Information for "Changeling: The Lost"

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Display titleChangeling: The Lost
Default sort keyChangeling: The Lost
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Date of page creation21:27, 1 November 2013
Latest editorRobkelk (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit17:53, 2 March 2022
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The successor to Changeling: The Dreaming and fifth of the New World of Darkness games, following Vampire, Werewolf, Mage and Promethean. Player characters are Changelings, humans who were stolen from their lives by the True Fae of Arcadia and kept as slaves or servants. Changelings are no longer entirely human, having been tormented in positively Lovecraftian ways until they were broken in either body, mind, soul, or all of the above, and then rebuilt according to the True Fae's whims. The player characters, and many non-player character Changelings, are those who managed to fight, sneak, run, or trick their way back to freedom and the mortal world, but even when they return they bear the scars of their experience. Their very bodies have been changed into inhuman shapes. Their eyes have been opened so that they can see the truth of things, but they are also beset by hallucinations and tricks of perception. Worst of all is the constant, nagging worry: what if I never escaped? What if this is all a trick... or if I was allowed to leave?
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