Avatars II: When Qwaritch Takes Revenge

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You tell him, Jak.

One day on Earth, Kernal Miles Qwaritch (HE'S NOT DEAD OK! PRETEND NETYRI DIDN'T KILL HIM OK!) was sitting in his house in Nevada, watchin lesbian flicks an drinkin Rollin Rok an eatin popcorn when all of a sudden his phone rung.
—The opening

Avatars II: When Qwaritch Takes Revenge is a fanfic brought to us by "hunterjeanmidna". Acting as a "sequel" to the James Cameron film, the story stars "Kernal" Miles "Qwaritch", the villainous Colonel Badass we all know and love (or hate), and opens with him watching porn in his house in Nevada when he gets a distress call. According to "the dude on the other end", the "NAVIS ARE KILLIN EVERYBODY!". So "Qwarutch" "wants revenge cuz the Navis blew up his spaceship an speared him in his robot" so he gets in his little spaceship and takes off for Pandora while listening to Guns N' Roses. "Qwarich" then gets to Pandora and fights the Navis and....well, there's not really much of a plot to speak of.

However, there's action, action, more action, horses "yelling" as they "explode all over the jungle, appearances by "Master Cheef" and "Samus Arin" (who is referred to as a male...guess the author never got the message), and at the end there's a brief foursome with "Neytri".

However, that wasn't the end of the madness. He released a sequel titled The Navis Strike Back that features the Navis fighting to take back Pandora. Not only do they succeed, they also manage to kill Kernal Qwaritch. The end? Well...no.

Hunterjeanmidna then made a "final" part split up into three "books" that reveals that Qwaritch has a fully-grown Avatar on Earth for his soul to be transferred to in the event of death. He then plans to take advantage of his new Navi body and go back to Pandora, infiltrate the Navis, and then kill them. However, Qwaritch "goes through a real interestin plot twist so hold on to your popcorn"...

Needless to say, while When Qwaritch Takes Revenge isn't nearly as brain-meltingly horrible as something like My Immortal, it still isn't remotely good. But that's not to say it isn't entertaining.

The story used to be split up into 5 parts, but the author has recently deleted the individual entries and put them all together in a "special edition" that includes a new beginning and ending, works in Parker "Selfrige" and Grace Augustine, and adds a list of the characters (with bios, useful if you didn't know that Master Chief is "A robot guy like RoboCop") and pictures from the movie.

"hunterjeanmidna" has admitted that this and all his other stories were spoofs of actual horrible fanfiction with a bit of Crack Fic and Troll Fic thrown in for good measure, and isn't too proud of them.

Tropes used in Avatars II: When Qwaritch Takes Revenge include:

  • Adaptation Decay: Obviously.
  • Alien Blood: The "Navis" have dark blue blood, despite them having red blood in the movie.
    • Not only do they have blue blood... they also have blue semen!
  • Aliens Steal Cable: The Navis watch Watchmen at the end of Book II; they apparently have a special meteorite that humans used to make televisions, and used it to invent the television.
  • Anatomically-Impossible Sex: Where to start?
  • Battle Cry: A lot. There's the line in the page image, and...



"Thats right you stupid fuckers" said Neytri" DONT FUCK WITH THE NAVIS AN DONT FUCK WITH NEYTRI!!!"

"FUCK YEAH YOU HUMAN BITCHES!"" screamed Mohawk victoriously. "Mohawk's the BIGGEST BOSS!!!!!!"


  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: It turns out that "Navis" (and Avatars, as Qwaritch finds out when he tries to masturbate) don't have penises or vaginas, and instead use their USB ponytails for sex.
  • Becoming the Mask: Qwaritch defects to the Navi side because of all the sex he's having
  • Beige Prose
  • Big Bad: Parker Selfrige is the closest thing the story has to a villain.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Master Chef and Samus Arin. Book V sees Qwaritch and Trudy doing this, though it's less "kick some ass" and more "hey, stop that you guys".
  • Boldly Coming: All over the freaking place. At the end of Book I, Qwaritch, Master Cheef and Samus have a foursome with Neytri... despite the fact that Navis are revealed later to have sex with their USB ponytails, which probably makes this impossible (along with Samus actually being a girl...and the author seems aware of it too, saying that "he" has "a big secret"). Qwaritch later plows a bunch of Navi "hoes", but this time he's in Avatar form, so it makes more sense. And then Trudy has sex with Qwaritch, but this pairing makes more sense than the foursome at the beginning, as it's explained in detail how Qwaritch sticks his USB ponytail into Trudy's "feminine cave of wonders."
  • Casual Interstellar Travel: Qwarich had not one, but two spaceships on Earth ready to go to Pandora in the time it takes to listen to You Could Be Mine. Especially Egregious seeing as this was Averted in the movie.
  • Ceiling Banger: Qwaritch does this as he's getting used to his Avatar form, "cuz Navis are really tall". He eloquently expresses his frustration by shouting "GODDAMNIT!"
  • Cluster F-Bomb: The story features: 32 fucks, 17 shits, 4 Goddamns, 8 bitches, and 3 pussies.
  • Combat Tentacles: During the final battle, Qwaritch uses his Navi tentacle (the same one used for Naughty Tentacles) to rip off a man's head. For no apparent reason, he likens it to the time he killed a Korean transvestite with his penis.
  • Kernal Badass: It is a story about Qwaritch, after all.
  • Crazy Prepared: In addition to having two ships prepared for FTL interstellar travel, Qwarich had a pre-grown avatar on Earth with which he could transfer his mind into in case of death.
  • Crossover: The protagonists of Halo and Metroid make appearances.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: Qwaritch plans on doing one after his "hoes" leave, but he finds out that he doesn't have a penis.
    • In Book IV, he manages to pull this off with the "tentacle thing" on his head while watching Jake and Neytri have sex.
  • Death Is Cheap: Jak, Mohawk, Qwaritch, Trudy and Dr. Grace Augustine all come back from the dead.
  • Defictionalization: Terra Nova starring Stephen Lang.
  • Demoted to Extra: Jak Scully. In the film, he's the protagonist. Here, he only gets one scene: he appears, attacks the "heroes", yells the line featured in the page image, and gets killed. Whoop-de-do.
    • He manages to show up more in the rest of the story, but he's far from the main character.
    • Trudy is revealed to still be alive. Her sole purpose in the story? To be boinked by Qwaritch. Though in all fairness, she does get one of the most memorably bizarre and hilarious lines in the whole story ("Give me more of your Q-Tip!").
  • Disney Villain Death: Parker Selfridge is killed when Qwaritch drops him out of the Dragon gunship to "splat" on the jungle below.
  • Don't Explain the Joke: "It was a long flight so he put on You Could Be Mine by Guns N' Roses (get it because that song was in The Terminator II which was also by James Cameron so its an injoke!)"
  • Dramatic Ellipsis: "Qwaich an Cheef looked over an it was??Samus Arin!"
    • "It was....................................................QWARITCH!"
  • Easily Forgiven: Qwaritch. Sure, he destroyed Hometree, and sure, he killed countless Navis. But the Navis forgive him after he tells them his story - hell, they even make him a permanent member of their tribe - even though his only reason for not taking revenge is so he can have sex with them.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: In Qwaritch's flashback to his time as a Cub Scout.
  • Explosive Decompression: In the big final battle, a human pilot's head explodes when he is exposed to Pandora's air after his windshield is shattered.
  • Fix Fic: The story (clearly written by one of Quaritch's many fans) proposes that "Qwaritch" survived the events of the film and opens with him at home before being called into action.
    • By the end of Book II this is reversed again, with the Navis once again victorious and Qwaritch dead.
      • And then Qwaritch comes back for his revenge in Book III.
  • Funetik Aksent: The spelling of "Colonel" as "Kernal".
  • Fridge Horror: So if the Navis have sex with their "tentacle things", which they also use to tame Pandoran wildlife... doesn't this mean that they're essentially taming the wildlife by raping it into submission?
  • Healing Factor: The Na'vis are said to be like salamanders and can regrow severed limbs, despite never displaying any such ability in the movies.
  • Heel Face Turn: Qwaritch
  • The Immodest Orgasm: This scene. 'Nuff said.

"After about 8 minutes they came again an filled the whole tree with moans an groans an shrieking screams of pleasure (the adult Navis covered the little Navis ears they were so loud)."

  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Qwaritch drops a groaner when his "hoes" arrive and see him in Avatar form.

"Hey ladies" said Qwaritch grinnin "Could you lift me up? I'm feelin blue."

    • Na'vi "hoes" could be an Incredibly Lame Pun...given the comparisons with Native Americans in the original Avatar.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: One scene sees a ninja "snakin up" on Jak before being shredded by the latter's minigun.
  • It's Personal: In Book II, Qwaritch refuses to return to Pandora until he learns that Jak is still alive.
  • Love Redeems: Or rather, Love-making.
  • Made of Explodium: Lots of things explode into huge fireballs, whether it makes sense or not. Apparently, getting Navi blood in its systems is all it takes for an AMP suit to not just explode, but explode like the Hindenburg.
  • May-December Romance: Qwaritch and Trudy become a couple. Going by the age of the actors, Qwaritch is 26 years Trudy's senior.
  • Moral Myopia: Qwatrich feels bad about (movie spoilers!) destroying the Hometree because he "killed a buncha hot Navi hoes that he coulda had sex with or something".
  • Narm: The whole thing.
  • Naughty Tentacles: While only implied in Avatar that the Navi's ponytail USB things were used for sex, It is entirely canonical in this story.
  • Neck Snap: Qwaritch on a Navi, in order to get his clothes in Book III.
  • Obligatory Swearing: Everyone in this story. Whether they're human or alien, they swear a lot.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Tsu'Tey is only referred to as "Mohawk" for the entire story.
  • Out of Character: Nearly everyone. Which makes Grace Augustine coming back all the more shocking, mainly because she's written at least slightly accurately.
  • Really Gets Around: Qwaritch. Let's see, he boinks: Neytiri, his regular "hoes" from the strip club (and the "regular" part implies that this is far from his first "playdate" with them), a shitload of Navi "hoes", and Trudy. Kernal Miles Qwaritch: Sex Machine.
  • Redemption Equals Sex: Flipped around
  • Rousing Speech: Parker Selfrige gives one when he prepares to attack Qwaritch and the Navis.
  • Samus Is a Girl: The "Special Edition" referenced Samus having a "big secret." The author may be figuring it out.
  • Screaming Warrior: Jake/Jak, when he's gunning down soldiers with a stolen minigun. He screams while he shoots to "be all badass".
  • Sequel Hook: The Master Cheef and Samus "took off in their ships for new adventures of their own (hint hint more stories)"
  • Shout-Out: To District 9, by Qwaritch. The Navis also kill him the same way Koobus was killed in the climax. It's supposedly "poetic justice" because Qwatrich quoted the movie.
    • There's also shoutouts to Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell, Watchmen, T2 and Predator. The last one in particular is mentioned in the great lines "they did that handshake like Arnold an Oppollo Creed did in The Predator" and "Jak was stealin a machine gun an gunnin down soldiers with a minigun like that black guy on The Predator had that he leveled the jungle with after the Predator killed that wrestler or something (AN: I havent seen that movie in a while so be easy on me homies ok)"
    • Speaking of the minigun, the scene where he kills a ninja with it seems to have been inspired by this page of the infamous Doom comic. "DAAANCE BONE DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADY"
    • There's also the name Qwaritch takes when he meets the Navis in his Avatar: D'leah.
    • Some grammatical errors/bizarre literary devices are also similar to those of My Immortal (like the usage of long elipses)
  • Stealth Parody: Possibly. It's hard to come up with something this hilariously stupid by accident.
    • If not at first, then probably by the time of Parts III-V, which focuse on Qwaritch's dilemma of "vengeful genocide" vs. "Na'vi orgy". Either that's supposed to be silly, or it's downright disturbing.
    • It is a StealthParody.
  • Troll Fic: Though originally saying that it was an Old Shame and that he was trying to improve, the author has flat-out admitted that this and his other stories were satires, and that the whole "Hunterjeanmidna" persona was a joke.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Jak, who is blown up at the end of Book I, comes back in Book II. Even characters who died in the film return.
  • Villain Protagonist: The stories feature quite a few of the characters from the movie, but the villainous Colonel Quaritch takes center stage for the most part. Although near the end, he undergoes a Heel Face Turn because letting go of his revenge is the only way he can "have sex with hot Navi hoes".
  • Wham! Line: With just nine words, Neytri unknowingly manages to flip Qwaritch's entire motivation upside down: "His(sic) room on your left is the Navi harem."
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Trudy disappears without a word after Book V and is never mentioned again.
  • World of Badass: Most definitely.
  • World of Ham: "WE WILL FIGHT AS ONE!" yelled Jak "RIDE OR DIEE!"
  • You Know I'm Black, Right?: Parker Selfrige's "homie" Montana says this almost word-for-word when Selfrige compares Qwaritch joining the Navis to an African-American joining the KKK. Selfrige then changes his analogy to a Jew joining the Nazis, but it turns out Montana is Jewish as well.
  • Your Head Asplode: Not only to anyone who reads this, but in story: "As soon as he landed a Navi tried to shoot him but he took out his shotgun an blew there noggin off an blue blood went flyin everywhere." This also happens to a pilot who is exposed to Pandora's air in the final battle.