Deadly Creatures/YMMV

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  • Complete Monster: Struggs whistles just after killing his partner.
  • Cult Classic: It received good-but-not great reviews on release and mostly undersold. These days, it's remembered as a fantastic third-party non-shovelware Wii title that had some cool ideas and great atmosphere and is considered one of the system's hidden gems.
  • Demonic Spiders: Rats, at least on the harder difficulties.
  • Goddamned Bats: Venom Beetles. Go down in a single hit, but the game has a nasty habit of parking them on the far side of an arena with a big nasty enemy or two there, and they just love to snipe you with venom while you either try to fight the big baddie or book it to them.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Beating up Struggs and watching him get blown up isn't quite as fun after Dennis Hopper's death.
  • That One Boss: A few.
    • The twofer Sequential Boss of the Horned Lizard followed by the duel with the Tarantula that begins Chapter 6. Neither would be that bad on their own, but doing them in succession can be quite difficult, especially if the lizard left you with little health. The Tarantula is the one you play as in the odd chapters, meaning that it's far tougher than others of its species and can perform combos that can shave off whatever health you crawled out of the lizard fight with.
    • Chapter 7 has a bunch of Wolfpack Boss fights, which all contribute to its That One Level nature: a battle against two Albino Rats, a fight with several waves of Wolf Spiders, and a fight with two Horned Lizards. And you have to do this as the Tarantula, which is the protagonist that doesn't specialize in combat.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Word of God refers to both protagonists as male, but the Tarantula has the body shape of a female, which are larger than males in Real Life.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: Despite being released on aging hardware that was already inferior to other consoles on the market, the game holds up quite well due to the awesome art direction. Exploring the gorgeous Scenery Gorn of the blasted Sonoran Desert from a bug's-eye view is great, and each level is designed around interesting visual setpieces. Chapter 2 (exploring subterranean tunnels, including crawling through a human skeleton and watching a lizard get devoured by a Black Widow), Chapter 3 (exploring an enormous tangle of brambles overrun with spiderwebs), Chapters 5 and 6 (which involve a gorgeous "Octopus Cactus" whose meandering thorn-covered tendrils seem to swallow an entire canyon), and Chapter 8 (crawling up a derelict culvert, complete with creaking chains, blasts of steam, and a misty, gloomy atmosphere) are the standouts.