Catch Phrase/Western Animation

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Lisa: And now you can go back to just being you, instead of a one-dimensional character with a silly catchphrase.
Homer: (smashes lamp) D'oh!
Bart: Ay caramba!
Marge: Hrmmm...
Maggie: (sucks pacifier)
Flanders: Hidely-ho!
Barney: (belches)
Nelson: Ha-ha!
Mr. Burns: Ex-cellent.
Lisa: ...If anyone wants me, I'll be in my room. (leaves)
Homer: What kind of a catchphrase is that?

The Simpsons, "Bart Gets Famous"

Cartoon Catch Phrases. Wacky, fun, and often inescapable if there are any impressionable children around.

Due to the sizable nature of the page, and the fact that it will keep growing, please try to keep them in alphabetical order by series on this page so it doesn't delve into chaos.

If the phrase has become popular due to the audience repeating it, and not the characters in the show, it belongs in Memetic Mutation.

Examples of Catch Phrase/Western Animation include:

  • Adventure Time: "Algebraic!" "Mathematical!" "What time is it?" "ADVENTURE TIME!" (And sometimes some other "___ TIME".)
  • The Amazing Chan and The Chan Clan:
    • Stanley: Wham bam, we're in a jam!
    • Henry: Will you take off that stupid disguise!
    • Scooter: Right, chief!
  • "Why me?" in American Dragon: Jake Long
    • "Aw man!"
  • Animaniacs was positively rife with catchphrases.
    • Yakko and Wakko have "Hello, Nurse!", said to the very sexy and very aptly named Hello, Nurse!.
    • Yakko: "Good Night Everybody!" (every time he catches an innuendo or thinks something sounds dirty).
    • "We are the Warner brothers!" "And the Warner sister too!"
    • Brain has "The same thing we do every night Pinky..." in response to being asked what they should do (try to Take Over the World).
    • The Mindy and Buttons shorts have "Silly puppy" and "Okay, I love you, buh-bye!"
    • One episode revolving around Wakko's unsuccessful attempt to create a new "gookie" (a funny face) ends with Yakko trying to think of a new catch phrase. "Yessir Bobboreenie-o" is among the unworthy attempts.
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender: "Appa! Yip yip!"
    • Spoofed, of course, in the Abridged Series: "Come on, Appa. 'Yip Yip' means 'Fly.' It's our catchphrase!"
    • Avatar State! Yip yip!
    • Sokka: "I am a fan of _____ (props, expensive atlases, secret tunnels)."
      • "Shopping!"
    • Zuko: "How could you say that?!"
      • "I must capture the Avatar and regain my honor!" Lampshaded by Azula, and borrowed by Aang and Sokka.
      • "____ is my destiny!"
    • Toph: Twinkletoes! (for Aang) Sugar Queen! (for Katara) Snoozles! (for Sokka)
      • "When will you idiots get it through your heads? I'm blind. I can't see."
    • Iroh: A man needs his rest.
    • My cabbages!
  • Beavis and Butthead:
    • "Cool", "That sucks", "Huh-huh you said..."
    • "I am cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole." - Beavis
    • Their trademark snickering
    • "Uh, hey baby!" and "Dammit, Beavis!"- Butthead
  • The Battletoads cartoon pilot was clearly trying to establish "'Toads rule!" as an ensemble catchphrase similar to "Turtle power!"
  • Betty Boop: "Boop-boop-a-doop"
  • Biker Mice From Mars has "Ride Free, Citizens" (all three of the Biker Mice) "Aowwww!"(Vinnie), "Like my grey furred momma always said.." (Modo), "Greasepit, my dear boy" and "Karbunkle!" (Limburger).
    • "Let's rock.. and ride!"
  • From the show of the same name: "BIIIIIIIIRD-MAN!"
  • Bob the Builder: "Can we fix it? Yes we can!"
  • The Boondocks: Has Grandad's signature line: "Yeaaah... boy!"
    • More of a catchphrase of the actor who voiced him: it was his catchphrase in Friday too.
    • Or Riley's use of "gay", that's lampshaded by Huey of all people.
    • Gin Rummy: "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence"; "That was an unknown unknown!"
    • Ed Wucler III: "The f** k y'all looking at!"
    • "My name is Uncle Ruckus; no relation."
    • What?! No "You gotta say the whole damn thing! It's a Pimp named Slipback!"
  • Captain Planet and the Planeteers
    • "Let our powers! fire! wind! water! heart!"
    • "Go Planet!"
    • "By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"
    • "The power is yours!"
  • Celebrity Deathmatch has "Good fight, good night" for Johnny Gomez at the end of every show. Meanwhile, Mills Lane's catchphrase in regards to just about any moral or ethical quandry in the midst of a match, is "I'll allow it!"
  • Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers has a couple.
    • "Rescue Rangers Away!" as the heroes' battle cry.
    • Gadget Hackwrench, in addition to "Golly!" has two: "Should" and "No problems", to which the others almost always respond with by immediately seeking shelter.
      • Fans combined the two into "Should work with no problems", which actually works at least as well as the original phrases, especially in text.
  • There was an episode of Chowder that was actually called "The Catchphrase", where a celebrity chef takes Marzipan City by storm with his catchphrase "Wazzam!", and wins the admiration of Chowder from Mung Daal. After Mung realizes that everybody has a catch phrase, he comes up with one of his own, and challenges Chef Halond Daze to a cooking match. However, Mung is no match for Halond Daze's catch phrase, and he makes Mung spill his dish.
    • However, according to Chowder, everybody has a catchphrase, excluding Mung Daal which is false because his catchphrase is "Ladies..." It has been used in several episodes of Chowder.
    • The episode also highlights everyone else's catchphrases used in the series:
      • Truffles- "What's all the yelling going on here?!" and from off-episode: "Honey, we got an ordor!"
      • Schnitzel- "Radda." Which is all he says.
      • Fleede- Diddle
      • Sha- Dizzle
      • Gazpacho- "Come. Sit. Buy my beans!"
  • Clone High: "Say WHAAAAT?!"
  • The Tek Jansen animated segments of The Colbert Report uses "Solar plexus" and "Pa-rum-pum" quite a bit. And, of course, "Oooh, Tek. You've obviously had hundreds of girlfriends."
    • The latter is unusual in that it's said in almost every episode, but never by the same woman twice.
  • COPS had a few
    • Bulletproof: "Here's how the caper came down..." and "Case closed."
    • The C.O.P.S. had two that any of them used when Bulletproof wasn't there to say them - "It's crime-fighting time!" and "We're C.O.P.S., and you're under arrest!"
    • Berserko was fond of "Crime's a-wastin'."
  • Courage the Cowardly Dog has a lot:
    • Eustace: "STUPID DOG!"
    • Eustace: "OOGA BOOGA BOOGA!"
    • Muriel: "Oh my..."
    • Courage: "What do I do? What do I do!?"
    • Freaky Fred: "Nauuuuughty..."
    • Computer: "You twit."
    • Eustace: "OW! What did I do?!"
    • Courage's all-famous screams of terror: "AHHHHHH!" or "OOOOO!"
    • Eustace: "Where's my dinner?!"
    • Eustace: "We don't want any!"
    • Eustace: "Who the heck are you?"
    • Eustace: "Blah Blah Blah."
    • Eustace: "No solicitors!"
    • Eustace: "Hungry!"
    • Eustace: "What's your offer?!"
    • Eustace: (confused or finds something that interests him) "What's eh?"
    • Courage: "The things I do for love!"
    • Courage: "There's something wrong here or my name isn't [fake name]. And it's not."
    • Dr. Vindaloo: "There is nothing I can do, nothing at all."
    • Dr. Vindaloo: "Just keep soaking it!"
    • Dr. Vindaloo: "What is up with that?"
    • Di Lung: "Watch where you're goin' ya foo!"
    • Shirley: "The stupid one..."
    • Katz: "I wish you hadn't done that."
    • Katz: "A little sport before dying, dear boy."
    • Katz: "Sad, isn't it?"
    • Le Quack: "How annoying"
    • Le Quack: "Qu'est-ce que c'est?"
  • In The Critic, Jay Sherman has three:
    • "It Stinks!"
    • "Hotchie Motchie!"
    • "Achhum!"
  • Danny Phantom: "GOING GHOST!"
  • Danger Mouse had "Good grief!" and "Penfold...shush!" Penfold had "Oh, 'eck!" and "Crumbs!" Some season five episodes presented Baron Greenback with "You're not laughing, Stiletto. Why aren't you laughing?"
  • Darkwing Duck
    • Darkwing: "Let's Get Dangerous!", "I am the terror that flaps in the night!"
    • Gosalyn: "Keen Gear!"
    • Quackerjack: "It's play time!"
  • Dexters Laboratory: "Dee-Dee! Get out of my lab!" and "Justice Friends, ASSEMBLE!"
  • Dick Dastardly used "Drat! And double drat!" on the two shows he was known for, Wacky Races and Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines.
    • On Yogi's Treasure Hunt, Dastardly would add "This is all your fault, Muttley!"
  • Dino Squad "It's time to GO DINO!" before every dino morph.
  • The Disney shorts:
    • Donald Duck
      • "Aw phooey", "Hiya, toots!" "SO!" "Aww, nuts." "What's the big idea?" "You can't do that to me!" "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" "Why, you...(incoherent muttering/squawking)..." "WAAAAAAAAAAAK!!" "Uh-oh!" (uses this even when he happily notices something)
    • Goofy
      • "Garsh"
      • the Goofy holler ("Aaaah-aha-ha-hoooi") "Ahyuck!" "Somethin' wrong here..." "Ohhh, the world owes me a livin'...deedle-deedle didle-didle dum..."
    • Mickey Mouse
      • "Well, gosh..."
  • Dr. Katz: "Whoops, you know what the music means: Our time is up."
  • Drawn Together: Captain Hero's is SAVE YOURSELVES! He only said it once in canon, but his VA thought it fit so well he signed pictures of him like this.
  • Droopy:
    • "You know what? I'm happy."
    • "You know what? That makes me mad."
  • Duckman: "What the hell are YOU starin' at?"
  • DuckTales (1987): Fenton Crackshell/Gizmoduck from had "Blabbering Blatherskite"
  • Dudley Do-Right: Snidely Whiplash's "Curses! Foiled again!"
  • The following characters from Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy
    • Ed: "Gravy!", "I Love Chickens", "Buttered Toast!"
    • Edd: "Oh, Dear!" (when spotting something that needs cleaning) "Messy, Messy, Messy!"
      • "Curse *insert irksome thing here*"
      • "It's all fun and games until..."
    • Eddy: "Welcome To (fill in the blank)"
      • "My brother's a whiz at ____"
    • Kevin: "Dorks!"
      • He says it so often, Rolf once actually made a bet with him that he couldn't go a single day without saying it. Kevin, of course, lost miserably.
    • Johnny: "What's That, Plank?"
  • Eek! The Cat: Whenever Eek was frightened or had an idea he would say "Kumbaya!"
    • Eek: "It never hurts to help!"
  • In El Tigre, whenever a member of the Riveras decides to do something, they will often finish said claim with, "This I swear!"
    • The Flock of Fury, when contemplating revenge, has, "Vendetta!"
    • The Rivera family's pet parrot, Senor Chapi, has, "Viva Pantalones!"
  • The Fairly Oddparents: "FAIRY GODPARENTS!" (Crocker while spazzing out) and "Worm!"
    • Adam West- "You'd be perfect for the part of ____", then "I don't say that to everyone!" Or maybe "Catman Away!"
  • Family Guy:
    • "Victory is mine!"
      • "What the deuce?" "Damn you all!" "Blast!"
    • "Whose leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here?"
    • "Giggity Giggity Goo! Oh, alright!"
    • "Chris, that's a terrible word."
    • "Oh no!" "I know!"
    • Parodied in the episode where Peter loses his memory.

Peter: D'oh!
Lois: Peter that's not your catchphrase.

  • Firehouse Tales: "The sirens say, help's on the way!"
  • Fireman Sam has quite a few including Sam's catchphrase "Great fires of London!" Elvis's "Great balls of fire!" , Bella's "Mama mia!", Dilys's line "NOR-MAN!" which is followed by Norman's moan of "Oh mam!" (when Norman would normally say mum, he would say mam.) , Basil Steele has two..."Who needs the fire service?" and "Action stations men!".
  • The Flintstones
    • "Yabba dabba doo!"- Fred Flintstone
    • Bamm-Bamm "BAM! BAM! BAM BAM BAM!"
  • Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Wilt has "Sorry, is that OK?" and occasionally "I`m sorry, but that is definitely NOT OK!" Cheese has "I like chocolate milk!"
    • This trope was parodied in "Challenge of the Superfriends," when Mac becomes sidekick to a Superhero imaginary-friend. He draws up a long list of potential Catch Phrases: After "Holy Haberdashery" gets shot down, he tries every single lame one on the list at various crime-fighting incidents in a quick-cut montage.
  • Frisky Dingo: Boosh! Ka Kow! Snip Snap. We were supposed to get pickles. Bluetube. Cat Party. Harrumph. Jengo. CODY! I don't actually have one. I love Chinatown. (Jaguar Roar).
  • Futurama has a few as well.
    • The Professor: "Good news, everyone!" and "Sweet zombie Jesus!"
      • "Good news, everyone" has also often been subverted or altered.
    • Not to mention Farnsworth's very popular "Oh, my!"
    • Bender: "Bite my shiny metal ass!", "we're boned", "meatbag/meatsack", "Me, Bender", "I'm back, baby!"; The first being lampshaded in the episodes "War is the H-Word" and "Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV".
      • Also lampshaded in "Overclockwise", where Cubert cleans out terabytes of outdated catchphrases so he can overclock Bender. Bender responds to this with "It's gonna be fun on the bun!", a phrase he only said once before this episode, which is promptly deleted.
    • Amy: "Spluh!" (or any one of many variations on the word 'Duh'). Her identical scream every time she slips and falls could be considered a catchphrase too.
    • Hermes: "Sweet [something] of [someplace]!" Also references to green snakes and sugarcane.
      • By the sixth season, he has added "My Manwich!" to his repertoire via Ascended Meme.
    • And, of course, Kiff's trademark sigh.
      • Lampshaded in one of the movies by Zapp Brannigan "And for once, spare me your exasperated sigh!"
    • "I'm Scruffy... the janitor." It's a Crowning Moment of Funny when Leela doesn't know who he is when she sees him during the fourth movie and she has to wait for him to introduce himself with his catch phrase.
    • Richard Nixon's "Arooooo!"
    • Fry: "What up?"
  • Garfield and Friends, Binky the Clown: HEEYYYY KIDS!
    • Doc Boy, usually to John: Don't call me Doc Boy!
  • Various characters in Gargoyles have been known to say, "Jalapeña!" when astonished or overwhelmed.
    • Other catch phrases included "What sorcery is this?" and "You'll have to do better than that!"
  • The original George of the Jungle featured Tom Slick's "There's no such word as [negative word] in [vehicle of the day] racing, Marigold!". Super Chicken would tell his anxious sidekick Fred "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it!" and "No time to explain, Fred" when he needed to change the subject. George himself, apart from his Tarzan yell, was maybe too dense to retain a catch phrase.
    • "Watch out for that tree!"
  • Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law: "I'll take the case!"
    • "Backoff! Shrrrrink ray!"
    • "Ha HA! MULTIPLE entendre!"
    • " his pants."
    • "CrestonBirdman'shelmet!"
    • "...for I am Mentok! The Mind-Taker! Oooooooh weeeeeeeeeeee woooooo..."
    • "Did you get that thing I sentcha?"
    • "And now...we make party!"
    • Deedledeedledee
    • Mr. Birdman, you better have a damn good explanation for this.
    • And the bear's whimper/snicker/whatever noise.
  • Hey Arnold!!'s Stinky Peterson has a catchphrase ("This really bites!"), but it's curiously absent from his two A Day in the Limelight episodes, "Stinky Goes Hollywood" and "Stinky's Pumpkin".
    • Not to mention Helga's, with slight variations: "Arnold... how I hate him, how I despise him... and yet, how I love him!"
    • Eugine is constant;y falling, or hurting him self in some way or another, and his catch phrase is "I'm okay"
    • Criminy!
  • Histeria!:
    • Loud Kiddington: "WHAT A JERK!"
    • Charity Bazaar: "I'm not happy."
    • Aka Pella: "What's the deal-io wit' dat?"
    • Miss Information: "And we're walking. We're walking. We're walking..."
    • Father Time: "The date? <insert year here>. The place? <insert place here>."
    • Pepper Mills: "Hey, you're not [celebrity]!" May add in "Ripoffski!" or "Gypola!"
    • Toast: "Ask me if I care."
    • Pule Houser: "Owwww!"
  • From The Huckleberry Hound Show: Mr. Jinks' "I hate meeces to pieces!" Also Yogi Bear's "I'm smarter than the average bear!" (Yogi first appeared on Huck's show then got his own show in 1961.)
  • The animated film Igor has "PULL THE SWITCH!"
  • Inspector Gadget
    • Gadget: "Go Go Gadget (fill in the blank)", "Wowzers!", "Don't worry Chief, I'm always on duty," and after seeing Brain in a disguise "Say, haven't I seen you somewhere before?"
    • Dr. Claw would say in the ending credits "I'll get you next time, Gadget! NEXT TIME!"
  • Invader Zim: I AM ZIIIIIM!
    • "MY HEAD'S NOT BIG!"
  • Jackie Chan Adventures:
      • "That's crazy, Jade. You're crazy!"
    • "Magic Must Defeat Magic!"
    • Uncle: His magic incantation, "Yu mo gui gwai fai di zao" which means "Evil demons and malevolent spirits, be gone!" in Cantonese. His other catchphrases include "Magic must defeat magic!", "Do not question Uncle!", "Hot-cha!", "Aiiee-yaaaahh!", "We must do reeea-search!", "Come Closer To Uncle", "Do not rush the Chi!", "You want a piece of Uncle?", and his most commonly used saying, "One more thing!"
    • Jackie: "Bad day! Bad day! Bad day!", "Talk later!", "I'm sorry, I'll bring it back later, thank you!" (this line has also been used by Uncle and Jade) and "That's crazy, Jade! You're crazy!" When he is in shock or dumbfounded, he makes a strange but quiet whooping sound ("Bwaaah!") similar to Hank Hill of King of the Hill.
  • Jem: Kimber Benton became well-known because of her yell of "totally outrageous". She's not alone—Jerrica uses two Catch Phrases to activate Synergy's holograms ("Showtime, Synergy" and "Show's over, Synergy")
  • The Jetsons Mr.Spacely was often heard saying "JETSON, YOU'RE FIRED!"
  • Jimmy Two-Shoes:
    • Jimmy has "Jimmy, you mad genius!" One episode has him getting famous through the catch phrase "I totally shredded my cheese."
    • Beezy often says "No, you are!" in an argument, regardless of how well it fits.
    • Heloise is generally considered to have on in the form of "I feel bad about it now.", even though she's only said it twice.
    • Saffi has "Yougurt!" and "Smoothy smooth!"
  • Johnny Test - "Whoa...Didn't see that coming." A meta-catch phrase, since practically every character's used it at some point.
  • Jumanji: Butt Monkey Peter in the cartoon series would be found saying "Cool beans!" every episode.
  • KaBlam!! had:
    • Henry had: "That's cute, June", and sometimes, "What did I do?"
    • Sniz and Fondue: "Snap me Down!", "Holy fruits!", and "Mommy yes!". And their fave superhero says, "Warpspeed 10!"
    • Bob: Hey!
    • Loopy: Sufferin' sea slugs! (or something similar).
  • Kim Possible:
    • Kim: "What's the sitch?", "So not the drama," "You rock", "Please and thank you", "No big"...
    • Ron: "Boo-yah!" "That is Sick and Wrong!" "That would be so cool if it wasn't going to hurt us!"
    • Dr. Drakken: "You think you're all that, but you're not!", and variations.
    • The Tweebs: "Hikka-bikka-boo?" "Hoo-sha."
    • Motor Ed: "Seriously." "Oooooooh yeah!" (with Air Guitar)
    • Shego: Doy. (Her take on "duh")
    • Yori: "Always with the American-style jokes, Stoppable-san."
    • The Possible family: "Anything's possible . . . for a Possible."
  • King Arthur and the Knights of Justice: "Excalibur, BE MY STRENGTH!"
  • From King Leonardo and His Short Subjects: "Confound it!," "This is Biggy talkin', see?" and "Okay, Big. I dig."
  • In King of the Hill for the following characters
    • Hank: Dang It!, What in the Hell?, Bwahhh!, I'll Tell You What, I'm Going to Kick Your Ass!, That Boy Ain't Right!, I Sell Propane and Propane Accessories, Dangit Bobby!, and Damnit/Shut up (usually Bill or Dale).
    • Peggy: Hooyah!, (imitating Fat Albert) Hey!, Hey!, Hey!, and (after thinking of something she thinks is clever) Oh Peggy
    • Dale: Shi-shi-sha!, S'go, s'go (combining let's go), Have You Ever Tried (fill in the blank) Geh! (when frightened), Ah Ha! (when thinking of an idea), and Wingo! (after accomplishing something)
    • Boomhauer: This is more of a verbal tic he tends to say stuff like "Dang ol'", "Yo", and "Man" a lot in his sentences
    • And in a recurring Show Within a Show, there's Badass Preacher Monsignor Martinez's Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner catchphrase "vaya con Dios!" It also doubles as almost the only thing the viewer ever hears him say onscreen.
  • Klondike Kat, a segment of the Underdog show, had "Savoire Faire is everywhere!" (antagonist rodent Savoire Faire) and Klondike's "I'll make mincemeat outta that mouse!!"
  • Ducky from The Land Before Time had "Yep, Yep, Yep!" It was carved on Judith Barsi's headstone.
  • The Legend of Zelda's animated version has Link (a Heroic Mime in the video games) use some variation of "Well, excuuuuse me, princess!" almost twice an episode.
    • Even though the series was cancelled after only thirteen episodes, he still manages to say it twenty nine times in the whole series.
  • The Legion Of Superheroes had Bouncing Boy's fondness for bouncing puns: ("Let's Bounce this Brat!) and a catchphrase for the episode Timber Wolf- "Improvise'.
  • Looney Tunes:
    • Bugs Bunny
      • "What's up, doc?"
      • Lampshaded in The Looney Tunes Show, when the final question to win a game show is what Bugs' catchphrase is, and Daffy can't remember it.

Daffy: Thats your catchphrase? "Whats up Doc?" What does that even mean? We don't even know any doctors!

      • "I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque."
      • "Ain't I a stinker?"
      • "Of course, you know/realize this means war." (Stolen from Groucho Marx)
      • "Did you ever have the feeling you was being watched?"
      • "He don't know me very well do he?"
    • Daffy Duck
      • "Woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo"
      • "You're despicable!"
    • Elmer Fudd
      • "Be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits."
      • "Aw shucks."
      • "You wascally wabbit!"
    • Foghorn Leghorn
      • "That's, I say, thats a joke, son!" (This Catch Phrase was one of many character traits borrowed from "Senator Claghorn," a character on Fred Allen's radio show played by Kenny Delmar.), " (when addressing someone) I say, I say boy", and "Now Pay Attention Son"
    • Marvin Martian
      • "That makes me very angry."
    • Porky Pig
      • "That's all folks!"
    • The Roadrunner
      • "Meep Meep!"
  • Speedy Gonzales
    • "André andré eppa eppa hahaha hahaha!"
    • "Andale andale, arriba arriba!"
  • Tweety & Sylvester
    • "I tawt I taw a putty tat. I did! I did tee a putty tat." - Tweety
    • "Aw bad putty tat!" - Tweety
    • "The poor putty tat he fall down and go BOOM!" -Tweety
    • "Sufferin' succotash." - Sylvester
  • Yosemite Sam
    • "Oooooooo, I'm gonna get that rabbit!"
  • The Magic School Bus: Many of the characters had catchphrases:
    • Phoebe: "At my old school, we never _____..." In one episode, when they visited her old school, one of the kids pointed out this fact after she delivered this line. When the parents visit, her father says "At Phoebe's old school, we never had field trips."
    • Wanda:
      • "What'rewegonnadoWhat'rewegonnadoWhat'rewegonnadooo?" or "WhatamIgonnadoWhatamIgonnadoWhatamIgonnadooo?" Used in times of distress.
      • "Come on, you weasly wimps!" Charging boldly into the situation at hand...
    • Keesha: "Oh, bad! Oh, bad! Oh, bad, bad, bad!"
      • Also, "Let's get the facts. [Sums up the situation.]"
    • Ralphie: "Is it just me, or ______?"
    • Arnold: "I knew I should have stayed home today..."
    • Janet: "Prove it!"
    • Dorothy Ann: "According to my research, _____." In one episode, she was stopped because there wasn't time for research, only time to...
    • Ms. Frizzle: "Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!" Occasionally, another adjective is substituted for "messy".
    • Carlos didn't have a catchphrase, so he was a Phrase Catcher instead: "CARLOS!" was exclaimed by everyone else in unison after he delivers one of his horrible puns. (In the parents episode, "MR. RAMONE!" is used instead, due to sharing his son's habit)
    • Tim would often tell someone "We've been Frizzled."
  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: "By the power of Grayskull, I am HE-MAN!" (also used by She-Ra, with "I am SHE-RA" replacing He-man.)
  • Maryoku Yummy's catch phrase is "Wishy Wish,Wishy Woo, Another wish is coming true!"
  • Meet the Robinsons: Wilbur is fond of catch phrases, including "That is an excellent question," and "Wilbur Robinson never fails." Possibly even "I've got it under control," though he may only be trying to convince himself with that one.
    • And of, course, the film's mantra, "Keep moving forward."
  • Metalocalypse has several:
    • Dr. Rockzo: "I'm Dr. Rockzo - the rock n' roll clown!" "I DO COCAINE!!!" "K-K-K-YEAH!!!"
      • Rockzo says he does cocaine three times in the first 25 seconds he's on screen.
    • Nathan: "Brutal." "That's awesome!" "We are here to make (fill-in-the-blank) metal." Big No.
    • Skwisgaar: "Dis is dildos."
    • Toki: "Wowee!"
    • Pickles: "Ya douchebags!"
    • Murderface: "Piss"
    • Charles: "Gentlemen." "You wanted to see me?" "For the record, I tried."
    • The Doctor: "Fine. Whatever."
    • Various Tribunal Members: "I'm afraid that's all we know."
  • In the ludicrous Mister T, each character had one. "Take it from me, Mr. T." and of course "I pity the fool!" for Mr T, Ms. Bisby has "Oh my stars and garters!", Robin has "What the hairy heck?" and Jeff has "My eagle eyes even amaze me!"
  • Mighty Mouse: "Here I come to save the day!" The 1966 follow up series, Ralph Bakshi's The Mighty Heroes had "Yahoo!" (Strongman), "Whee!" (Tornadoman), "Gung Ho!" (Ropeman), "Cuckoo! Cuckoo!" (Cuckooman), and "Up and away!" (Diaperman).
  • The Mr. Men Show: Every character has their own Catch Phrase. For example, Mr. Grumpy's is "Crooked Cucumbers!"
  • Mr/Magoo "Magoo, you've done it again!"
  • My Little Pony: The G3 Rainbow Dash used "Darling" all the time, to refer to everyone. It works since she gives off the aura of being older and more mature than other ponies. Later her catchphrase was changed to "Dashing".
    • From My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, we have Big Macintosh's "Eeyup" (sometimes "Nnope").
    • Twilight Sparkle has "Dear Princess Celestia..." which ends almost every episode.
    • Pinkie Pie has "Okie-dokie-lokie!".
    • Applejack's "What in tarnation?".
    • Rarity seems to have taken on G3's use of "Darling".
  • Ni Hao, Kai-Lan: "You make my heart feel super happy!"
    • Rintoo's "I love <topic-of-the-moment>!" also counts.
  • Alfred Hedgehog has a tedency to say "This is serious mysterious!" in a situation.
  • From Phineas and Ferb:
    • Phineas: "I know what we're going to do today!" "Hey! Where's Perry?" "Oh there you are, Perry!"
    • Candace: "Oooo! Those two are so busted!" "Mom! Mom! Mom! Phineas and Ferb are _____!" "Oh, you are going down! Down, down, DOWN!!"
    • Isabella: "Whatcha doin'?"
    • Dr. Doofenshmirtz: "Perry the Platypus?!" "Curse you, Perry the Platypus!" "How un[blank], and by that I mean COMPLETELY [blank]!" and "I call it the [blank]inator!"
    • Major Monogram: "Good morning, Agent P!"
    • Random Person: Aren't you a little X to be Doing Y? Phineas/Candace/Whoever: Why Yes, Yes I/We Are.
  • Pinky and The Brain.
    • There's the titular characters' standard exchange at the start of the opening credits:

Pinky: Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?
Brain: The same thing we do every night: try to Take Over the World!

    • A similar exchange (the above with "tonight" replaced by "tomorrow night") appeared at the end of each episode, after their plan had failed.
    • Pinky has a small collection of odd words he'll use all of a sudden. The three most common being "Narf!", "Poit", and "Zort!".
      • For one episode, he continually said "Troz!" When Brain asked him about it, he truthfully replied that it was "zort" backwards.
        • The exact line was: "It's zort in the mirror! Troz!"
      • He's also been known to pick up other words that sound silly and start verbally ticking with them, for example "Fjord!" and "Hark!"
    • And who could forget Brain asking Pinky "Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?", to which Pinky's reply almost never has anything to do with the actual plot of the episode.
    • Brain: "I'm going to have to hurt you."
    • The Brain is also fond of exclaiming "YES!" at any given opportunity.
    • After the Brain has finished explaining his latest scheme, Pinky will often respond, "Egad, Brain, brilliant! Oh... wait... no..." Followed by some objection (e.g. "Won't that cost a whole lot of money?")
  • Popeye:
    • "I yam what I yam", "Ug-ug-ug-ug-ug", "Well blow me down!" "I'm strong to the finnich cause I eat me spinach, I'm Popeye the Sailor Man! Toot, too!" and "Blow me down!"
  • The Powerpuff Girls: "So Once Again the Day Is Saved?", "The City Of Townsville!" The creators poke fun at this:

(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)
Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Shot of the exterior of Townsville Hall.) The setting of Townsville! (Shot of a couch in the Mayor's office.) The settee of Townsville! (The Mayor walks into view, hops onto the couch, and pulls out a compact disc.) The CD of Townsville! (Close-up of a record player turntable. The disc is set on this, and the needle is lowered. Pull back to show the player as an old victrola, the needle screeching and squeaking against the plastic. Pull back across the office; the Mayor snaps his fingers to the "beat.") The pity of Townsville! (Ms. Bellum steps into view, her back to the camera; cut to in front of her, at the office door, and tilt up from her feet. She has one hand on her hip.) The pretty of Townsville!

    • and:

(The city skyline.)
Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Pull back to bring the subdivision into view.) Pokey Oaks County! A sleepy suburb of the city of Townsville. (Pull back again to bring Pokey Oaks Kindergarten into view.) Pokey Oaks Kindergarten! A school in Pokey Oaks County, a sleepy suburb of the city of Townsville. (Zoom in and dissolve quickly to Ms. Keane in the classroom.) Ms. Keane! The teacher of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten, a school in the sleepy suburbs of? (She glares at the camera.) I'm...oh, I'm sorry.

  • Punky Brewster: "Holy Macanoly!" and Glomer's "K.O. Dokey!"
  • Quick Draw McGraw had "I'll do the thinnin' around here, and dooooooon't you forget it!", usually after Baba Looey says something that starts with "I theen" (his broken version of "I think").
  • In The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, there's Race's "Fur on a catfish!" and Jonny's "Slammin'!"
  • ReBoot: Bob is infamous for making catchphrases out of several things he says, and the series even has a Running Gag of other characters using some of his more common ones.
    • Enzo's a repeat offender as well (Alphanumeric!), and AndrAIa's got "Stay Frosty."
      • "Stay Frosty" starts off as Bob's, though. AndrAIa doesn't really start using it until after Bob is shot into the Web and the following Plot-Relevant Age-Up for her and Matrix.
      • Enzo's "Alphanumeric" got lampshaded in season 4. When Kid!Enzo says it in front of Adult!Matrix, Matrix is embarrassed that he used to say it all the time. As an adult he only used it sarcastically, and rarely.
    • Another one that starts off as Bob's and then spreads to most of the cast is "This is bad. This is very bad.". At one point, it gets Lampshaded:

Phong: This is bad.
Bob: Is it very bad?

  • Recess:
    • T.J.: "Tender."
      • And, any use of the word "whomps" (meant to describe an unpleasant person or situation). This is also shared by the rest of the kids, but mainly by him and Vince, since they came up with the word.
    • The Ashleys: SCANDALOUS!
      • The Tylers: NOTORIOUS!
    • Gus: All my life [insert]
      • He also had "Sounds good to me", but that only lasted about five episodes
    • To a lesser extent, Spinelli had "I'll introduce him to my good friend, Madame Fist!", which only popped up now and again.
    • The show's famous Big No: "!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    • Miss Finster had any variant of "You little hooligans!"
    • Miss Grotke with any use of outdated late `60s, `70s, and `80s slang. Like, far-OUT!
  • Regular Show: Mordecai and Rigby have their trademark "OHHHHHHHH!"
  • The Ren and Stimpy Show:
    • Ren:
      • "Ju eediot!" and the variant "Ju fat, bloated eediot!", the latter taken, like Ren's accent, from Peter Lorre's character in The Maltese Falcon.
      • (saying his bedtime prayers) "...and geeve me a meellion dollars, and...oh yeah, heh...huge pectoral muscles!"
    • Stimpy: "Oh, Joy!"
    • Mr. Horse: "No sir, I don't like it."
    • Kowalski: "MEAT!"
    • Various characters: "Happy, happy, joy, joy." (Either spoken or sung.)
    • Various characters, signs, etc.: "What are ya?"
  • Rocko's Modern Life:
    • Rocko: "Heh Heh, Oh My!", "(fill in the blank) Day Is A Very Dangerous Day"
    • Heffer: "Woo That Was A Hoot!", "I Love Chicken!"
    • Filburt: "I'm Nauseous!", "Oh, Fish Sticks!", and "Turn The Page And Wash Your Hands"
    • Dr. Hutchinson: "Kay?" with a tilt to her neck, no less.
      • Her own mother even does this.
    • Ed Bighead: "I Hate My Life"
  • Rocky and Bullwinkle: Rocky's "Hokey smokes!" and "That voice! Where have I heard that voice?" Plus, Boris Badenov's "Sharrap you mouth!" and "Raskanyakov!"
  • Rugrats: Chuckie's frequent "I dont think (insert action here) is such a good idea."
  • "Scooby-dooby-doo!" "Zoinks!" and "Jinkies!" in Scooby Doo
    • "And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!" was never actually said in the show, though similar things were.
    • The Scrappy: "Da-da-da-DA-da-daa! Puppy Power!", "Let me at 'em, let me at 'em!" and "I'll splat 'em!"
  • The Secret Show: "Victor, are you still alive?" "YES,I'm still alive!" "My name is changed daily." "Untested and highly dangerous!" ...And so on.
  • Silverhawks: "Moonstar of Limbo... give me, the might... the muscle... the MENACE... OF MON...STAAAAAARRRR!
  • The Simpsons
    • Nearly every character who has appeared more than ten times has at least one, with the notable exception of Lisa. The writers and producers of The Simpsons deliberately changed Bart's catchphrase on a regular basis, even going so far as to do a Lampshade Hanging about it in one episode (where Bart becomes famous for his catchphrase "I didn't do it", and that ends with a long sequence of characters spouting their catchphrase, ending with all of them staring expectantly at Lisa, who has no catchphrase and goes to her room in a huff.
    • Also, parodied in The Simpsons' "Homer to the Max" episode, in which a TV cop, also named Homer Simpson, has the catch phrase "And that's the end of that chapter." When he was reworked to be a clumsy oaf, his catchphrase became "Uh-oh, Spaghetti-o!"
    • The changing of Bart's catchphrases was lampshaded a couple of times - in "The Summer of 4' 2" Bart complains to Marge that Lisa became popular by copying him, just as she says "Don't have a cow, man". Marge replies "You haven't said that in four years. Let Lisa have it." And in "Skinner's Sense of Snow", Bart reads "Underachiever and proud of it" in his permenant record and asks "How old is this thing?"
    • Bart Simpson: "Eat my shorts", "Don't have a cow, man", "Ay Caramba", (when introducing himself) I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?
    • Homer Simpson: "D'oh!", "Woo-hoo", "Mmmm... donuts", "Why you little!", (spotting something that interests him) "Ooh!", (disappointed) "Oh! or Aw!"
    • Marge Simpson: "Hrmmm"
    • Maggie Simpson: her "sucking pacifier" sound
    • Mr. Burns: "Excellent", "You're fired", "Release the hounds"
    • Barney Gumble: his belch
    • Krusty: "Hey Hey (laugh)"
    • Apu: "Thank you, come again."
    • Ned Flanders: "Okeylidokely"
    • Comic Book Guy: "Worst... ever"
    • Nelson Muntz: "Ha-ha"
    • The Yes-guy: "Yeeeeeeeeees?"
    • Duffman: "Duffman [does x]. Oh yeah!"
    • Bumblebee Man: "Ay ay, no es bueno."
    • Lenny: "Oh my eye, I'm not supposed to get .... in it."
  • Spoofed in the first episode of Sit Down, Shut Up, which introduced each character with a dosier that included their catch phrase. One character even had "I need a catch phrase!" as his catch phrase.
  • Snagglepuss had "Heavens to Murgatroid!" and "Exit...stage left/right!"
  • The early '90s cartoon of Sonic the Hedgehog (a.k.a Sat AM) gave Sonic the catchphrase "WAY past cool!" This carried over into Archies' comic version.
    • Also some variation on "Juice time!" for when Sonic started running.
    • Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (a.k.a Ao STH) had, "Up, over, and gone!"
    • And a number of others, including "Gotta speed, keed!" (occasionally with some other verb followed by a noun that rhymed with the verb, e.g. "Gotta roll, troll!") and let's not forget Robotnik's infamous cry of "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!". Ironically, the first time he said it (in the first episode of the series, Super Special Sonic Search And Smash Squad) it was spoken normally, rather than as the drawn-out yell it's more famous as. "You took the words right out of my mouth! I hate that hedgehog!" It was also parodied in the episode Over The Hill Hero, with Captain Rescue ending the episode with "I LIKE that hedgehog!"
    • In Sonic Sat AM and Adventures, when impatient, Sonic would tap his foot and say "I'm waiiiiiiting!"
  • South Park
    • "Oh my god, they killed Kenny"
      • Whenever Kenny is killed, Stan and Kyle share the exchange: "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!" "You bastards!" In one episode, the two characters used this exchange to locate each other. Many episodes subvert the exchange in other ways.
      • "You know what? I learned something today!" Usually said by one of them to begin summarizing the episode's Anvilicious Aesop. Subverted in "Chinpokomon" when Stan makes up a new moral to stop Kyle from bombing Pearl Harbor. "You know what? I learned something... just now."
      • Stan often says "Dude, this is pretty fucked up right here!"
    • Eric Cartman has a number of catchphrases, including,
      • "I want cheesy poofs!" was popular in early seasons.
      • "I'm not fat, I'm big-boned!" was also popular in the early seasons.
      • "Screw you guys, I'm going home!" Parodied in the Phonics Monkey episode, when he says, "Screw you guys, I'm gonna go be home-schooled."
      • "I'll kick you in the nuts!"
      • "I hate you guys."
      • "I hate you Kenny."
      • "You black asshole!"
      • "You guys! Seriously!" In fact, whenever Cartman would normally say "serious", he says "seriously" instead, such as "Stop it! I'm seriously!"
      • "Respect my authoritah!"
      • "But moooooooooooooom!"
      • "No, kitty! That's a bad kitty!"
      • His most recent catch phrase is "'the fuck is this?" when disappointed by something.
    • Chef: "Hello, children!" Like the Cartman quote above, Chef always says "children" even if he is talking to or about a single child.
    • Mr. Macky: "Mmmkay?" Made the subject of a song in the movie.
    • Butters: "Awww, hamburgers!"
    • Sheila Broflovski: "What what WHAT?!"
    • Jimmy: "Wow, what a terrific audience!" as well as ending many sentences with "very much."
    • Timmy: "Timmah!" As well as meaningless grunts that often sound like, "Livin' a lie!"
    • Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo: "Howdy ho!"
    • Mrs. Crabtree: "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?"
    • Towlie: "Always remember to bring your towel!" and "You wanna get high?"
    • Saddam Houssein: "Relax, guy! Take a rest!"
    • "They took our jobs!" by any redneck, which degrades as they repeat it.
    • Mister Slave: "Jethuth Chritht."
    • Al Gore: "I'm cereal," and "Excelsior!"
    • A number of one-shot characters make heavy use of a catchphrase during their episode:
      • The Hardly Boys: "I'm getting a clue..." in the episode "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce."
      • Mr. Big Record Producer: "I am above the law!" in the episode "Chef Aide."
      • Travis Mayfield: "I've got to save mah baybeh!" in the episode "Lice Capades."
      • Yennifer Lopez: "I like tacos y burritos!" in the episode "Fat Butt and Pancake Head."
      • Sexual Harassment Panda: "That makes me a sad panda," in the episode "Sexual Harassment Panda."
  • The 1960's animated Spider-Man would say, "Whallopin' websnappers!"
  • SpongeBob SquarePants
    • Spongebob: "I'm Ready!"
    • Mr. Krabs: "I Love Money" or just "Money, money, money!"
    • Plankton: "Yes!" "I win! I win!" "I went to college!" "Ouch!"
    • Pearl: "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"
    • No one should forget "My Leg" guy whose leg is always injured.
  • Superfriends
    • Batman would say, "Great Gotham!"
    • In the 1973/74 season Wendy would often say "Let's go tell the Super Friends" when the kids found out something.
  • The Super Mario Bros Super Show!'s animated segments had Mario's "Pasta Power!" While the live-action segments had "Uh-oh!"
  • Multiple Teen Titans characters have them. Robin's is "Teen Titans Go!" (other characters have said this as well) and also seems to enjoy saying Slade's name with a snarl, Cyborg's is "Boo ya!" (parodied several times; in the origin episode "Go!" he says "Okay, I'm only gonna say this once" before saying it, and when disguised as a cow in "Employee of the Month" he says "MOO YA!" and in "Deception" they had a robot copy of Cyborg that primarily said his catchphrase) Raven says "whatever" occasionally. Starfire often says "Glorious!" And Beast Boy tends to say "Dude" a lot, it was revealed in "Go!" he learned the word from Cyborg, his catchphrase before then appears to have been "Wowser". Más y Menos had the catchphrase "Más y Menos, sí podemos!" Literally meaning "More or less, we can"
  • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have had several. The first cartoon's most notable ones were "Cowabunga" and "Turtle power!", while the second toon had "It's ninja time" for its sixth season, and several for its supporting characters, such as Casey Jones' "Goongala!", The Shredder's "None of you will leave here alive," and Hun's "Oh, Crud".
    • It's not something you would be able to identify him by, but 2003 Don has a habit of muttering "Come on, come on!" when he's concentrating... which is at least once a story arc, being The Smart Guy and all.
  • The Teletubbies has loads of catchphrases. There are so many catchphrases that all of their dialogue consists of these.
    • Take a sip of any time a teletubby says "Ehoh" "Uhoh" "Again, again" "Byebye" or their signature hum, and you'll be on the floor in a few minutes.
  • "Tennessee Tuxedo will not fail!"
  • Tex Avery cartoons in general
    • Signs with the line "Corny gag, isn't it?" and "Silly, isn't it?" are a running gag.
  • In The Thief and the Cobbler, Zig-Zag seems incapable of entering the throne room without saying "Have no fear! I, Zig-Zag, your Grand Vizier, am here!"
  • Thomas the Tank Engine:
    • Thomas: "Cinders and ashes!", "Bust my buffers!", and more recently, "Fizzling fireboxes!"
    • Gordon, especially in recent years: "Oh, the indignity!"
    • The big engines, especially in the earlier series:

Gordon: Disgraceful!
James: Disgusting!
Henry: Despicable!

    • Duck: "I'm Great Western, and--"
    • Various, since Series 5: "Confusion and delay."
    • The Fat Controller: "You're a really useful engine."
    • Troublesome Trucks: "On! On! On!", "Hold back! Hold back!"
    • Narrator, after an accident: "Luckily, no one was hurt."
    • Narrator: "Every wise engine knows you do not trust trucks."
    • George: "Railways are no good," "Turn 'em into roads!"
    • Kevin: "Sorry, slip of the hook!"
    • Mavis, in Series 3: "Fiddlesticks!"
    • Skarloey, in Series 4: "I'm ashamed of you."
    • Duke, in Series 4: "Impudent scalawags."
    • Miss Jenny: "You'd make a mother proud."
    • Fergus, in Series 7: "Do it right!"

Other: Don't interfere!

Megatron: Decepticons, transform and rise up!

    • Decepticons! Retreat!
    • Beast Wars gave fans several much-loved Catch Phrases, including "We're all gonna die" (generally followed by "Shut up, Rattrap"), "That's just prime", "For the Royalty!", and Megatron's immortal "'Yeeeeesssss...". While they don't use "roll out" because, well, they don't have anything to roll, Primal once used it while holding the spark of Prime.
      • There was also Cheetor's "Ultra gear" and Scorponok's "I'm second in command!"
    • It should be noted, that along with stats, every character has a catch phrase or motto printed on the box the toy comes in. However, only one (Optimus Prime's "Freedom is the right of all Sentient Beings") has ever been used in any other media (specifically, the 2007 movie), and in some cases, the quote is something the character would never say in a million years (for example, "You ain't heard nothin' yet!" for Animated Soundwave, who is basically the Transformers version of HAL.)
      • As a Mythology Gag, Optimus Primal in Beast Wars actually says it to Megatron while he's holding Prime's spark (aka Soul).

Optimus: Freedom is the right of all Sentient Beings, Megatron!!
Megatron: Then they better stand out of my way!

    • Captain Fanzone: "This is why I hate [x]!" X is often "machines," but it's been other things on rare occasion.
    • In Animated, many characters have been known to say some version of "Give me some warning next time!" The exact phrase varies, but many, many characters have told others to warn them before doing something again.
    • In Animated, Bulkhead tends to break things. Hence, at least in the first season, "[Oops/Sorry,] my bad!" would often ring out. This is also partially a Mythology Gag, as in the live-action 2007 film, Optimus Prime says this after he ruins the Witwickys' lawn.
    • Me Grimlock no bozo! Me Grimlock king!
    • Ultra Magnus just can't deal with that now.
  • Tweenies: If interjections count, Jake likes to say "Wow-ee!", while Milo likes to say "Milo, away!" (or variants where applicable).
  • Underdog "There's no need to fear! Underdog is here!"
  • 2 Stupid Dogs: Mr. Hollywood: "Ain't that cute? BUT IT'S WROOOOOONNNNNG!!!"
    • Subverted once when he says the first half of it then continues talking about what was being discussed earlier before finally turning to the screen and telling the viewer, "I'll bet you were expecting me to say 'but it's wrong.' weren't you?"
  • The eponymous characters in The Venture Brothers have, "Go Team Venture!"
    • IGNORE ME!!!
    • ...and 'zis is my magic murder bag.
    • "...'Kay."
    • " BOOM! Yummy!"
  • The Weekenders: Tino had "Later days!"
  • Wild Kratts has "To the creature rescue!" and "Free and in the wild."
  • The Wind in the Willows: Toad, upon announcing to the others the new fad he's got himself caught up in, would exclaim, "It's the only thing!" Mole stole it once. See Phrase Catcher for the others' response.
  • Winx Club: The 4Kids dub gave each girl a catch phrase on the bonus DVDs that came with the dolls. The phrases were never actually said in any version of the show.
    • Bloom: Earth girls rule!
    • Stella: Style is, like, so always in style!
    • Flora: Peace out! (Yeah...)
    • Musa: Royalty rocks! (Referring to the dub error that Musa is a princess)
    • Tecna: I'll catch you on the download!
    • In Quest for the Codex, Layla's 4Kids catch phrase is "I'll do it my way!"
  • In Wonder Pets All three characters have their own catchphrases, Linny has "This calls for some celery" , Tuck's one is "Can I have a hug?" and Ming Ming's is "This is sewrious!".
  • Woody Woodpecker
    • His famous laugh
  • Word Girl: Wooooord UP!
  • Wow! Wow! Wubbzy is full of them. Widget says "That wasn't supposed to happen" and "no problemo!", Walden says "very interesting" and "yes, yes, yes!", Wubbzy says "wow, wow, wow!", and Daizy says "lavender lollipops" at least once an episode.
    • And don't forget all those random people who always say "That's [i]kooky![/i]
  • Xavier: Renegade Angel actually reuses sound clips of some of its catch phrases.
    • "Take that!"
    • "Taste the pain!"
    • "What doth life?"
    • "Oh, fritata!"
  • Yogi Bear: "I'm smarter than the average bear" (occasionally with something else substituted for 'bear')
  • Baloo the Bear: You better believe it!

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