Balance Breaker Scale Mail. If you could break his armor that it indicates that your a threat to him. If you can't expect to be utterly destroyed in combat with ease.
  • Tranquil Fury: He's usually loud and hotblooded, but if he's in this state, you might wanna run away pretty quick.
  • We Can Rebuild Him: His old body is now dead, however thanks to Great Red and Ophis, he's got a new full-time dragon body.
  • We Do the Impossible: Summoning a god from another dimension that other gods don't even know about definitely counts.
  • Weirdness Magnet: He even lampshades that he's been attracting a lot of weird people lately.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He's called out by the other members of his group when asked as to what Rias really means to him. He says "Club Leader" is "Club Leader" and not as "Rias", causing Rias to run out of the room crying. Then the girls minus Rias turn around and fix his emotional baggage.
  • When All You Have Are Rias' Breasts: Anytime Issei needs a serious power up, it's always going to be with Rias' breasts. Examples include:
    • Need to attain Balance Breaker when Issei's getting curb stomped? Push Rias' nipples.
    • Need to get out of Juggernaut Drive? Push Rias' nipples.
    • Having a power up in the middle fighting the Hero faction? Push Rias' nipples that are glowing.
    • Already unconscious from Nemean Reguls equipped Sairaorg? Have Rias' breasts be glowing in crimson color.
    • Need to have more firepower when your so tired after using two Dragon Blasters and Gift? Use Gift on Rias' breasts and have them act as a battery.
  • World of Cardboard Speech: "Yes I am, a devil!" Cue punching a human Mook to the face.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Especially if it's his ex-girlfriend who just murdered his new friend!

Rias Gremory "The King"

Voiced by: Yoko Hikasa (Japanese)

Declared as the top one beauty of Kuou academy and the head of the Gremory house, she is a top-ranked devil and is Issei's master. She first appears to Issei after he summons her as he was dying. Taking pity and also interested in Issei's Sacred Gear, she revives him with eight pawn chess pieces. Referred to everyone as "Buchou".

  • Action Girl
  • A Loving Big Sister To Her Servants: She really loves her little brothers and sisters; breaking their hearts and making them cry is a one way ticket to the afterlife.
  • Ars Goetia: Her name, Gremory, is taken from one of the only three female demons (of the 72 total)--with the other two being a wolf and a mermaid—mentioned in the Ars Goetia.
  • Badass in Distress: That is, if you can call the engagement party with Raiser being a distress moment.
  • Badass Princess
  • Bad Bad Acting: Didn't really want to play as the Damsel in Distress to lure out the remaining Issei clones.
  • Battle Couple: With Issei. Becomes more so when her breasts act as a battery for Issei.
  • Bedmate Reveal: Doesn't mind sleeping naked with Issei.
  • Benevolent Boss: She loves her warriors so much she regards them as family rather than employees.
  • Berserk Button: When the three Fallen angels she and Akeno are confronted by in episodes 4 and 5 say how funny they found Issei being taken in by Yuuma and almost killed by her to be, she only waits long enough for Akeno to tell them they picked a fight with the wrong person before she vaporizes all three of them with a single attack, that's one in total, not one each!
    • Harming any of her servants in general. Hell, if you harm even your own servants, she'll roast you.
  • Black Bra and Panties
  • Can't Catch Up: Gets hit by this hard. Unlike the rest of the club she doesn't gain any new ability thus she didn't get any stronger than where she was at initially. This means that while she was the strongest in volume 1 by volume 11 she is actually one of the weaker members of the club.
    • Hell, even she thought she was The Load during her and Ise's fight against Sairaorg and his Pawn.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: As soon as Akeno starts making her moves on Issei, she gets jealous.
  • Cool Big Sis: Lovingly-kind or sternly-mature as the situation calls for it.
  • Cry Cute: Aww, Can I Take Her Home With Me?
  • Crutch Character: At the start, she's the strongest member in the club. By the middle part of the series, she's now just at the middle rank. Justified because, Kings in chess are pretty weak.
  • Dark and Troubled Past
  • Face Palm: Does this all the time.
  • First Girl Wins: Of sorts; despite allowing Issei to amass a harem as he always dreamed of, Rias stipulates one condition - she has to be the prime wife. No questions asked.
  • Foreign Fanservice: Although they look to have similar skin tone, after Issei's mother walks in on the pair naked in bed together she specifically tells his father he's in bed with a foreign girl. The dead-tree translation actually has her say, "It's an international incident!"
  • Heroes Want Redheads: Issei dearly wants her just for himself, and thankfully for him Rias is more than happy to be his girlfriend and future wife.
  • Idiot Hair
  • If It's You It's Okay: She's willing to be naked in front of her servants, especially towards Issei.
  • Intimate Healing
  • Made of Temptation: Successfully tempts Rossweisse to join the group as a teacher despite her age.
  • Meganekko: Sometimes wears one even though she has good vision. It's implied she does this purely to make Issei rock hard.
  • Magnetic Hero: She has gathered quite a lot of powerful and special people in her group even before meeting Issei.
  • Meaningful Name: Lias' Pawn is a Fairy Chess Piece that can also move sideways. It was proposed as a way to 'shake up' the rules of chess, as Issei does for the Rating Game.
  • Mistress and Servant Boy: She is the mistress and Issei is the servant.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She is the official #1 hottest girl in Kuoh Academy. Needless to say Issei's romance with her grants him quite the prestigeous position.
  • No Nudity Taboo: While Issei was freaking out and his mother seemed stunned, her response when Issei's mother walked in on them naked in bed was a polite "good morning" without even trying to cover herself up.
  • Onee-Sama: Referred to as one of the two onee-samas in Kuou Academy.
  • Out-Gambitted: By Souna.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Her power.
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Red Baron: Crimson-haired Ruin Princess.
    • Embarrassing Nickname: Later on, she becomes known as Switch Princess much to her embarrassment and blames Bikou for it.
  • Red Headed Heroine
  • Shower Scene: Multiple times in fact.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: With Issei in Volume 11. To the point that they forget people are watching them.
  • Squishy Wizard
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: She's 175cm (5'9) and smoking hot, as Issei himself sees this.

Akeno Himejima "The Queen"

Voiced by: Shizuka Itou (Japanese)

One of the devils in the service of Rias, she is also part of the Occult Research Club and acts as the main confidant of Rias.

She's actually a half-human and a half-fallen angel who resents her father because other fallen angels killed her mother, so she enters in the service of Rias as revenge.

Asia Argento "The Bishop"

Voiced by: Azumi Asakura (Japanese)

A former nun who Issei found and befriended while she was looking for the church of God. She gets killed by fallen angels and is revived by Rias as one of her bishops.

Yuuto Kiba "The Knight"

Voiced by: Kenji Nojima (Japanese) and Sean O'Connor (English)

The school prince of Kuou Academy and self-proclaimed best friend of Issei. He is also a part of the Occult Research Club in the service of Rias.

He's also the lone survivor of a failed project where a group of kids would wield any holy sword. He swore revenge on those who disposed him and his friends.

  • The Ace: Has lots of Fangirls compared to the unpopular Issei, plus he is intelligent and quite powerful. Lampshaded in the anime's end credits, there's a playing card theme, and Kiba is shown as the Ace of spades. Also a really good Foreshadowing too, see below this trope.
    • Broken Ace: Despite his cool appearence it is shown in Volume 3 that Kiba has a obsession with revenge which makes him hot-tempered and irrational.
  • Achilles' Heel: He realizes that if his legs are damaged, then he'll lose overall combat performance. And it shows by Siegfried almost dominating against Kiba when the latter's legs were getting weak.
  • Apologetic Attacker: Apologizes to his enemies whenever Issei breaks out a new perverted technique, much to the latter's frustration.
  • Asskicking Equals Authority: He is a Master Swordsman and eventually gets promoted to the Club's Vice-President by the end of Volume 20.
  • The Atoner: For participating in the Holy Sword Project in which his friends were killed during the experiments.
  • Attractive Bent Gender: In one Volume 13 short story, to Issei's horror, he realizes "Yumi" is his type of girl.
  • Beauty Mark: He has one under his left eye.
  • Badass
  • Berserk Button: Back in the day, if you present to him a holy sword, watch as he goes batshit insane.
    • Mentioning in front of him that Issei's sacrifice to save Ophis was in vain is a one-way ticket to a beat down.
  • Bishounen: He's the pretty boy of the group. Lampshaded by Issei himself, who nicknames him "Pretty Boy Prince".
  • Bond One-Liner: Delivers an epic one to Freed, after impaling the latter's head with his sword.

Kiba: "You can continue howling to the Grim Reaper in Hell."

  • Broken Ace: Has lots of fangirls compared to the unpopular Issei, plus he is intelligent and quite powerful. Despite his cool appearance, it is shown in Volume 3 that Kiba has an obsession with revenge, which makes him hot-tempered and irrational.
  • Broken Bird: Male example, in which he still feels the pain of being experimented upon back during his childhood, even well into adolescence.
  • Broken Hero: He is a calm, confident and skillful Knight. His perpetual smile and collected demeanor hide the fact that he is the only survivor of the Church's Excalibur experiments, who were so brutal that left him traumatized and killed all his friends when he was a mere child and to top it off, he is an artificial human without sense of self-worth; he is so deeply loyal to Rias simply because he has nothing else to hold on, something that Rias knows but is unable to fix. He admits to it in the Kokabiel arc. Though it gets kinda fixed with Issei and Koneko's friendship (with a healthy dose of Rias's Tough Love to help).
  • Cool Sword: Lots of them. Even more now after all of Siegfreed's swords answer to him.
  • Covert Pervert
  • Cutlass Between the Teeth: Triple wields demonic swords against Kokabiel. Must be taking lessons from Zoro.
  • Chick Magnet: He's popular with the girls at Kuoh Academy.
  • Childhood Friends: With Tosca after he is reunited with her as one of the survivors of the Holy Sword project.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: His participation in "The Holy Sword Project" caused him to become disillusioned with the Holy Swords in general.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He was originally called Isaiah, and was taken in by the Church and was chosen to be a part of a project called "The Holy Sword Project" supervised by Valper Galilei which led to the deaths of all of his friends and other participants when Valper decided to eliminate them, resulting in the latter's hatred of the Holy Swords namely Excalibur. After successfully escaping the facility with the help of his friends, he finally succumbed to the poison he inhaled. Lying on the ground, he was then found by Rias.
  • Defrosting Ice King: During his initial days as Rias's servant, Isaiah was distrustful of Rias and all those related to her. One day, when giving tribute to his deceased friends, he was confronted by a stray Devil and fought a hard battle until his master, Okita, came to rescue him. After this event, he finally opened up to Rias and took up the name Rias thought of specifically for him, "Yuuto Kiba".
  • Deuteragonist: Half of the series's point of view is through his eyes whenever Issei is not available.
  • Dual-Wielding: And sometimes, triple wielding.
  • Elemental Powers: His swords can do this.
  • Field of Blades
  • First Person Snarker: Not as much as Issei, but he does have his moments whenever he narrates.
  • Fragile Speedster: By his own admission. And Issei points out later that Kiba's not blocking his attacks anymore whenever they spar.
  • I Owe You My Life: After Issei saves him. To the point that he'll die for Issei, although Issei just thinks it's creepy.
  • Me's a Crowd: His second Sacred Gear when it was known that a user only gets to use one Sacred Gear at most.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Unlike Issei, Yuuto's body is very muscular and fit from the start, plus he wears a pretty tight speedo when swimming or at the beach.
  • Nice Guy: Despite Issei's initial rudeness towards him he still is as polite and even encourges Issei more so then the rest of the Occult Club with the exception of Rias.
  • Oh Crap: When Issei fired his Dragon shot on him when they were training.
  • Revenge: His entire reason for becoming a devil under Rias' service is to find and destroy all the holy swords.
  • Wham! Line: "That day, we lost Issei-kun."
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Issei's Red.
  • School Idol: Known as the school prince of Kuoh Academy.

Koneko Tojo "The Rook"/Shirone

Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu (Japanese)

The school mascot of Kuou Academy because of her cute looks, she's also a part of the Occult Research Club.

She's in the care of the Gremory household after her sister killed her former master. Not wanting to become like her, she's sealed most of her powers until Issei convinces her otherwise.

Xenovia "The Knight"

Former exorcist for the church, she first appears in the third volume alongside Irina to find the pieces of Excalibur stolen by a fallen angel.

Gasper Vladi "The Bishop"

He's the bishop that Rias had before she found Issei. He's also a half-vampire half-human who doesn't even want to suck blood.

Rossweiss "The Rook"

One of Odin's former valkyrie, she first appears in the story accompanying Odin in the fifth volume to watch the Rating Games. Turns out, she hasn't even gathered a single warrior for Ragnarok.

Irina Shido

Issei's childhood friend, she first appears in the third volume coming back to Japan in order to look for the Excalibur swords alongside Xenovia. At first, she didn't like the idea that Issei's now a devil, but comes to terms with later. She then joins the club in volume six, reborn as an angel in the service of Michael.

Irina: "Go, go do it on a bed! This is too dirty, the hygiene is terrible in this place!"

  • Fan Girl: She and Issei used to be Super Sentai fans to the point she would pose just to mimic her favorite heroes. She's pleased when her childhood friend gets to have a TV series of his own.
  • Forgotten Friend, New Foe: When they have first met again for a very long time, she was conflicted to kill Issei or not since she's an exorcist at that time while he's a devil. After the Peace Conference however, this is no longer an issue.
  • Girlish Pigtails
  • Idiot Hair
  • One of the Boys: Used to be a troublemaker like Issei back when she was a kid.
    • To the point that Issei thought she was a boy when they were younger, shocking him to learn that she was a girl.
  • Morph Weapon
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Is actually in between the two characteristics.


The leader of the fallen angel faction, he first appears in the 4th Volume when Issei mentions that he's one of his primary contractors. He then joins the club as the adviser after being asked by Souna and Sirzechs.

I'll give you an arm at least.

  • Redemption Quest: If you think about it from the way he wants peace and also to join the Occult Research Club in the first place. He gets it when Issei finally resolves the Akeno-Barakiel issue.
  • Say My Name: When Sakra reveals that he knows Cao Cao as a kid, he could only utter out "Indra!"
  • Spot of Tea
  • The Atoner: Blames himself for his orders to his subordinates like when Reynalle was ordered to watch Issei not kill him or the time when he summoned Barakiel only for the latter's wife die on him while he was away.
  • The Casanova: To put it simply, he has a harem. A thousand of them in fact. No, that's not the number of chicks he made out with. He has a thousand harems! And he made out with every single one of them!
  • The Mentor: To everybody, but more on Issei than everyone else.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: After participating in one of Akeno's S&M plays.

Ravel Phenex

Voiced by: Asuka Nishi (Japanese)

Sister of Raiser, she first appears at Rias' first Rating Game where she was a Bishop, but hardly did anything at all.

Student Council

Troops relating to them:

  • Can't Catch Up: With the exception of Saji their overall strength haven't improved compared to Occult Club's consistantly improving members.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Their rather strong but compared to Rias's group their lacking in firepower.
  • Weak but Skilled: Compared to Rias group in rating games. They did research on Rias group and used The Plan to almost win.

Sona Sitri

The Student Council President of Kuou Academy and a Childhood Friend of Rias.

Tsubasa Shinra

The vice-president of the student council and is also Sona's Queen.

Genshirou Saji

A pawn of Souna, he's also part of the student council. He also has a dragon inside him and thus was the reason why Souna had to use up four of her pawn pieces.

He's also the wielder of the Sacred Gear, Absorption Line, which is revealed to be a piece of Vlitra. Later when Azazel infuses Saji with the remaining parts of Vlitra, he gains three new Sacred Gears called "Blaze Black Flare", "Delete Field", and "Shadow Prison".






Four Lords of Hell

Tropes relating to all four of them:

Sirzechs Gremory-Lucifer

Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe (Japanese)

The older brother of Rias and one of the four lords of hell, bearing Lucifer's name.

Serafall Sitri-Leviathan

Older sister of Souna and also one of the four lords of hell. She's also in charge of foreign affairs.

Ajuka Astaroth-Beelzebub

Genius who laid the foundations of the Rating Game and Evil Piece systems. Also likes to give out a mysterious feeling because it's cool.

  • Badass: You really do not want to mess with him if you value your life.
  • Mad Scientist: Created the Evil Piece system, and modifies it For the Lulz.
  • Mistaken for Terrorist: He's accused of being one of the terrorists in Volume 6 despite the fact that he was also attacked. Might have something to do with one of the members of his former house working for Chaos Brigade.
  • The Rival: According to Serafall, him and Sirzechs were rivals back in the day.

Falbium Glasya-Labolas-Asmodeus

Considered as the military genius but hardly does any work and just passes his work to either his servants or to other people.

Other Devils

Grayfia Lucifugus-Gremory

Voiced by: Saori Seto (Japanese)

Sirzech's head maid, and his queen who is one of the most powerful characters of hell and is also Sirzech's wife.

  • Ars Goetia
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Always the tsukkomi whenever Sirzechs does something outrageous.
  • Cool Big Sis: To Rias, the stern type.
  • Expy: Looks almost identical to Sakuya Izayoi.
  • Happily Married: To Sirzechs.
  • Hot Mom
  • Intoxication Ensues: At the end of one side-story, Sirzechs mentioned to Azazel, who passed it on to Issei, that Grayfia "becomes a bit of a troublemaker" when she drinks. Issei had already discovered the "troublemaker" part, though unaware that alcohol caused it, when she invited -- no, insisted -- that he join her in the bath ... and when the harem walked in, Grayfia hugged him, pressing her breasts to Issei's back (yes, they were both naked at this point), and asked what they'd say if she said she was "making connection" with her young brother-in-law.

Rias: Stolen ... my Ise ... by Onee-sama ... stolen....
Asia: ...There's not a single chance for us to win if it's Grayfia-san...!
Akeno: So this is the real affair ... just to be expected from Grayfia-sama....
Xenovia: Ise steals Maou's wife! No, in this case did Maou's wife steal Ise from Buchou? Either way, this is amazing.

  • Meido
  • Only Sane Woman: Whenever she joins in the antics of the Four Lords Of Hell. And even then, sometimes she's weird seeing as she suggested to Rias to let Issei touch her breasts to power up.
  • Paper Fan of Doom: Whips it out whenever Sirzechs says something stupid.
  • Red Baron: The Ultimate Queen
  • Switching POV: The light novel only shows us the conversation between Lord Phenex and Lord Gremory after Issei defeats Raiser while Sirzechs and Grayfia went away. In the anime, it shows hers and Sirzechs' perspective on the reason why the latter handed out the griffon to Issei and the latter's thoughts on the Welsh Dragon joining the devil group while Grayfia notes that he's happy about it. It probably reminded them of their circumstances back then.
  • The Rival: To Serafall back in the day.
  • The Stoic: In head-maid mode. Nothing phases her even if Sirzechs does something stupid.
    • Not So Stoic: As soon as she becomes Rias' sister, she'll sternly lecture Rias for a very long time. Not to mention, she'll release an aura so powerful, everyone in the room feels like they're going to die.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl

Raiser Phenex

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Japanese)

Rias' fiance and the 3rd son of the House of Phenex.

  • Ars Goetia
  • Graceful Loser: He forgives Issei for his actions in cancelling his marriage with Rias, but he won't forgive him if he tries to make any unforgivable moves on his sister.
  • Engagement Challenge
  • Heroic BSOD: He sulks in his room when Issei defeats him in his engagement party.
  • Jerkass: When first introduced in the story. Flanderized in the anime version to the point when comparing him to his light novel version/manga version, he's way different.
    • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite the fact that he still acts like a jerk towards Rias and still kissed his servants in front the group, he actually gave a lot of good advice to Rias and told Issei that if Issei is defeated, it is a blow to Rias. Not to mention, he's the one who gave Rias a handicap and told her that their Rating Game will take place in 10 days and tells her that if she wants to do it now, he knows he'll curb stomp them.
  • Playing with Fire
  • Superpower Lottery: His main strong point is that he can't be killed. As you can imagine that is enough to get through most enemies.
  • Worthy Opponent: Towards Issei when Raiser is finally healed from his dragon trauma.

Diodora Astaroth

One of the six young devils who are participating in the Rating Games. He actually first appeared as the devil who Asia healed back when she was still in the church. In truth, he wanted to have Asia as part of his harem but cannot seeing as she's still in the service of the church at that time. He was going to kill Reynalle however he didn't expect Issei to win against her. He is then killed by the descendant of the old Beelzebub.

  • Adaptation Dye Job: While Diodora had blond hair in the original light novel series, his hair is dark green in the anime.
  • Ambition Is Evil: His ambition is to kidnap and have Asia join his harem.
  • Ars Goetia
  • Ax Crazy: Despite not cracking until his Villainous Breakdown, his obvious pleasure at raping and torturing Asia is a sign that he has not got a right mind.
  • Bait the Dog: When he first appears, he's an affable devil. Then it's revealed that he's a murderer and a rapist. After that, he tries to kidnap and rape Asia.
  • Berserk Button: He despises the idea of someone that's much stronger than him.
  • Big Bad: He is the main antagonist of Volume 6 until Shalba kills him.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He is memorable for being the first villain that Issei completely overpowered. Unlike all the former villains who are all stronger then Issei.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Diodora decides to underestimate Issei's powers as the Red Dragon Emperor when he attempts to rescue Asia. It doesn't work.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Was only mentioned as part of Asia's Backstory in the first volume before he makes his appearance.
  • Classic Villain: He represents Lust and Pride.
  • Complete Monster: One of the biggest ones in the series.
  • Crisis of Faith: Diodora actually gets off on causing these in his marks; finding a devout, well-respected holy woman like a nun and slowly breaking their spirits until they ultimately give in to despair.
  • Cuckold: Proposes to and attempts to kidnap and rape Asia, incurring the wrath of Issei.
  • Death by Irony: He gets killed after being overpowered by the Issei, the same person who helped rescue Asia, whom Diodora tried to pull a rescue attempt by killing Raynare before Issei stepped in.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: He mocks Issei about his [[Blue Blood nature. Granted, Diodora truly didn't realize that he was mocking someone almost three times stronger than him, but it still counts.
  • Dirty Coward: When the club tries to rescue Asia, he threatens to use her as a Human Shield, before teleporting away snickering.
  • Disc One Final Boss: He's presented as one of the final main villains of the second story saga, but it's not until the finale of volume 6 that the true final boss turns out to be Shalba Beelzebub.
  • Engineered Heroics: He planned for Asia to get excommunicated by the church and also waited for Raynare to kill her, only for him to kill the fallen angel and revive Asia, thus appearing to be her "savior." The last part of his plan fails when Raynare is defeated by Issei and Asia is revived by Rias.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Diodora's arrogance and relentless self-centeredness blind him to the idea that Issei will defeat him and cause his plan to kidnap and ultimately rape Asia to fail.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Issei. Just like him, Diodora wanted to form a harem. However, unlike him, Diodora was willing to do anything to accomplish his goals, including outright murder.
  • Evil Gloating: When the group confront him, he continuously taunts Issei about having kidnapped Asia, eventually crossing one too many lines and causing Issei to reach his Rage Breaking Point by threatening to rape Asia.
  • Evil Plan: He had planned to make Asia a part of his harem from the very beginning.
  • Eyes Always Shut: As part of his smug, polite facade. He opens them when he gets aggravated, like when Issei tries to pull him away from Asia.
  • Fatal Flaw: Diodora's pride and lust. He can't control his urges to rape and murder nuns, and couldn't stand being underestimated by Issei, and that's precisely how he lost in volume 6.
  • For the Evulz: He’s pretty much a scumbag for the sake of being a scumbag. He even drags the rest of the Occult Research Club into his business with Asia just to have more victims. This kills him in the end when he gets curb-stomped by an enraged Issei and is dispatched by Shalba as a result.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He may have been calm and polite in the Young Devils' Gathering, but it was only because he had to do it to cover his true motives, not to mention that he was clearly shown to drop his polite demeanor whenever not in their presence.
  • Netorare: Tells Issei that he'll steal Asia. Three guesses how that ended.
  • The Plan: Everything thing he did is for Asia to join him.

Sairaorg Bael

Cousin of Rias and Sirzechs from their mother's side and ranked Great King. Unlike other devils, he did not inherit his family's trademark skill which is the Power of Destruction, the same power that Rias and Sirzechs have. Instead, he trained himself to the point that he can fight off anybody. His wish is to become one of the Four Lords of Hell.

Fallen Angels

Amano Yuuma/Reynalle

Voiced by: Hitomi Nabatame (Japanese)

Issei's ex-girlfriend and is responsible for killing Issei which starts off the plot. She also steals Asia's Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing.

Calawana, Donnasiege, and Mitelt

Voiced by: Kumi Sakuma (Calawana), Taketora (Donnasiege), and Yuiko Tatsumi (Mitelt) (Japanese)

Three fallen angels who collaborated with Reynalle to get Asia's Twilight Healing and have themselves promoted.

  • Ascended Extra: Only Donnasiege appeared in the light novel where he first attacked Issei. In the anime, the other two are introduced.
  • Red Shirt: Seeing as they were curb stomped by Rias and Akeno, well...


A fallen angel who steers the plot of the third volume. He steals the pieces of Excalibur to strengthen the fallen angel faction and to tempt Micheal to start an all-out war.

  • And I Must Scream: His ultimate fate. Azazel seals him in Cocytus, the deepest part of the Underworld.
  • Barehanded Blade Block: Uses only two fingers to block Kiba's sword.
  • Big Bad: The main antagonist of Volume 3.
  • Blood Knight: Wants a war to get fighting starting once again.
  • Disc One Final Boss: He gets defeated by Vali at the start of the second saga.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: He has a deep voice and is a villain.
  • Fantastic Racism: He wants to restart the war between the Three Factions just to prove that Fallen Angels are the superior race.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: He's sealed up in Cocytus after Vali defeats him.
  • For the Evulz: Wants to start the war just so that he won't be bored. That and he's willing to prove that the fallen angels are superior.
  • Human Popsicle: His punishment for attempting to reignite war was eternal freezing in Cocytus.
  • Kick the Son of a Bitch: Kills Vlapis for outliving his usefulness.
  • Knight of Cerebus: He's the first enemy that the ORC was completely incapable of beating, and he drops the bombshell that God Is Dead.
  • Obviously Evil: His face alone in the second PV of the second season looks like he fits more in the devil society than in the fallen angel group.
    • Its also a case of Fridge Brilliance, due to the fact that Angels in the Bible are known be terrifying in appearance.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Well, he is racist, after all...
  • This Cannot Be!: When he finds himself losing to Vali, who lampshades how stereotypical such lines are before finishing him off.
  • Wake Up Call Boss: Manages to become this for the entire (incomplete at that time) Gremory team. They could barely scratch the dude and it took Vali to beat the crud out of him.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Even though Kokabiel tried to start another war, the other fallen angels still think of him as a comrade and thought that what he did was stupid.
  • The Worf Effect: He both Worfs and is Worfed. The ORC could barely scratch him, establishing that while they are badass, they have a long way to go before they are major players power-wise. He is immediately one-shot by Vali, establishing him as a major player, power-wise.


Azazel's right-hand man and is also currently married to a devil.


Akeno's father who first appears in the seventh volume. He was currently acting as a bodyguard to Odin when he sees Akeno with Issei going to a love motel.


Archangel Michael

Currently the leader of the angels faction because God Is Dead in this story.

Dulio Gesualdo

A former exorcist reborn into an angel and is also Michael's Joker.

  • Superpower Lottery: Is the current owner of Zenith Tempest, one of the four top-tier Longinus in this story. It controls temperature which he used to freeze all of Hades' grim reapers.


Freed Zelzan

Voiced by: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Japanese), Ben Phillips (English)

An exorcist for the fallen angels, he first appears in the story in Volume 1 (Episode 3 of the anime) when he kills a human who has a devil contract saying that all devils and humans who contact devils must be killed.

  • Artificial Human: Made from different patterns of genetics of those who carried the blood of the original Siegfried to use Gram.
  • Ax Crazy: Yep, he's a nutcase.

He's both insane and aggressive, attacking whoever gets on his nerves, or simply catches his fancy when he's "in the mood."

  • Back for the Dead: After having been cut down in Volume 3, Freed would meet his ultimate end in Volume 6 at the hands of Kiba.
  • Blood Knight: Freed may be an exorcist, but he doesn't give a flying crap about God. The only reason he's an exorcist is so he can kill demons and slake his bloodthirst.
  • Body Horror: His body takes on the terrifying form of a chimera during his final appearance.
  • The Dragon: He plays this role to Raynare in Volume 1, then to Kokabiel in Volume 3, and again to Diodora in Volume 6, although it's up for debate as to whether he was really serving the latter or just looking for revenge against the Research Club.
  • Evil Is Hammy: He seems to overact his scenes, and seems to enjoy doing it.
  • Fatal Flaw: His insane behavior leads to him getting killed by Kiba.
  • Gratuitous English: He peppers his speech with random English words.
  • Half the Man He Used To Be: How Kiba ultimately kills him.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: In the sixth volume, he gets turned into a chimera and when the club meets with him again, he's shown to be eating the two remaining knights Diodora had.
  • Killed Off for Real: After being revived as a chimera, Freed dies permanently in Volume 6 when Kiba slices him apart nearly instantly.
  • Knight Templar: Averted. His wanton slaughter of supernatural being has nothing to do with any higher purpose. Freed never even believed in God, and only became an exorcist so he could slaughter things with impunity.
  • Large Ham: We think his seiyuu had a hammy time delivering his lines.
  • Laughably Evil: As warped as Freed is, he's a joy to watch between his mood swings and bizarre mannerisms.
  • Light Is Not Good: Freed is an exorcist of the Church, who wields holy weapons against the creatures of the underworld. He is also an Ax Crazy maniac.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Made by the Sigurd Institution the same as Siegfried and Lint, so he is artificially related to them. Especially to Lint as he and her are made from the same genetics.
  • The Mad Hatter: In the English dub, he gleefully refers to himself as a "psycho priest free agent."
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: He gets punched in the face by Issei and from there proceeds to lose all sanity.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Perpetual Smiler: Pretty much always has a twisted grin plastered on his face.
  • Recurring Boss: He attacks the Occult Research Club multiple times over the course of the story: In the first volume, when Issei visits a client who Freed had just killed, and again outside the abandoned church where he fights them to protect Raynare; In the third volume, when he battles Kiba and Xenovia for Kokabiel wielding the Excaliburs; and finally in the sixth volume, during the Rating Game against Diodora, having devoured two of Diodora's knights and become a chimera. Here, he is killed by Kiba.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: He has red eyes and is a villain.
  • Run or Die: After Raynare is defeated, Freed is forced to abandon the fight.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: He heads for the hill when Issei defeats Raynare and Rias is about to kill her.
  • Sex Is Violence: He outright states that he's getting hard just from the "killing intent" in Akeno's gaze, and generally acts as if torture and murder are his favorite turn-ons.
  • Teen Genius: Was apparently an exorcist when he was 13 years old.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Towards Issei for hitting his face.
  • Villain Decay: At the start he is presented as a serious threat and actually proved to be a challenge even for Kiba and Koneko. 5 volumes latter he gets one shotted by Kiba.
  • Wake Up Call Boss: Played with. Issei hasn't really fought any battles yet (and the ones he was involved in usually ended up getting him killed, or at least hurt badly). But when he encounters Freed for the first time, he knows that he's outclassed and even Rias apologizes to him since they hadn't realized a rogue exorcist was around.

Touji Shidou

Irina's father and currently a pastor, formerly an exorcist.

  • Cloudcuckoolander: Is where Irina gets it from.
  • Doting Parent: One for Irina.
  • I Want Grandkids: Gives up on this when Irina becomes an angel, he regains hope when Micheal has him deliver the doorknob, that leads to the baby making room to Issei and Irina.
  • Shipper on Deck: Ships Issei and Irina, he happily encourages them to use the baby making room alot. Implies he ships since they were children.

Norse Mythology


The Norse god and leader of Valhalla. He's also a pervert.


Son of Odin who wants to start Ragnarok.

  • Badass Boast: Even if I don't use Fenrir, two fallen angels are no match for me!
    • He backs it up.
  • One-Man Army: Consider this: one side of the field, you have two Heavenly Dragon users who're fighting side by side, a team of fallen angels, the rest of the Occult Research Club, and the rest of Vali's group. And on the other hand, there's him and Fenrir. He still had the upper hand. It took divine intervention just to even defeat him.

Greek Mythology




The Big Bad of the third arc of the series. He's also manipulating the Chaos Brigade to start the war in hell.

  • Big Bad: Of the third arc.
  • Evil Plan: He's the one who made the Chaos Brigade attack Hell.


A servant of Hades and is considered as the ultimate grim reaper.

Japanese Mythology


Daughter of Yasaka and also a nine-tailed fox.


Leader of the Youkai faction at Kyoto and is also Kunou's mother.

Hindu Mythology

Sakra Indra

One of the gods of the Hindu mythology and has also defeated the battle-god Asura. He knows a lot more about the things going on than anyone else.

Son Goku

The original Son Goku from the Journey to the West. He's on a mission ordered by Sakra to defeat the Chaos Brigade and he's also trying to catch Bikou.

Chaos Brigade (Vali's Group)

Tropes relating to all of them

Vali Lucifer

Currently the possessor of Divine Dividing (the Sacred Gear which seals the White Dragon Albion), he's also a half-human half-devil in the service of Azazel who then defected to the Chaos Brigade because peace is boring for him. Also original Lucifer's great grandson but doesn't seem to care about that.

  • The Ace: He's descended from the orginal maou and as such has enough magical power and potential to learn norse magic from reading it without any practice. He's also extremely strong and can mantain balance breaker for months according to Azazel. To top it off he could control and use Juggernaut Drive for a few minutes without losing control which nobody can do. This is all to make him more of a Foil to Issei.
  • Achilles' Heel: Like Issei, he's also weak to both anti-dragon and anti-devil attacks (former because he's well, a dragon, and the latter is because he's a descendant of the real Lucifer).
  • Ars Goetia
  • Badass
  • Better Than Sex: He'd rather be fighting strong opponents than having sex and is definitely one of the few men in the series who's not a pervert.
  • Blood Knight
  • Born Winner: Just take a look at what he has.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Delivers this to Kokabiel.
  • Foil: To Issei. He's talented and remarked to be the strongest holder of Divine Dividing thus far while Issei lacks any kind of talent and is remarked to be the weakest holder of Boasted Gear thus far. Also in terms of personality he is a Blood Knight who is not interested in sex while Issei is obsessed with sex and hates fighting.
  • I Was Just Passing Through: His excuse for rescuing Asia from the void. Turns out, he was also trying to get Gogmagog and he just happened to see Asia in there.
  • The Juggernaut: He also has access to Juggernaut Drive but it won't kill him because he can temporarily control it by consuming his vast magic reserves inherited from being a direct descendant of the original Lucifer.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Is very fast and hits hard.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: Always kept getting teased by Kuroka to make out with her already but he never does.
  • The Plan: Him helping out the Kuou group was because he wanted to take Fenrir. The group however just only needed his teeth, and yet he Took a Third Option.
  • Rivals Team Up: He and Issei teamed up against Loki and later on when Issei comes Back from the Dead, with Pluto.
  • Superpower Lottery: Won it big. Not only is he the holder of Divine Dividing which has the utterly hax ability to divide half of a opponents power and add it to his own power but he also is a descendant of the old Lucifer meaning he has a unnataural ammount of magical energy plus he has enough talent to learn most spells by just reading about them.
  • The Rival: To Issei.
    • Privileged Rival: He's descended from the old Lucifer and is thus extremely magically talented. This contrasts with Issei's lack of talent in magic and his normal background.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Him and Bikou encounter Issei, congratulate him, and went to the ramen shop.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Couldn't use Juggernaut Drive against Cao Cao because he was poisoned by an arrow coated with Samael's blood.


Koneko's older sister and also one of the most dangerous exiled devils after killing her master.

Turns out, her master wanted to become a lot stronger by performing crazy experiments so she killed him before he corrupted Koneko.

  • Blood Knight: Even Issei calls her one.
  • Boobs of Steel: Well, she's a nekomata and she did kill her former master in cold blood.
  • Cain and Abel: Oh definitely. Until you find out that's she's actually protecting Koneko from harm.
  • Catgirl
  • Cool Big Sis: Not that she'll ever admit it.
  • Freudian Excuse: The reason why she murdered her master was because he was making a lot of crazy experiments to make his team and his blood relatives stronger. She didn't want Koneko to be in danger for being part of a crazy experiment so she killed him to protect her.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: With Koneko. Their hair colors are even the exact opposites.
  • Taking the Bullet: Took Vali's blast which got reflected by Cao Cao going towards Koneko.


A descendant of Son Goku, he first appears in the fourth volume picking up Vali who was about to release his Juggernaut Mode against Issei.

Arthur Pendragon

He is the descendant of the legendary King Arthur and wielder of the strongest piece of Excalibur, as well as Colbrand (Caliburn) the sword in the stone.

Le Fay Pendragon

Arthur's sister.


Formerly a creation of Loki, he joins Vali after he gets defeated by the latter.


Golem, a weapon created by the gods but abandoned in the dimensional gap. Later picked up by Vali.

Chaos Brigade (The Old Devils Faction)

Cattleya Leviathan

One of the devils of the old devil faction who attacked at the peace conference.

Kuruzerei Asmodeus

The descendant of the original Asmodeus, he appears in the sixth volume to challenge Azazel, but is killed by Sirzechs.

Shalba Beelzebub

The descendant of the original Beelzebub, he appears at the climax of the sixth volume to look at the failures of Diodora, thereby killing him.

He comes back in Volume eleven, all rebuilt but has lost most of his powers.

Chaos Brigade Hero Faction

Tropes relating to them:

Cao Cao

Leader of the Hero Faction and a descendant of Cao Cao. He also wields the strongest Longinus, True Longinus.

  • Awesomeness By Analysis: He beats his opponents by gathering intel on them and taking advantage of their weakpoints.
  • Badass
    • Badass Normal: He's just a normal human being who has a Sacred Gear and almost always dominates in fights.
      • Glass Cannon: All it takes to defeat him is just one hit from anybody in this series. Yet no one can land a hit on him.
    • One-Man Army: Oh is he ever.
  • Blade on a Stick
  • Combat Pragmatist: Encourages gathering information and fights extremely unfairly. Best examplified during his fight with Vali and Issei's group. He used Samael's poison to take out Vali and attacks the weakest links of the group knowing that Issei would protect them which he did. He in a instant he got rid of the two fighters that actually was a threat to him and weakened the other side immensely.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: He'll study his enemies and perfect his style before even thinking of even attacking his enemies.
  • Expy: Other people in his group refer to him as the modern-day Cao Cao.
  • Eye Scream: Issei manages to destroy one of Cao Cao's eyes, forcing him to use Medusa's eyes as a replacement.
  • Foil: To Issei; both have companions who are willing to join the both of them, but while Issei, a devil, will not sacrifice anybody for his cause and does care for the well-being of other people, Cao Cao, a human, is willing to make sacrifices for his cause.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He was so Crazy Prepared that he neglected the fact that Samael's poison also works on snakes because of his Medusa eye. Yeah, that same Samael blood that Issei got coated with in his fight against Shalba.
  • Magnetic Hero: Despite the fact that he'll employ brainwashing for the humans with Sacred Gears who aren't willing to join his cause, there are also people who are willing to join him because he's accepted them and will die for them.
  • Oh Crap: After seeing Rias get summoned instead of Great Red.
  • Superpower Lottery: He won it by being the current wielder of the strongest Longinus.
  • Worthy Opponent: He praises both Issei and Kiba for being able to at least match him and tells the both of them to get stronger. He also thinks of Vali as such as well because the last time they fought, it was exhilarating.


A descendant of George Faust who made a contract with Mephistopheles. He also wields Dimension Lost, one of the four most powerful Longinus to exist.


One of the top 2 swordsmen of the Chaos Brigade faction (the other is Arthur). His Sacred Gear is "Twice Critical", the same Sacred Gear Reynalle thought that Issei had.

  • Dual-Wielding: Triple wielding, all the way to sextuplet wielding.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He gets killed by Kiba after Gram answered to Kiba instead of him.
  • Master Swordsman: Took on both Kiba and Xenovia and won when they fought the first time.
  • Oh Crap: When realizing that Rias' breasts are the breasts of miracles if combined with Issei's powers.
  • Red Baron: Chaos-edge Sieg.
  • This Cannot Be!: When Gram chooses Kiba as its master instead of him.
  • We Can Rule Together: Offers Ajuka to fight against Sirzechs since he's the only one who could put up a fight with the latter. His answer? Wipe out all the devils that were present without even standing up.


A human being who inherited the spirit of Joan of Arc and is also the wielder of the Sacred Gear, Blade Blacksmith which is a holy sword version of Kiba's Sword Birth.


A human being who also has embodied the spirit of the hero, Hercules.

  • I Shall Taunt You: The reason why he and Saji fought in Volume 12.
  • Kick Them While Theyre Down: Stomps Sona on the ground when she and her group were trying to defend a bus full of kids.
  • Magic Missile: His Balance Breaker, Detonation Mighty Comet, makes him fire magic missiles at his opponents.


A boy who also has possession of the Longinus, Annihilation Maker and is also a descendant of Leonardo da Vinci.[1]


Shared tropes:

Red Welsh Dragon Emperor Ddraig

Voiced by: Fumihiko Tachiki (Japanese)

One of the two heavenly dragons who got sealed thanks to them fighting off the other three factions. He's the dragon who's residing at Issei's left arm and thus has to put up with all of Issei's perverted antics.

  • Cassandra Truth: He did hear the voice of the Breast fairy when Issei accidentally summoned it instead of being able to talk to Akeno's breasts with Bilingual. Everyone just thinks Ddraig lost it.
  • Cosmic Plaything/Butt Monkey: Doesn't appreciate it when he gets called by both Ophis and Great Red as the Breast Dragon.
  • Heroic BSOD: Played for laughs whenever someone mentions Issei as the Breast Dragon.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Consider's Issei to be one of his true friends seeing as his former hosts never really talked much with him.
  • Tender Tears: Cried after Issei died.
  • The Rival: Him and Albion have been going at it for centuries.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Him and Issei in a nutshell.

White Vanishing Dragon Emperor Albion

One of the two heavenly dragons who got sealed thanks to them fighting off the other three factions. He's the dragon who's residing with Vali.

  • Heroic BSOD: Played for Laughs seeing as his main rival is now known as the Breast Dragon, which hurts his pride. Also gets called as the Butt Dragon thanks to Vali revealing his fetish.
  • The Rival: Him and Ddraig have been going at it for centuries.


One of the former dragon kings who turned himself into a devil to get a piece of land in the underworld for his fellow dragon-kind to live in. He's also one of Issei's mentors in fighting. One of the few reborn devils to reach Ultimate Class, he is Issei's inspiration. Has been Top 10 in the Rating Game for decades.

Prison Dragon Vritra

The evil black dragon who after being vanquished, had his soul split into pieces. One of them is Saji's Sacred Gear.

  • Weak but Skilled: Considered as the weakest of the five dragon kings, but has a wide array of skills to make up for it.

Chaos Karma Dragon Tiamat

The only female dragon king out of the five dragon kings in the story. According to Ddraig, she hates him.

Gigantic Dragon Fafnir

One of the five dragon kings in the story, he's sealed inside Azazel's artificial Sacred Gear.

Sleeping Dragon Midgardsormr

One of the five dragon kings, he's made by Loki and is currently sleeping at the ocean near Scandinavia. He's also the laziest dragon.

Mischievous Jade Dragon Yu-Long

The youngest of the five dragon kings in the story, he also accompanies the original Son Goku whenever the latter gets sent by Indra to somewhere.

Ouroborous Dragon Ophis

Formerly The strongest dragon of the dragon race and quite possibly the most powerful character in the story. He/she/it first appeared as an old man, and then changed its appearance to a young girl. Ophis' wish is to go to the dimension where Great Red decides and kick him out of there.

  • Batman Gambit: When Samael drained her powers, she actually sent out snakes that contained her power just in case, so she didn't really have 75% of her powers drained out of her.
  • Cherry Tapping: When Issei wakes up in his spirit form, he sees Ophis tapping the ground. When asked, all she said was "I'm defeating Great Red here." Yes, it's a mix of funny and adorable.
  • Comically Serious: "Did you want to become the Breast Dragon instead of the Heavenly-Dragon Ddraig?" which sends Ddraig into his Heroic BSOD.
  • Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?: Hangs out at Issei's place in Volume 11.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: At least Issei thinks so.
  • Gothic Lolita: Its current form since according to Azazel, last time Ophis appeared was in the form of an old man.
  • Implacable Man: Gets stabbed by Cao Cao using True-Longinus, and she doesn't even flinch at all.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: With Issei.
  • Legal Jailbait: Her current form. Hell, she has two black tapes that is cross shaped attached to her nipples.
  • Mystical Waif
  • Nerf: Fans think that she'll be replacing Ddraig that's why she has 75% of her powers drained from her.
    • Subverted about the replacing Ddraig part. She's now part of Issei's harem.
  • Won't Work On Me: Does this to CaoCao and the freaking True Longius
  • Only Friend: Considers Issei as its one and only true friend.
  • Puppet King: S/he is considered as the overall leader of Chaos Brigade, but the ones below her are the ones who are truly running around the group.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Has been around since the beginning of time.
  • Red Baron: The Infinite One
  • Redemption Demotion: As soon as she finally joined Issei's group, almost all of her power was drained (most of it swallowed by Samael, and then had to create Issei's body alongside Great Red.
  • The Load: Volume 11 is pretty much her not being able to do anything at all and is a burden to the entire group.
    • This is actually justified, as losing some of her power, she was unstable. When she attacked the Grim Reapers, she accidently blew up Azazel. Also, she is effectively invincible, so she doesn't really understand the necessity of self-defense.
  • The Rival: Big Red
  • Worf Effect: For someone to be the Infinite One, it sure loves to be a Damsel in Distress seeing as it got captured by both Samael, and Shalba.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: S/he's capable of shifting from one form to another. As noted by Azazel, form for Ophis is just simply a decoration.

Apocalypse Dragon Great Red

The only one who can rival Ophis and is currently residing in the dimension gap. Ophis' wish is to kick him out there while Vali wishes he could fight him. He also represents dreams.

  • Delinquent: How Issei describes him as; a biker gang dude who hates being stared at.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: When a monster glared at him, he tells Ddraig that he'll combine with him and wipe out all the huge monsters.
  • Dynamic Entry: How he enters the underworld with Issei and Ophis at his back.
  • Power Levels: The strongest character of the entire series.
  • Title Drop: It's known as "D x D" or Dragon of Dragons.
  • The Rival: To Ophis.

Ordinary Humans

Issei's Parents

Parents of Issei.

  • Doting Parents: Surprisingly, to Asia which Issei notes but doesn't seem to care.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: While they know that Issei's harem is staying at his house, what they don't know is that their house is occupied by the sister of one of the four lords of hell, a half-fallen angel-half human-turned-devil, a nun-turned-devil, a Catgirl, a former exorcist-turned-devil, a reincarnated angel, a valkyrie-turned-devil and the most powerful dragon. Not to mention, they don't know that their son is also a dragon-devil.

Matsuda and Motohama

Issei's friends at Kuou Academy and is as much perverted as Issei.

Kiryuu Aika

Asia's friend and is also Issei's classmate.


Issei's first customer who's also an Otaku.


Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (Japanese)

One of Issei's first customers and is cosplaying as a Magical Girl but is also a guy.

  • Creepy Crossdresser: Well what do you call someone who's big, well built, and is cosplaying as a magical girl?


Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese)

One of Issei's first customers who first appeared in the Volume Eight side stories (episode 6 in the anime). An exchange student who's an avid fan of Japan back in the old days.

Kiyome Abe

A third year student of the Kuou Academy and the captain of the tennis club. She's also a beast master.

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