49 Days

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[[File:49days_4681.jpg|frame| From left to right: Yi Kyung, Han Kang, In Jung, Min Ho, the Scheduler Yi Soo, and Ji Hyu]

49 Days is a 2011 [[Dramatic Hour Lon] [[Supernatural Soap Oper] South [[Korean Dram] totaling 20 episodes.

Bright, bubbly Shin Ji Hyun is [[Spoiled Sweet|the girl who has everythin] - wealthy, adoring parents, a devoted fiance (Kang Min Ho), and a long-time best friend (Shin In Jung). On the other side of town, Song Yi Kyung, who once had loved ones and a job at a high-end hotel, is now alone, working at a convenience store, and finding increasingly little to live for.

An unsuccessful suicide attempt by Yi Kyung leads to Ji Hyun's death shortly before her wedding, but as Ji Hyun [[It Is Not Your Time|was not fated to die that da], the Scheduler (a reaper) gives Ji Hyun a chance to earn back her life.

He gives Ji Hyun permission to take over Yi Kyung's body while she's sleeping. She has 49 days to find three people unrelated by blood who have truly loved her and will cry sincere tears of grief for her. As she sets out to find these people, Ji Hyun discovers that her perfect life may not have been so perfect after all. As the 49 days pass, the lives of Ji Hyun and Yi Kyung collide and just may be the salvation of them both, as they discover the difference between true and false love and begin to come alive again, each in her own way.

Tropes used in 49 Days include:
  • [[Actor Allusio]: The Scheduler being a [[Badass Bike]. Hmm..
  • [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existenc]: Literally, since the souls ride a cosmic elevator into the next life.
  • Altar the Speed: Ji Hyun's father pushes Min Ho and Ji Hyun to push forward their wedding due to his financial troubles, and they agree to do so only for Ji Hyun to get into the accident.
  • Back From the Dead: Yi Soo comes back for one day. Ji Hyun comes back also, but she wasn't 'technically' dead.
  • Bait and Switch: The first episode starts of with Han Kang being nervous about Ji Hyun's upcoming engagement party, as if he is Ji Hyun's fiance.
  • [[Big Eate]: Ji Hyun, whose stomach is constantly growling
  • [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothin]: In Jung, who set up the hostile takeover two years before the beginning of the arc, using her boyfriend as bait.
  • [[Bittersweet Endin]. Yes, Ji Hyun and Yi Soo are both dead, but both Ji Hyun's father and his company have been saved, Yi Kyung has finally regained her will to live and found her family, and Min Ho and In Jung have repented for their crimes.
  • [[Blatant Lie]: Ji Hyun (in Yi Kyung's body) pretending not to be Ji Hyun
  • [[Body and Hos]
  • [[The Came]: Kim Hyung Bum as another 49 day-er, trying to get his tears
  • [[Celestial Bureaucrac]: The rules and regulations for the 49-Day Traveler are pretty convoluted.
  • [[Chalk Outlin]: Shown in flashback. It's Song Yi Soo after his fatal accident, and the last thing Yi Kyung thinks about before throwing herself in front of the truck.
  • [[Childhood Friend Romanc]: Yi Soo/Yi Kyung. Ji Hyun/Kang.
  • [[Color Coded for Your Convenienc]: Tears that have been shed evaporate with a colorful poof based on the feelings behind them, with those of pure love evaporating into a white mist.
  • [[Completely Different Titl]: The original Korean title is 49 Il, which is literally 49 Days in English. When free TV network ABS-CBN showed the Filipino dub of the drama two months after it ended its original run, it was titled Pure Love perhaps to avoid confusion--a homegrown [[Supernatural Soap Oper], 100 Days to Heaven, already started its run two months earlier. (Both ran during weekday evenings in the [[Prime Tim] block, the former being shown three hours later.)
  • [[Convenient Com]: For both Ji Hyun and her dad President Shin Il Suk.
  • [[Converse with the Unconsciou]: Song Yi Kyung, when she begins hearing Ji Hyun towards the end of the time limit.
  • [[Corrupt Corporate Executiv]: Min Ho, who 'legally' attempts to wrestle control of Ji Hyun's property and her father's company
  • Daddy's Girl: Ji Hyun
  • Deader Than Dead: Both Yi Soo and Ji Hyun who flirt with the afterlife before dying for real.
  • [[Death Amnesi]: If Ji Hyun comes back from her coma, she won't remember any of the events since her accident.
  • [[Death's Hourglas]: Or in this case, Death's Countdown Cellphone.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: For all three main couples.
  • [[Dogged Nice Gu]: Han Kang
  • [[Don't Fear the Reape]: The Scheduler
  • Double-Speak: The Scheduler refers to an individual's deaths as 'appointments.'
  • [[Driven to Suicid]: Yi Kyung, who attempts suicide twice. Both times, she's stopped by Dr. Noh.
    • It is implied that she frequently attempts suicide due to extreme loneliness.
  • [[Estrogen Brigade Bai]: All three male leads.
  • Everyone Is Related: In the best karmic fashion.
  • [[Fetch Ques]: Ji Hyun must find three people to cry genuine tears of grief for her. They are to be collected in a teardrop-shaped glass necklace.
  • [[Grand Theft M]: In order to earn her three tears, Ji Hyun is given the opportunity to possess Yi Kyung's body over the course of [[Title Drop|49 day] whenever Yi Kyung is sleeping. However, Ji Hyun only possesses Yi Kyung's body because her own is obviously incapacited and because Yi Kyung indirectly caused the accident that put Ji Hyun in a coma.
  • Genki Girl: Ji Hyun
  • [[Ghost Amnesi]: The Scheduler until he partially regains his memories and finds out he is Song Yi Soo.
  • [[Green-Eyed Monste]: In Jung's main motivation for her plots.
  • [[Grim Reape]: Don't call The Scheduler this. He doesn't like it. Really.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Yi Kyung is Queen Seondeok.
  • [[Hidden Depth]: Ji Hyun learns there's more to everyone around her than meets the eye:
    • Her fiance Min Ho and her best friend In Jung have been seeing each other. Longer than Ji Hyun has even known Min Ho, seeing as the two staged their first meeting as part of a scheme to take over her father's company.
    • Her Unlucky Childhood Friend Kang is a truly Jerk with a Heart of Gold even though he consistently acted like a complete [[Jerkas] to Ji Hyun before the accident.
  • [[Hikikomor]: Yi Kyung only goes outside her house when she has to work her graveyard shift at a convenience store; otherwise, she sleeps the whole day. That is, until Ji Hyun's possession causes her to get fired. Ji Hyun loses a few of her precious 49 days because she could not get the opportunity to take over Yi Kyung's body--due to her not going outside at all until the Scheduler could find a way to get her a nighttime job.
  • I Know You Know I Know: Ji Hyun in Yi Kyung's body does this often - with Min Ho, In Jung and Kang.
  • [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happ]: Han Kang stepped back when Ji Hyun decided to marry Min Ho.
  • [[Identity Amnesi]: The Scheduler can't remember his past life -- only that there was something important he needed to do.
  • [[The Ingenu]: Ji Hyun, with a small helping of [[Brainless Beaut]
  • [[Intertwined Finger]: Yi Kyung and Yi Soo in their middle school days.
  • [[It Is Not Your Tim]: Ji Hyun was not 'scheduled' to die in the car accident.
  • [[Jekyll and Hyd]/[[Sharing a Bod]: Ji Hyun and Yi Kyung are sharing the same body.
  • [[Jerkass Facad]: Both Kang and the Scheduler attempt to pull this off -- Kang to hide his feelings for Ji Hyun and the Scheduler due to his responsibilities as a [[Psychopomp|Schedule] that include staying out of the affairs of humans.
  • [[Just Following Order]: The Scheduler. Also his boss.
  • [[Laser-Guided Amnesi]: It's stated that if a person successfully earns their three tears in the alloted 49 days, when they return to their body they will not retain any of their memories regarding those 49 days in order to uphold [[The Masquerad].
  • Libation for the Dead: On his mother's deathday, Han Kang poured a glass of her favorite red wine and placed it on the piano where she used to perform.
  • [[Long-Lost Relativ]: Yi Kyung and Ji Hyun are sisters
  • [[Love Triangl]: More complicated than usual, thanks to spiritual possession. We have: Ji Hyun/Han Kang/Min Ho, Ji Hyun-in-Yi Kyung's-Body/Han Kang/Min Ho, Min Ho/Ji Hyun/ In Jung, Min Ho/Ji Hyun-in-Yi Kyung's-Body/ In Jung and Han Kang/Ji Hyun/Seo Woo.
  • [[Manly Tear]: Thanks to Han Kang, Ji Hyun gets her first teardrop.
  • [[Mistaken for An Imposte]: Kang confronts Ji Hyun-in-Yi Kyung's-Body to ask why she "feels like Ji Hyun."
  • [[Mistaken for Cheatin]: Yi Soo
  • Neck Snap: One of The Scheduler's 'appointments' is a young woman who breaks her neck slipping at a pool.
  • Nosebleed: A nosebleed in this arc is a sign of overworking. It happens in a flashback, when Yi Soo was working two jobs to make enough money for an engagement ring.
  • The Nothing After Death: Ji Hyun experiences this.
  • [[One Steve Limi]: Averted. Ji Hyun and In Jung have the same last name, Shin. Ends up being a [[Plot Poin] later on.
  • [[Parental Abandonmen]: Yi Kyung was left at an orphanage when she was young.
  • [[Platonic Life Partner]: Yi Kyung and Han Kang, in the ending.
  • [[Pool Scen]: The Scheduler doing laps at the local community pool. He's working. Really.
  • [[Relative Erro]: Inverted. Ji Hyun first believes Yi Soo to be Yi Kyung's brother, especially since they share the same surname. It turns out that when they met in an orphanage as children, Yi Soo gave Yi Kyung both his surname and the first part of his given name since she didn't know her own.
  • The Reveal: The Scheduler is really Yi Kyung's boyfriend Yi Soo who got into an accident five years before the show picks up. He's currently working time off as a Scheduler in order for a chance to "finish something important" but that he can't remember.
    • Yi Kyung is Ji Hyun's older sister who was kidnapped as a child which is why her tear didn't count towards Ji Hyun's three.
  • Revealing Skill
  • [[Shirtless Scen]: The Scheduler when he goes to a public pool to collect a soul.
  • [[Shout-Ou]: [[The Bourne Identit] is mentioned when Ji Hyun and The Scheduler run from a tail hired by Min Ho.
  • [[Shower Scen]: Han Kang singing under the showerhead.
  • [[Single Tea]
  • [[Spoiled Swee]: Ji Hyun.
  • [[Star-Crossed Lover]: Yi Kyung/Yi Soo.
  • [[Sempai-Kohai|Sunbae Hooba]: The Scheduler sometimes turns to a senior Scheduler for advice about Ji Hyun's case, and in episode 9 [[Never Mess with Granny|sh] even shows up to punish him for interfering in human affairs.
  • [[Swiss Army Tear]: Rather than the actual tears themselves, the pure feelings behind tears shed for Ji Hyun are what will allow her to come back to life.
  • [[Tsunder]: Kang who attempted to hide his feelings for Ji Hyun behind a [[Jerkass Facad] out of consideration for both her and his friend Min Ho. When Ji Hyun shows up in Yi Kyung's body, he spends half his time blowing up at her and the other half uncharacteristically letting her do whatever she wants.
  • Title Drop: Ji Hyun is told she has 49 days to earn her three tears, although she doesn't actually get to use all 49.
  • Together in Death: Averted. Both Yi Soo and Ji Hyun urge their loves, Yi Kyung and Kang respectively, to live on.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: Kang grew to love Ji Hyun after she defended him in high school and made every effort to become his friend. He eventually had to go overseas for university, but fully intended to come find her and confess his feelings once he was back in South Korea. Unfortunately, Min Ho beat him to it. And even when she comes to reciprocate his feelings, she dies.
  • [[Vitriolic Best Bud]: Ji Hyun thinks she and the Scheduler are friends, he does not.
  • When Elders Attack: The Scheduler gets smacked around a little for helping out Ji Hyun more than he should by a senior Scheduler. This senior Scheduler happened to be [[Never Mess with Granny|an actual senior citize].
  • [[Your Cheating Hear]: Ji Hyun's fiance Min Ho and her best friend In Jung have been together longer than Ji Hyun herself has been with Min Ho. They continue to meet up behind her back until she witnesses them together. Drving away in confusion, Ji Hyun has her accident.
    • Yi Kyung accused Yi Soo of this prior to his accident.


[[Category:Korean Serie] [[Category:Korean Dram] [[Category:49 Day] [[Category:Live-Action TV of the 2010] [[Category:Western Animatio]