The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982 Film)/Awesome

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Being the Scarlet Pimpernel, Percy is essentially a walking CMoA, but one that particularly stands out comes after Chauvelin has used Armand to lure Percy into a trap, hoping to prevent him escaping with the Dauphin. He now has a pair of soldiers holding each of them while he gloats:

Chauvelin: Good day, Sir Percy. I realize that your nobless oblige would not permit you to abandon one of your men.
Armand: I'm sorry, Percy.
Percy: (gives Armand a significant look, then turns to Chauvelin) Sink me, if you aren't right, for a change. But then, two no-account fellows like us, in exchange for one royal prince, would seem to be a fair exchange, don't you think? Amazing, how a mere lad can slip through your fingers so easily. I'll wager there'll be the devil to pay when your Committee of National Security discovers that he left the country.
Chauvelin: Oh, has he left the country? I was under the impression that there was some problem in getting away.
Percy: No, no, no. It is this.
(Cue Percy and Armand punching the soldiers in the stomach and running away.)

  • Another one comes earlier, when Percy reveals to Armand who he is. Armand, up to this point, has thought that Percy is an empty-headed, foppish dandy, albeit one with anti-Revolution sympathies.

Armand: I will warn the de Tournay family and help them flee, if necessary.
Percy: Now look here, my dear fellow. I did not save your neck from those thugs of St. Cyr's merely to see you lose your head at the guillotine.
Armand: My mind's quite made up, Percy. There's no use trying to stop me.
Percy: I have no intention of stopping you. Do you suppose you could get into the Temple prison, and see the Count...tonight?
Armand: I--I think so. And for what purpose?
Percy: I...have a plan.
Armand: You...have a plan? You, who are practically incapable of any thought entering into your head that is not...trivial...Oh, really, Percy, this is serious.
Percy: (drops his fop voice) So am I. Deadly serious. We must rescue the de Tournay family, without risking you. You can be far more valuable to us if you keep in with Chauvelin, and continue to work for the Committee.
Armand: Useful to us? What on earth are you talking about?
Percy: You must swear, by all you hold sacred, that what you are about to hear you will not repeat to anyone.
Armand: Well, I...
Percy: Not even Marguerite.
Armand: You must be quite mad!
Percy: Do you swear?
Armand: Very well.
Percy: (shows Armand the seal on his ring) Do you recognize that seal?
Armand: It looks like a flower of some sort.
Percy: Correct. It is a scarlet pimpernel.

  • Of course, the best one of all is when Percy comes back from the "dead". The look on Chauvelin's face when he turns around and sees him standing there is absolutely priceless.

Percy: My good fellow, I would never dream of depriving you of your moment of triumph. Alas, a moment was all I could spare.