
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Fridge Brilliance: Audrey appears to be The Hero of the series and that's true, but if you look closer you'll realize that her main purpose is to train Nathan to be The Hero for the "Troubles", meaning she's also The Mentor.
    • Dwight carries a crossbow because his power to attract bullets makes it dangerous for him to use a gun.
  • Fridge Horror: Can be found from almost every episode, but a very triumphant example for me comes from "Sketchy". Yes, the artist could erase faces. But take things a step further... What if she, say, redrew them? As something monstrous and terrible? Could she reverse aging? And what if she drew a map of the US? Where major cities like LA and New York, with MILLIONS of people living in them, are just dots. Dots that could fit under the eraser of a pencil......
    • She would first have to go into space to do that.
    • Pretty much any mostly harmless (ie non-malevolent) troubled ends up with a fate like this. For instance, the guy with the living shadow has to live, for the rest of his life, locked in darkness inside his locked house. And he's around forty so it's not like he's going to die of natural causes any time soon.
      • The only good news about the living shadow guy having to live in total darkness for the rest of his life is that he's conveniently - so conveniently - blind.
    • Then there is the guy who can make whatever he's reading become reality. Sure, the episode ends on a happy note with him reading a story about a cute bunny to his baby daughter, but God help us all if he ever takes up Lovecraft...
      • He ends the episode reading a story about a cute bunny... and people nearly dying of scarlet fever!
    • Or the handyman that can make everything he fixes come to life. He can never leave Haven because if he does, all the stuff he repaired (including boats, heavy machinery, various appliances, and cars) go on a homicidal rampage.
    • How about the musician whose music not only turns the insane, sane, but the sane into superstrong , severely pissed rampaging townies. Give the man an loud enough amp and he can turn whole towns into a souped op version of 28 Days Later.
    • Dwight's 'bullet magnet' ability first manifested while he was serving in the army in Afghanistan. One can only imagine the horror during a firefight when every bullet turned toward him.
    • Based on the information Vince and Dave give in "Sins of the Father", if the heroes can't figure out a way to stop this process, then when the Troubles end, Audrey will disappear for another 20-30 years. She will return looking exactly the same, but with a new identity and with no memory of Nathan and the others.