Talk:Fandom Tic

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I think we're getting close to launchable here.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Anyone have anything else to add (or remove) before we do?

TBeholder (talkcontribs)

Looks good.

This probably exists under another name.

DartzIRL (talkcontribs)

It was something that I knew exactly what it meant when I first added it to an article, but then sort of couldn't spit it out when I realised that it didn't actually exist at all.

And now it comes to drafting it up or coming up with clear examples, I'm drawing something of a blank.

It's those weird quirks and assumptions common to individual fandoms - the things that stretch beyond basic fanon and have just become the natural 'Right Way' of doing things. Of Cosplaying, of writing Fanfic, or just plain describing something as Shiny/Illogical/A slice of fried gold.....

Or is that even worth having an article over?

NotaBene (talkcontribs)

Your example of (most) Worm fics featuring a locker scene, power testing, etc. is called The Stations of the Canon. Not sure if there's enough left over to be called a trope itself, but there it is.

DartzIRL (talkcontribs)

There's The Stations of the Canon, but That's when stories just follow the same basic source material plot, despite massive nail-spiting changes.

Worm's Stations are therefore kind of unique in that respect in that they've become part of the done thing - despite never really appearring in the original material.

What I'm trying to capture are those sacred cows that exist beyond just simple Stations. Or just those things that are culturally unique to a particular fandom and immediately makr one out as a member

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I think there's definitely a valid Audience Reaction trope here, but agree with @NotaBene that it's also trying to be Stations of the Canon, and you should probably settle for a reference to that trope than try to reiterate it. Perhaps this might be a Super-Trope to it, or share a common super-trope with it. (That said, I added my own Ranma "stations" example. Bad Bob.)

DartzIRL (talkcontribs)

I think the example I had in mind might be wrong.... The Spock salute is probably the right explanation.

Maybe it's something like this Stations of the Canon being just marching through Canon scenes from the original work, with little or no change, despite being wildly different Fandom Tic, being the Live Long and Prosper Salute. And maybe Fanfic Cliches or some better name for it being the 'non-canon' type things that're just common to all fanfics and the like in the fandom.

That's the Worm example I was thinking of. Almost All wormfics follow the same Decimal-system Arc.chapter nubmbering Almost all wormfics will have a PHO scene. Almost all wormfics will have Interludes labelled as such, from other characters viewpoints Almost all wormfics start with a 'locker scene' It's not unusual to see the entities communicating in single words. And most if not all of these will lack the context of the original and be sheer imitation

Those were the specific sacred cows being hamburgered when I originally thought of it.

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