Top Shot/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Announcer: This weapon [English Longbow] was so important, at one point every Englishman was required to practice with this weapon.
Someone on Blue Team: Hey, we have an Englishman!
Iain: Ssh! I don't think the others noticed yet!

  • Elimination Houdini:
    • In Season 1, Kelly. He was nominated for elimination the most times out of all the contestants but managed to outshoot his way out of the elimination challenges.
    • Jamie and Jay in Season 2. Jamie was sent to elimination every time the red team has to pick, the only exception being when he won immunity. Joe and Brian both at one point voiced their displeasure at this tactic specifically when Jamie shot better than they did, but the contestants refused to send them to elimination because they liked Joe and Brian better personally despite both shooting his target at one time or another. Jay Lim was sent to elimination three times, and beat a homeland security agent and retired marine to stay in the competition. Jamie ultimately sent him home.
    • Taken to the logical extreme with Mike Hughes. He placed second despite being in four elimination challenges, one of which he lost. Jake's forfeit is what allowed him a chance to get back in.
    • Greg Littlejohn in season 4. Nominated three times, won all three challenges.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: George from season 2 both looks and comes off like someone from Jersey Shore. When his info is finally shown in the finale, it turns out he actually IS from New Jersey.