Conker's Bad Fur Day/Nightmare Fuel

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

For a mostly comical game about a cussing, alcoholic, and perverted squirrel, this game has some moments that remind you there's more than one reason why a game gets an M-rating.

  • Character deaths in general in this game are all rather gruesomely portrayed. The tone however makes some of these played for laughs, but still... No one who dies, dies gently, painlessly, or peacefully. That said, Gregg is considered a very funny character so it sort of helps somewhat.
  • The zombies. Dear. God. The f--king zombies! For starters: well, duh, they're putrefied reanimated squirrel corpses with their left eye hanging out the sockets. For ALL of them. Also, while they're usually slow, they'll pick up the pace upon noticing you, either by being close enough or by missing a shot, which may sometimes not give you enough time to properly take aim before they come for your brains. Speaking of shooting, they only go if you shoot them in the head and split their heads open with your boomstick. Shooting anywhere else causes gradual dismembering. You may even blow a kinda head-sized hole through their torsos, but the bastards will still keep huddling towards you. Add to that the setting they're placed in, the music that plays (or doesn't), the Scare Chord that plays when they ambush you, the sounds of their groaning/breathing, and there you have it. Props though because it beats the hell out of most modern depictions of zombies-esque creatures.
  • The Vampire Mission. The goal of the mission is to use your vampire bat form to scoop up peasants (meaning other squirrel people just like Conker) and carry them to a giant spiny meat grinder where they are then dropped into it... Still alive and screaming as they are killed by literally being ground into a paste that is sent through a pump system up to a giant vampire bat creature that eats/drinks their gooey liquefied remains until he gets so fat that he too falls into the grinder and dies himself.
    • Extra salt in the wound is that once you finish this mission and the vampire dies, the zombies come out, and YOU get locked in with them. How's THAT for a reward?
  • The D-Day re-enactment scene. Soldiers are getting blown up, lit on fire, and shot left and right, corpses are seen floating in the sea, including a few that are visibly drowning due to wearing their heavy packs, and there is even one squirrel soldier seen walking around holding his severed arm in his other hand. Conker says it best: Get me the HECK OUT OF HERE!!!!
    • What makes the situation even worse is when you find out that this battle/massacre has been raging for the last 10 hours! Conker thinks HE'S been having a "bad fur day"?
  • A thankfully deleted scene had two Tediz vivisecting a squirrel to Conker's fright. It was bloody and had eerie music. No wonder why it got replaced with the Tediz talking about the game's development.
  • The Great Mighty Poo, at least in relation to the "corn people" who are talking kernels of corn with eyes and even the ability to think and talk. One shudders to imagine life for them, ending up being used as the GMP's "teeth".
  • The "birth" of the final boss, "Heinrich the Xenomorph". He was implied to have been secretly ingested by the Panther King when the Professor manipulated the milk he drank earlier in the story.
  • Berri's fate. She ends up being gunned down rather brutally in front of Conker, but he neglects to revive her or anything when he had the chance... Greg seems to have forgotten the "dead, but not quite-rule for squirrels regarding her." The last we see of her, is her body being sucked out into the vacuum of space.
  • Conker's ultimate fate. Though it's left ambiguous in the game, it's obvious he is not happy at all about how things played out, even with all the money and authority he could ever dream of having. What's really morbid is that in the supposed original first-draft ending to the game, he was going to commit suicide.
    • The Game Overs count as well because either Conker ends up dying horribly, OR he winds up captured and tied up to act as the fourth table leg for the Panther King's milk table for likely the rest of his life. You see he is scared and on the verge of tears.

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