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* Icelandic playwright/cartoonist Hugleikur Dagsson's crudely-drawn cartoons include such savory topics as incest, coprophagia, bestiality, suicide, and adults intentionally putting children in harms way. [ Check it out if you dare ].
* In ''Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on a Serious Earth'' Joker starts a joke "How many brittle bone babies does it take-" only for Batman to cut across him. Admittedly not dead babies but clearly the same pitch black comedy.
* ''[[Twisted ToyfareToyFare TheaterTheatre]]''
* The original ''[[The Mask (comics)|The Mask]]'' comics often bordered on this.
* "Hubba Hubba," a two-page comic by Arthur Suydam that appeared in ''Heavy Metal''. One of Suydam's trademark weirdos-with-snouts sees a beautiful naked woman and, hoping to impress her with a gift, kills and cooks what he thinks is a small animal. This turns out to have been the woman's baby, and we're meant to see her horror and his ignorance as to its cause as humorous.