Bible Black (anime)

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A 2001 Hentai anime, adaptation of the game of the same name by Active.

Taki Minase is just an average Japanese high schooler until he discovers a black book hidden on the basement of his school, a book associated with a brutal crime committed twelve years ago involving the occult club existent back then. Unknowingly, he uses the spells to fulfil a classmate's wish and turns out the book's spells work. He soon uses it to score with the most beautiful girl of the school, Rika Shiraki, but he also attracts the attention of Kaori Saeki, the present-day occult club president, and the school nurse Saeki Kitami, which is searching a virgin for some reason and has the power to grow a fully functional penis from inside her vagina.

Produced by Milky Animation Label and Active. Animated by Studio Jam. Licensed by Media Blasters for North America.

Tropes used in Bible Black (anime) include:
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Kitami has everything she wanted at the end of the series, avoiding going to hell, destroying the book so nobody can send her to hell if they discover what she did, and taking Minase as lover and Saeki as her mistress.
    • The sequel slightly undoes this, by showing that she was later sealed inside Imari.
  • Big Bad: Kitami causes the series' conflict by unclear reasons. By episode 5, that is revealed to be wanting to change her bodies with a virgin, so she doesn't get dragged to hell.
  • Bigger is Better in Bed: Minase is often described as this by the women he had sex with.
  • Blondes Are Evil: Kitami, and to a lesser extent Saeki.
    • Also Jody Crowley from the sequel
  • Bowdlerise: The english dub tries (badly) to hide the characters go to high school by changing mentions of it to college.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Kitami, in particular, enjoys this in the first anime. In the games, she mixed using this with a love potion.
  • Break the Cutie: Imari's function in the story is basically to be slowly tortured, first emotionally by her crush pursuing other women, and then sexually by Kitami.
  • Broken Bird: Takashiro, especially in the sequel. And then she proceeds to get more broken...
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Minase gropes his step-sister, Yukiko simply for not wearing a bra under a shirt and allowing her nipples to be seen poking from underneath. Due to him having a magic imbued touch that causes orgasms, this causes her to retreat to her room and masturbate furiously.
  • Chickification - Imari is actually a champion martial artist in the game. This was ignored in the first anime entirely.
  • Country Matters: In the English dub, the word is frequently use giving the +18 rating.
  • Deal with the Devil: Deals with literal demons getting heavily featured. As you can expect of a Hentai, most of them involve mind control in order to get sex, greater sexual prowess, or control of the level of sexual desire of others. The price doesn't need to be paid for you either if it's too big, as long someone else's soul is in your body.
    • Kitami does this at the end of the Prequel in order to save her life. The plot of the first anime revolves around her trying to cheat the Devil so she can keep living. Canonically, it works.
  • Death By Sex: In the sequel anime series, this pretty much happens for the entire first half of the series. A couple is found dismembered in a car by joggers, a green-haired student and her professor are found pinned to the wall by a security guard just moments after intercourse, Toudou and her young teacher (but still older than her) where burned alive in the middle of sex (she came Back from the Dead though) and then there's the particularly unpleasant bank scene where a woman is raped by the barrel of a shotgun and the guy wielding it gets so excited he accidentally pulls the trigger.
  • Demoted to Extra: In Minase's case, as he is one of the main characters in the first anime and point of view character in the game. His sister does not appear in the sequel either. A quick shot of a computer has a photo of Minase when the detective is investigating into the past case but Minase doesn't appear in person and is not mentioned much more than that. It is apparently believed by some that he is implied to have been killed at some point by the Kitami-possessed-Imari.
    • Ito, in transitioning from the game to the anime.
  • Depraved Bisexual: Kitami at the start. Most of the cast when they come under Kitami's sway.
  • Dub Induced Plot Hole: Thanks to the censoring mentioned above, Yukiko and Minase somehow go to different colleges despite living on the same house.
  • Dragged Off to Hell: Kitami was victim of a ritual that will send her body to hell, and her only escape clause is changing bodies with a virgin. At the end of the series, that is indeed Imari's fate.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Kitami, both in the original and Prequel.
  • Evil Foreigner: Jody Crowley from the sequel.
  • Evil Mentor: Kitami teaches Minase about the spells of the Bible Black to get on his good side.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Kitami, definitely. Big boobs, nice ass and a pretty decent penis girth.
  • Gorn: Edges into this at several moments especially Shiraki raping Minase right after she stabs him.
  • Grand Theft Me: Imari gets taken over by Kitami as she succeeds in her plan in the last episode.
  • Gun Porn: Eheheh...well, the thing is...
  • Hair of Gold: Shiraki is all but sweet and kind, and pretty blonde.
  • Heel Face Turn: Minase. What? A semi-respectable male hentai character?
  • Hello, Nurse!:
    • This is pretty much Kitami's role in the original series.
    • Yukiko as well. Not only is she incredibly hot, but she's actually studying to be a medical practitioner.
  • Hermaphrodite: Kitami can turn her clitoris into a fully functioning penis. And it's a technique she uses surprisingly often.
    • Saeki also learns this trick in Bible Black Only.
    • Saeki gets two.
    • Imari in the follow up anime. Justified, supposedly, by her being host to Kitami's spirit.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: Actually subverted by the end of the first series. Though its Takashiro that helps turn Minase to good, he wants a Brunette. Specifically, Imari.
    • In the second series however, the possessed Imari makes a comment about how Takashiro stole Minase from her. Though, seeing as it's probably Kitami talking and not Imari, that statement makes a great deal of sense. Takashiro is responsible for Minase's Heel Face Turn.
  • Hot for Student: Kitami with Minase. Takashiro with Minase (multiple times). Toudou seduces her teacher. Yukiko gets very kinky with her senior medical teacher. And if all the various orgies were counted, this list would be gigantic. In the prequel Takashiro is seen taking money from a teacher in exchange for helping him seduce two students.
  • Hot Teacher: Takahiro is pretty and curvaceous, and a lot of her male students actually desire her sexually.
  • Hotter and Sexier: In the game, Minase using the mind control spell on Murai's crush doesn't make the dude want to engage on sex with her. He simply breaks up with his girlfriend out of nowhere and goes for Murai, but nothing much more scandalous happen.
  • Hot Witch: Saeki and her coven, and Kitami all qualify by being hot and knowing a certain number of spells and rituals.
  • Hunk: Downplayed with Minase. He's muscular and handsome, but his build is much leaner and his arms are not any bigger than the women's even with muscle tone.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: At the last episode, Kitami affirms she needs to change her bodies with Imari for her own self-preservation rather than any other reason to try to persuade Minase to not stop the spell.
  • Idiot Ball: Takashiro in Origins. She and her coven decide to play Break the Haughty by forcing Kozono Nami to fall in love with some random skanky guy who wants her. OK, fine. Takashiro then decides to release her from the spell and tell her that they caused it. Also fine; revenge complete. The problem comes when Takashiro agrees to teach this woman magic. It could be justified as extreme arrogance, as Takashiro is probably feeling pretty invincible at that point. But still: you're willingly teaching your worst enemy the tools necessary to take you out. How can that possibly be a good idea? And no, this doesn't end well (more specifically Nami usurps her, blasts her against a wall and has Takashiro's friends tie her up and lock her in a broom closet.)
    • Nami immediately counters this with her own idiot ball. So your ritual calls for a Virgin Sacrifice. And you've picked out a suitable virgin, Kitami, someone who's pissed you off (from Nami's perspective). But it's a few hours before the ceremony; what do you do? If you're Nami, you apparently hand her over to a group of men and have them rape her. Oh, but you tell them not to do it in the vagina. And instead of supervising the rape, to make sure they only rape her ass, you leave. I'm sure nothing will happen to this virginity that will cause the ritual to fail and get you killed by your presumed sacrifice.
      • Kitami naturally gets this right. Pretty much the first thing she does once she finds a suitable Virgin Sacrifice is to ensure that she remain a virgin via a chastity belt.
      • For what it's worth, Kitami herself says that her being sacrificed didn't work because she was Only Mostly Dead in the game.
    • In Episode 2, Minase goes back down into the basement he originally got the book from, when who should come along but Kitami? She spins a yarn about how she gave her soul to a demon and invites him to do the same. Considering all the nasty crap he's witnessed up to this point, any sane man would've dropped the book and ran like hell. But I almost forgot that this is a hentai, and we still have a couple of episodes left, so... on with the ritual sex!
      • If you try this in the game, Kitami will kill you in most routes.
  • I Have Your Wife: Kitami tries to make Imari stay away from the ritual after her self-preservation argument don't works by claiming Minase's cousin Yukiko and Rika will be killed by her followers if he doesn't hurry to save them. Takahiro however defuses the situation by saying that if he breaks the spell Kitami's control on those students will also disappear.
  • Impossibly Low Neckline: Kitami's default outfit, which exposes over half of her breasts.
  • It Got Worse: Think the first series ends on a bad note? It gets worse. Much worse.
  • It's Personal: Kitami makes Takashiro's rape/torture specially excruciating because she was a member of the occult club of twelve years ago.
  • Jesus Taboo: The original anime references Jesus, for obvious reasons this was changed to "Satan" in the dub, though this might just make it worse.
    • Worse than a cult of naked chicks slaughtering virgins to summon demons in the name of Jesus?
    • This could actually be a case of doing the research in part of the creators. There are literally billions of demons in hell. One or two could have the same name as Jesus, and what better name to trick impressionable school students? Fridge Brilliance here.
    • It is pointed out that Jesus and the spells in the name of God are a trick since all the magic in the book is black magic and therefor evil.
"Good and evil are like yin and yang. In other words, demonic chants are the flip side to the Gospel. Those passages celebrating God and Jesus Christ are merely shams."
  • Karma Houdini: By the end of the series, Minase has knowingly raped and get involved in the rape and torture of several people but gets no punishment or is alienated of his family and friends. Part of that can be explained by the victims forgetting or not being aware of what he had done to them, Takahiro seeing him as corrupted by Kitami, and the Imari he thinks is just content with him giving up on doing spells being actually Kitami and the fact he was briefly possessed by a demon.
  • Kick the Dog: Brutally used in Origins. Takashiro kills a puppy who the teenage Kitami had become quite attached to and use it in a sacrifice. Also, see Nami's Idiot Ball above.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Minase is raised by his cousin and treats her like her older sister.
  • Love Potion: Minase uses a spell on Shiraki to get in her pants. The implications are very much explored, and it backfires horribly once she starts asking Was It All a Lie?.
  • Making Love in All the Wrong Places: Murai and Amada have sex in the middle of a school's corridor. He has the justification of being mind-controlled but she is apparently just that depraved.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: The series actually has it's fair share of male virgins as well as female, prior to their respective sex scenes. Some chief examples are Hiratani, from Origins and several of the guys in Saeki & friends' scenes in Only.
  • Mini-Dress of Power: Kitami is a very powerful sorceress, and her default outfit is a black minidress.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Kitami still wants revenge against Takashiro despite her not being part of the group of occult club members which tried to sacrifice her to Orkos.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Minase is drawn with six pack abs, a lean but muscular build and is quite well-endowed.
  • Naughty Tentacles: The demons have these.
  • No Ontological Inertia: Kitami's spells stop working at the last episode as soon as her body dies.
  • Of Corsets Sexy: Saeki in New Testament.
  • Only Six Faces: The anime series mostly attempts to avert this, as the character designer seems to have done their best at making the women as distinguishable as possible from one another. Character models show that, at least for the named characters, they attempted giving each male and female different figures and body types, and all of them are different heights. This is not completely averted however, as certain characters do look quite a bit alike and un-named background characters are sometimes identical to others.
  • Pigeonholed Voice Actor:
    • Imari in the original and Kitami in the Prequel
    • Saeki in the original and Takashiro in the Prequel
    • Kitami in the original and Kaori in the Prequel
  • Post Script Season: Everything post the original 6-episode series is this, as all of the main parts of the original game were already adapted. The anime sequels notably ignore the canonical video game sequel, as it went with one of the game's bad ending, rather than the canon good ending.
  • Princess Curls: Rika Shiraki, the very wealthy student, has her hair styled in ringlets.
  • Psycho Lesbian: Kaori from the Prequel to an extent.
  • Schoolgirl Lesbians: Kaori, once again.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Minase tries desperately to convince Shiraki this in episode 2. Shiraki, meet edge of rooftop!
  • Spoiled Sweet: Shiraki is very sweet and kind and stated to be pretty wealthy.
  • Start of Darkness: Origins, for Kitami.
  • Student Council President: Shiraki from the original and Kaori from the Prequel.
  • The Atoner: Takashiro to an extent; she wishes to atone for unleashing the dark forces years ago. She remains this in the sequel.
  • The Ingenue: Kitami in the Prequel and, to a lesser extent, Imari in the original
  • Villain Protagonist: Though he does not use violent methods, Minase was fully aware his mind control spell worked and used it on Shiraki to get sex on the first episode, and he only gets worse when Kitami learns how he can abuse even more the powers the book can give.
    • Villain Protagonist: Takashiro was this at her very worst when she was the one to actually conceive the human sacrifice scheme originally.
  • Who Wears Short Shorts: Yukiko in Episode 2.
  • Your Cheating Heart: Inadvertently, Minase causes this by making Murai's wish for her crush to break up with her girlfriend and fall in love with her. The thing is, he "confesses" his love for Murai right as he sets his eyes on her after the spell is cast, without even properly breaking up with his girlfriend, that is by his side, making her go through a breakdown.
  • YouTube Poop: Formerly the most commonly used Hentai source.
  • Zettai Ryouiki:
    • By default, the students at the school where most of the anime have one in their uniforms. Rank A.
    • Kitami, thanks to a combination of mini-dress and thigh-high socks. Rank A.