Heaven's Lost Property/Characters

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A list of characters from the manga/anime Heaven's Lost Property. Naturally, spoilers ahoy.


Mundane human beings living in the town of Sorami, somewhere in Japan. They are blissfully unaware of the presence of Synapse hanging over their heads (save for one guy)...until the Angeloids made their presence known.

Tomoki Sakurai

The local pervert and all-around Unlucky Everydude. Lives alone in his home in Sorami Town.

Voiced by: Soichiro Hoshi (JP), Greg Ayres (EN)

Sohara Mitsuki

Tomoki's childhood friend who packs a mean karate chop. Lives next door from Tomoki.

Voiced by: Mina (JP), Trina Nishimura (EN)

  • Boobs of Steel: She has the biggest breasts in the series (except possibly Astraea, who is said to rival her) and is the strongest human female yet shown (as proven in the "sumo" tournament).
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She doesn't seem too fond of Tomoki showing interest in other girls.
  • Covert Pervert: If the first episode of Forte didn't show it.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Towards Tomoki's father, at least in that they keep their respective Sakurai in line with karate chops. He even ships Sohara and Tomoki together because of it.
  • Gag Boobs: One chapter implies that they are the largest in town and still getting larger.
  • Megaton Karate Chop: Triggered via perversion.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Often because she's the designated female Butt Monkey.

Eishirou Sugata

The head of New Continent Discovery club in Tomoki's school. An all-around smart guy who lives in the wilderness.

Voiced by: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (JP), Eric Vale (EN)

Mikako Satsukitane

The local Yakuza Princess, whose sadistic streak can match any psychopath. Also the student council president.

Voiced by: Ayahi Takagaki (JP), Jamie Marchi (EN)

Tomoki's Grandfather

An old man who raised Tomoki, and is very influential in his decisions... not a good way, mostly.

Voiced by: Hiroshi Iwasaki (JP), Bill Flynn (EN)


A recurring character who comes every time Mikako's folks open up a fair.

Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (JP), Christopher Sabat (EN)

Tomoyo Sakurai

Tomoki's mom. She and Tomoki's dad left for a world trip when Tomoki turned 10.

  • Anything That Moves: Though she did marry Tomoki's dad, perversion for busty women is passed down through her side of the family. Including her.


Combat-oriented gynoids created by Synapse. They have a Theme Naming derived from Greek mythology, down to their weapons.


The first Angeloid known in the series. Her formal designation is Type Alpha, Strategic Battle-class Angeloid

Voiced by: Saori Hayami (JP), Brittney Karbowski (EN)

  • Absolute Cleavage
  • The Ace: she was Synapse's greatest weapon.
  • Berserk Button: Don't touch her master, her friends, or her watermelons. Also her little toy with the pop-off head.
  • Cry Cute
  • Emotionless Girl: At first. Even now, she can't show many emotions, but little by little, she's opened up to Tomoki and the rest of her friends.
  • Evil Twin: Tactical Angeloid Type-Theta, Ikaros Melan.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She took a hit from Melan's Apollon, which the Master claimed was even more powerful than her own and surrounded both her and Melan with her Aegis barrier to keep Nymph, Astrea, and an injured Tomoki from getting hurt. The damage from this was so great, she lost the majority of her limbs, and her entire system was knocked off line.
  • Heroic Second Wind: After the above, and Nymph taking her level in badass, Icarus chooses that moment to activate her Pandora System. She then promptly decimates the Melan army.
  • Idiot Hair: It seems to warn her when Tomoki is in danger.
  • Literal Genie
  • Named Weapons: She has the most so far. Artemis, Apollon (her bow, whose power is said to be enough to annihilate a country), Aegis, and Hephaestus. The anime gave her one more weapon, Uranus System, a giant cloaked battleship/Mobile Armor.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: There's a reason that Synapse wants their Lost Property back.
  • Red Baron: She is nicknamed The Uranus Queen.
  • Rei Ayanami Expy
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Significant Green-Eyed Redhead
  • Super Drowning Skills: Subverted in that she can't swim due to her wings being really heavy when wet, but she can't drown either. Nor does oceanic pressure seem to affect her.
  • Turned Against Their Masters
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Unlike Nymph, and Astraea, Icarus has only an inkling of what the pain in her reactor means. She compares herself to Chaos in this respect.
  • Winged Humanoid


The first Angeloid sent from Synapse to kill Tomoki, although she spent more time harassing him and Ikaros. Her formal designation is Type Beta, Electronic Warfare Angeloid.

Voiced by: Iori Nomizu (JP), Kara Edwards (EN)


The second Angeloid(s) sent from Synapse to kill Tomoki, although they are quickly relegated to guard duty. Their formal designation is Type Gamma, Ambush-purpose Angeloid.

Voiced by: Michiko Neya and Maya Okamoto (JP), Clarine Harp and Stephanie Young (EN)

  • Amor Piercing Question: Gets one from Nymph after asking why she won't fight after Tomoki told her and Ikaros not to.

Why? Let me ask you. Why are you two still serving under that guy? Well?

  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: At the end of chapter 61, the Master tells them to go destroy Ikaros. They know they're no match for her, especially now that she's evolved. HE knows they're no match. Doesn't matter. They're his angeloids, beings who's only purpose is to entertain him. And when they do show up on Earth, they get roped into going clothes shopping with Tomoki.
  • Jerkass
  • Named Weapons: Super Pyrotechnic Compression Firing Cannon, Prometheus.
    • They also both have S. vibrate claw Nemea.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: The oldest doesn't see any shame in wearing all the Fetish costumes Tomoki picks out. Until he picks up a bikini. She's absolutely mortified to see a piece of clothing that exposes her bellybutton.
  • Those Two Bad Girls
  • You Gotta Have Green Hair: The younger one. The older has red.


The third Angeloid sent from Synapse, with the express purpose of killing Tomoki. Her formal designation is Type Delta, Regional Conflict Angeloid.

Voiced by: Kaori Fukuhara (JP), Carli Mosier (EN)

  • Absolute Cleavage
  • Achilles' Heel: She has no long-range attacks.
  • Big Eater: Can eat a lot of food, and in at least one instance, gets her in trouble as well (when she eats Ikaros' watermelons with Nymph, who then promptly blamed Astraea).
  • Big Freaking Sword: Chrysaor can turn into this.
  • Boobs of Steel: While she's not as powerful as Ikaros all-around, she is stronger in a purely physical sense, and her rack speaks for itself.
  • Cool Big Sis: At the end of chapter 60, she decides to try and become this for Chaos.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
  • The Ditz
    • Genius Ditz: She's actually fairly clever. (Of course, being an idiot, she nearly always misapplies this, leading to a lot of Rube Goldberg plots that don't actually work.)
  • Dumb Blonde
  • Extreme Omnivore: Rabbit pellets and fish bait are yummy to Astraea.
  • Evil Twin: Just like Icarus, Astraea and Nymph have Melan versions.
  • Heroic BSOD: Gets hit with this hard in chapter 60, with her Chrysaor and Aegis broken, and both Icarus and Nymph having evolved to be stronger than her. Tomoki pulls her out of this by praising her ability to live freely.
  • Lightning Bruiser: She is the strongest and fastest of the first-generation Angeloids.
  • Named Weapons: Photonic Oscillation Blade Chrysaor and Aegis-L (a version of Ikaros' Aegis that can only guard the front).
  • Poke the Poodle: Some of her attempts to kill Tomoki fall under this, such as trying to poison him with a laxative.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Doesn't know how to obtain food, so she'll gobble up whatever's available when hungry, including rabbit pellets and fish bait (still on the line!).
    • This is explained in both the manga and the anime as the main three have three things: Emotion, Power and Intelligence. Each can only have 2 as the focus which makes the last one the weakest. Ikaros lacks emotion but is a powerhouse and intelligent although naive, Nymph lacks the strength but compensates with her reality hacking abilities and is easily susceptible to emotion, and Astraea is the dumbest but is nearly as powerful as Ikaros and has a better range of emotions than Ikaros and Nymph combined.
  • Training Montage: She had one during the credits of the forth episode in Forte.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: By breaking her chain with her bare hands when it took the combined efforts of everybody that had to break Nymph's chain earlier.
  • Unskilled but Strong: "The reason I didn't add any processing capabilities to Delta...is because she doesn't need any."
  • Winged Humanoid
  • Worf Effect: Get's thrashed by one Melan, and is later taken out by Chaos with one blow.


The first of the second-generation Angeloid, and also sent to Sorami town to kill Tomoki. Looks can be totally deceiving with her. Her formal designation is simply Second-Generation Angeloid, Type Epsilon.

Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki (JP), Carrie Savage (EN)

Zeta/Hiyori Kazane

A second-generation Angeloid who appears in Sorami town when it was beset by extremely low air pressure. She has no known formal designation. She is actually Hiyori Kazane, one of Tomoki's friends who happened to be an avatar of a denizen of Synapse.

Voiced by: Yoko Hikasa (JP), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)


A second-generation Angeloid which are sent to ambush Tomoki. Her formal designation is Type Eta, Underwater Combat Angeloid.


A generic medical specialist Angeloid who follows Sugata back from a dive game.

  • Jerkass: Because Mikako was the one who gave her the ability to speak.
    • Actually, only to Nymph because she used to routinely bully Oregano and her sisters back in Synapse. By forcing them to listen to her sing.
  • Winged Humanoid


A few floating islands in the sky, which happens to stop over Sorami town at the time being. Their denizens are Winged Humanoid race called Angels, and they possessed vastly advanced technology compared to humanity.

Master of Synapse

The aptly named ruler of Synapse. Has a deep disdain for humanity, and creates Angeloids as his playthings...well, humans are too, by extension.

Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki (JP), Mike McFarland (EN)

  • Ax Crazy: Was absolutely thrilled when Chaos showed up and absorbed the Melan models, ranting about how she should entertain him by destroying reality. He was also quite enthused when ordering Zeta to destroy the entire human race.
  • Bad Boss
  • Berserk Button: If you're an inhabitant of Synapse who has forgotten the pride of what that means, i.e. desiring to sleep and creating a dream self on Earth, he will make sure you sleep. Eternally.
  • Big Bad
  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Blinding Bangs
  • Fantastic Racism: Always refers to humans as "Downers" and "Bugs". Also considers Angeloids as nothing but toys to throw away and scrap when done.
  • Jerkass
  • Light Is Not Good
  • Winged Humanoid
  • Worthy Opponent: Considers Sugata one.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: If Nymph had succeeded in her original mission and returned, he would have destroyed her and turned her remains into scrap.


A pro-human scientist who hides in Synapse. Considers Ikaros, Nymph, and Astraea to be her daughters, as she created them.

Voiced by: Asuka Oogame (JP), Monica Rial (EN)

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