For Your Eyes Only (fanfic)/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Canon Defilement: It doesn't resemble the canon at all. It was widely considered one of the worst Naruto fanfics out there until Naruto Veangance Revelaitons stole its crown.
  • Cliché Storm: Of almost every single bad shipping trope out there. It can easily be used as the posterboy for how not to write a romance fic.
  • Critical Research Failure:
    • Just for starters, frogs cannot breed with raccoons.
    • Felines and canines cannot have babies together, either. Nor can felines and vulpines. Or canines and vulpines, come to think of it.
    • Erections lasting THREE DAYS? AT LEAST?! This might have been a misunderstanding of the phenomenon of "knotting". Still fails, as A) knotting only lasts a matter of hours and B) cats don't do it, dogs do. Sasuke is supposedly part wolf, but see the point above about felines and canines not being able to breed together.
    • If Naruto had a hymen up his ass HOW was he able he go to the bathroom? As far as one can tell with all the retcons, the hymen may have been a barrier separating the uterus from the rectum. This does not explain how the critters escape the many potential horrible infections once it's broken.
  • Designated Villain: Sakura hardly even says two words, but she's painted as a horrible bitch.
  • Die for Our Ship: Sakura. Sasuke kills her offscreen, and the only real retribution he gets is Kakashi getting slightly annoyed at him (Naruto's beating Sasuke up when he smells her blood doesn't count, as it wasn't because he killed someone).
  • Fetish Retardant: Despite the fact that it's full of Author Appeal and Fan Service, the disturbing behaviors and actions of the main characters creeps everyone out but the most hardcore of shippers.
  • Fridge Horror: This is supposed to be cute fluff? What the fuck?!
  • Fridge Logic: Most of the illogic is far too upfront to be called Fridge Logic, but there are a few bits that jump out at you later. For example, the Petting Zoo People are effectively very small humans with animal ears and tails. Lee is meant to be part-frog, but since frogs don't have visible ears or tails, how can they tell? A now lost piece of fanart showed him as having frog's hands and feet while wearing a hood shaped like a frog's head. The author admitted in the comments that even he wasn't sure what Frog!Lee was going to look like.
  • Idiot Plot: A good example of the original definition of "second order Idiot Plot" since the entire AU society would only work if everyone in it was insanely stupid. Absolutely NO ONE questions the ethics of having fully sapient demi-humans as pets and livestock. The one time you'd like to see an Animal Wrongs Group, and there aren't any!
  • Moment of Awesome: Despite this being an infamously bad shipfic, there are still a few awesome moments:
    • Lee scaring the hell out of Gaara by threatening to kill him. If only he did that more often!
    • Naruto beating the shit out of Sasuke. Granted, it was because he thought Sasuke had been cheating on him, and not because he had it with Sasuke's abuse or to avenge Sakura, whom Sasuke had just got through killing. But getting to see Sasuke get his Jerk Sue face punched in was satisfying enough. That it was by a character that suffered heavy Wimpification was even better!
  • Possession Sue:
    • Naruto, of the purity kind. He belongs to a very rare breed, he's so beautiful everyone wants to rape him, and everyone finds his stupidity charming instead of annoying or troubling.
    • Sasuke is an extreme example of a Jerk Sue. He rapes Naruto and treats everyone like shit. Nobody so much as yells at him. To add insult to injury, we're supposed to feel sorry for him when he recounts how Itachi killed his family - just after he got through killing Sakura in the exact same manner! It's only because of his Stuishness that he wasn't put to sleep a long time ago.
  • Snark Bait: It's telling when the first Google result for this fic is its Protectors of the Plot Continuum entry.
  • Squick: This fic contains a LOT of nasty stuff, especially rape.
  • Strangled by the Red String: Every couple was pretty much shoved together, mostly against their will. Iruka and Kakashi are the only ones whose relationship was not only consensual, but given development.
  • The Woobie:
    • Naruto. Both of his parents disappeared, leaving him orphaned. Just when things are starting to look up for him when Iruka adopts him, he goes into heat. Confused, Iruka makes the big mistake of taking him to a breeding clinic, and everything goes downhill from there.
    • Lee, as he's an Extreme Doormat that's repeatedly raped by Gaara.
  • They Just Didn't Care: Admitted many times in the author's notes. In one note, he admitted it was supposed to be brainless fluff.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: A world where humans can pervert the laws of nature to their will and keep demi-humans as slaves and pets would make an excellent setting for a Dark Fic. Sadly, it's presented as fluff.
  • Unfortunate Implications:
    • Rape is cute.
    • Semes can't help but rape people. It's in their nature.
    • Girls that make the first move are evil whores and should die.
    • It's okay to keep demi-humans as pets, even if they possess human intelligence.
    • Abortion is wrong even if going through with the pregnancy is 99% likely to kill both the mother AND the babies.
  • Unintentionally Sympathetic: Sakura due to being a Designated Villain who ends up getting killed for showing interest in Sasuke. During the Protectors of the Plot Continuum sporking of this fic, the agents actually rescue her.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Sasuke, due to being a Jerk Sue, Bastard Boyfriend, and a Designated Hero. The fic tries to make him out to be The Woobie with his Troubled Backstory Flashback of Itachi killing his family, but he just got through killing Sakura in the same manner!