User talk:Tmalik99

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Regarding your edit to "X Meets Y/Live-Action TV"...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

While it has passed Moderation and has been added to the wiki, we would like to inform you of a policy that we've stated in several places on the wiki, but probably most importantly in our Style Guide:

Finally, don't link to TV Tropes for any reason.

Your edit included a link to a TVT work page

We would rather have a red link to an uncreated page on our site than send readers to TV Tropes. However, in this case the TVT link has been removed and replaced with a link to a disambiguation page.

You're not in trouble for this -- this time. Consider this a friendly warning, of the kind mentioned in How We Do Bans Around Here. Don't do it again, and we won't have a problem.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk

Tmalik99 (talkcontribs)

so sorry

Your upload of File:MV5BNDVkNmUxMzAtMWIyZC00MWM4LThiZmQtZWQ3ZDdiN2EyZGRjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTU2MDUyODcx. V1 FMjpg UX1000 .jpg has been reected in Moderation

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

First, and most importantly, because you did not include copyright information in the description. All The Tropes:Uploading and Adding an Image to a Page makes it clear that this information is required, for legal reasons.

Second, because none of the moderators could pronounce "MV5BNDVkNmUxMzAtMWIyZC00MWM4LThiZmQtZWQ3ZDdiN2EyZGRjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTU2MDUyODcx. V1 FMjpg UX1000 ". All The Tropes:Uploading and Adding an Image to a Page also makes it clear that we prefer human-readable file names here.

Third, because we took so long to get to the image that it expired from the cache and was no longer on the server when it came time to moderate the upload. That one's our fault, and on behalf of the moderators I apologize for taking so long to get to the upload.

You are not in trouble.

If you re-upload the image, please include a short description of it in the summary text, select the licence that the wiki is allowed to use the image under (if nothing else, "fair use"), and give it a name that we can say out loud.

@Tmalik99 @Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Tmalik99 (talkcontribs)

Sorry about this. But if I upload the Image again. How do I make sure it's more coherent and it has a more clear copyright information. What do I write?

Robkelk (talkcontribs)
Tmalik99 (talkcontribs)

i uploaded again...check if it's correct

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

You still did not include copyright information in the description. If you can provide that here, I can add it for you... this time. You'll need to remember to add it yourself the next time you upload an image.

Tmalik99 (talkcontribs)

Can it say all rights reserved or fair use or is there anything else I need to add?

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

"Fair use" is fine. We have a template for that.

Tmalik99 (talkcontribs)

okay then fair use

Tmalik99 (talkcontribs)


Thank you for the friend request...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

...but as I note on my user page, I accept neither friend nor foe requests, because I intensely dislike that part of the SocialProfile extension; if it were possible to have it turned off while retaining all other functionality, I would advocate for doing so (and I would not be alone among the admins in doing so).

As far as Mr. Robot is concerned, I actually know nothing about the show, having never watched it.

RabidTanker (talkcontribs)

I think you guys should have a look at that page, considering how the description is very similar to TVT's.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the heads-up. Other than the Affably Evil trope, though, I think the page just barely squeaks by our requirement for originality -- barely. But Affably Evil definitely had to go.

Tmalik99 (talkcontribs)

If you know alot about TVT..can you help me out with the edit? I don't have much time to edit and I don't know how much i can add due to work.

RabidTanker (talkcontribs)

Why not type out the tropes and the examples on a Word Document in your spare time? That way, you can cut & paste them here...provided that they're not identical to TVT's.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Regardless of who helps you and how, please make sure that you do not copy and paste from TV Tropes, nor do you simply rewrite each sentence. Please see our "Copyrights" page for specific guidelines. Given that Mr. Robot came out several years after TVT changed their license in 2012, none of the text on TVT's page for it is covered by the "archival" clause of our copyright policy, so anything you put on our page for the show must be completely original.

As I mentioned above in reply to RabidTanker, while the main text and most of the tropes for the Mr. Robot page just barely squeaks by the originality requirement -- barely -- the trope entry for Affably Evil was at least half cut-and-pasted from TVT. This is not permitted and is in fact illegal. It's been deleted accordingly.

I'm afraid that I'm going to have to warn you that further violation of the Copyright policy will result in a temporary block at the very least, as it puts the entire wiki at risk of legal liability.

-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @GethN7, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak

Tmalik99 (talkcontribs)

I'll remember that.

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