Sonic the Hedgehog/Fridge

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Fridge Brilliance

  • When discussing Sonic the Hedgehog characters with a piano teacher, I then discovered that Tails' real name, Miles Prower, is actually a pun on "Miles per hour," a Fridge Brilliance moment on its own, and a fitting enough name for a character in a speed-driven series. However, when searching the "Rare Baby Names" sites, I also discovered that Miles in Irish means "servant," which Tails definately acts like towards Sonic (not in that way!). - Disco Glacier
  • Due to being Dummied Out, Sonic 2's Hidden Palace Zone is literally hidden in the code. (albeit without most of the graphics).
    • For that matter, the level's music (accessible in the sound test) is a truly mournful funeral dirge. As it wasn't in any version of the beta (Its music was originally that used for Mystic Cave Zone 2 Player in the final game), it was obviously composed for the sole purpose of giving the unused level its own theme to stop it crashing. A theme which represents the creator's sadness about the loss of the level, its presence in the sound test ensuring the level could never be forgotten.
      • That makes no sense. You don't need to compose a whole new music theme to prevent a game from crashing. It was clearly meant to be used as Hidden Palace Zone's BGM and was composed at some point in Sonic 2's development posterior to the betas we have, but in which the Zone hadn't been scrapped yet.
  • Combine the two entries above, and a dropped plot thread starts to make more sense. Mainly, it was speculated that Tails was supposed to be the original Master Emerald guardian.
  • Can I make sense out of |Sonic the Hedgehog 2006? Yes, I can - and very specifically, out of Elise's Damsel in Distress gig. Let's first point out that Royals Who Actually Do Something are very rare in modern-day Europe, with very little contribution to the ruling of a country or in its wars. Next, let's remember a certain son of Henry VIII who was so young when his father died and he was crowned king, that all of his power was used up by his advisors instead. Next, just like in England, all of that would be made obvious - she's just a figurehead. Also, Elise wouldn't need to learn any combat abilities because she'd actually be surrounded by guards instead. And finally, this game was meant to be 'Sonic in real life' - meaning that hypercompetence, which is not realistic, is a no. Add these together and you get this: Elise is captured so many times because 1) she's physically weak, 2) she has no power anyway, 3)she's been taken away from her guards by a single character, and 4) nobody expected her to be kidnapped anyway. In that way, it's a lot more understandable. - Umiyuri Papaeyra
    • This troper had a similar moment. At first, he was wondering why Silver trusted Mephiles. Then I realized that he spent his life in a post-apocolyptic wasteland, and as such did not have any predilections.- Derp Derp
    • Mephiles' plan is a complete mess, but here's a lot of facts, he can time travel, he is also probably Omnipotent, so, he's interested in a lot of characters, said characters are shown to be friendly or will be friendly toward Sonic, but he tries hard to scatter them all over the place, why? It's shown that he can be a bit of a coward, attacking you while you're not looking, among other things, the reason they were scattered all over the place: He wanted Sonic and Elise to be alone, to make sure he could kill Sonic without any interruptions, what was a plan riddled with problems is still riddled with problems, but this arguably was Mephiles' real plan all along.
    • Silver went back in time because Mephiles told him about the "Iblis Trigger," the one who would release Iblis and turn the world into the one that Silver and Blaze are familiar with. Mephiles even showed him who the Iblis Trigger was: Sonic. Obviously, Sonic would never release Iblis, but Silver doesn't know that. Later, you find out that Iblis was sealed in Elise, and that he'd be released if Elise ever cried. By the end of the game, Elise has fallen in love with Sonic, and when Mephiles kills him, Elise starts to cry and ends up releasing Iblis. Mephiles had been telling Silver the truth about the Trigger all along; Sonic did release Iblis... by dying.
  • Here's a hypothetical example for you all. Let's say you have a teenager who wants to write a fanfic. The obvious traits of such a work become evident: he makes himself the lead character, and includes his friends as supporting characters. They all have a grand absurd adventure, complete with some absurd exaggerated powers, fighting robots and demons, travelling through time, and little thought is left to the dialogue, which takes a pretty big hit. The story ends, as typical, with the main character being uplifted as a sort of messiah, getting raised from a glorified death, getting the girl, and all that. So you have a very strange, twisted, plothole-ridden story that appeals mostly to this particular guy, nobody else. Simple enough. Now assume further that said fanfic writer has a best friend who's good with computers. He decides to make a fangame out of the fanfic. He's pretty good, he makes something really shiny out of the story ... however, it proves to be a poorly-designed glitchfest. It's riddled with bottomless pits, very problematic controls, and falling-through-walls-and-floors glitches. Coupled with a poor excuse for a story, you have a pitiful excuse for a game, largely because it was the work of a couple of inexperienced fans of the series. You also now have a valid explanation of the phenomenon that is |Sonic the Hedgehog 2006! If you view the story as something that SONIC HIMSELF imagined (and put Tails as a programmer - the kit's a genius, but most of his stuff has glitches), then it makes far more sense than if the absurd plot ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Could it be that one of the most ridiculed games in history was deliberately a parody of fanfics and fangames, and that the world misunderstood the point? Think about that. - Lilly Jade
    • Well, I would argue that most of Tails's gadgets work exceedingly well -- he built a working transforming mech/plane, after all, among other things. Admittedly, he may not be such a good videogame programmer, and it would be rather similar to the one programmer being commissioned to make the Atari E.T. game. Still, this Alternate Character Interpretation is among the best this troper has ever seen. Kudos.
      • Need I remind you that said plane originally had NO LANDING GEAR? I rest my case.
      • It did have landing gear. Tails just overlooked the fact that the landing gear was completely unusable in the Tornado's secondary form thanks to wings that projected well below the fuselage. He's an excellent inventor... but not so good a designer.
      • That, and Tails is sort of clumsy. SA 2? Who was it that accidentally told Eggman about the Fake Chaos Emerald? Case dismissed.
    • Except that Sonic doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would spend his time writing stories and turning them into video games.
  • In Sonic Unleashed, I was always confused as to why exactly the Werehog looks so odd, and why he's able to stretch his arms. Then it occured to me when replaying Sonic Battle: he's not a wolf at all, he's a sea creature. His body, nose in particular, takes the shape of a shark and his arms can flail about like octopus tentacles. Chaos transforms into sea creatures when exposed to the NEGATIVE energy of the Chaos emeralds, why shouldn't Sonic also? - Not a troper, but was sitting in front of a fridge.
    • Would've worked, if not for the fact that the Werehog isn't the result of the negative energies of the Emeralds. It's rather that during the blast that woke up Dark Gaia, part of the Eldritch Abomination shot back up to the satellite and infected Sonic. So, with that logic, his body was rather possessed by Dark Gaia, hench why the form only appears at night, has the ability to stretch arms(I seen the other creatures do it), and since he's an anamorphic creature, it can pretty much justified why it affected him differently than the humans affected by it. If you're wondering how he retains his mind, think Kingdom Hearts. Following the earlier would make ever more fridge logic on how he breathe on land, and have fur.
      • Because werehog only made him gain traits, not lose them. He already had hair and lungs and genitals and stamina.
      • Actually, I thought of a better way to explain this. When Sonic absorbs the negative energies of the Chaos Emeralds, he gains stretchy limbs, super strength, a loss of speed (but retains his aerial agility), his attacks glow, and he gets a shark-like mouth of teeth. Chaos gets these same abilities when absorbing negative energies from the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic isn't a Werehog at all, he's simply becoming one with Chaos. Why only at night? No fuckin' clue.
        • Sonic was transformed into the Werehog via a combination of both the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds and Dark Gaia's force. Since Dark Gaia is active only in the dark, Sonic would have the same restriction.
    • Sonic the Werehog can stretch because his blood has been replaced by magma.
    • Related to Sonic Unleashed, in the PS 360 version, if you pause the game in one of the hubs, everything freezes in place except for Chip. Why? Because Chip is Light Gaia; a god. You merely pressing the pause button is not enough to freeze him in place.
  • Another realization that I've just had from Sonic Unleashed: Why couldn't Dark Gaia just have taken Sonic's power away from the start? Even as he was awakening, he should still have enough energy to siphon away his energy from Sonic, if he had the energy to summon minions the size of towers. Answer: He couldn't, even if he had tried. Since the Werehog was formed by a combination of both the negative energy of the Emeralds and Dark Gaia's power, this formed some kind of bond between the two powers. And since the Chaos Emerald's power is "unified by the controller", and Sonic obviously had not much objection to his new form, the bond was even stronger. Once Sonic and Chip restored the last Emerald, all of the negative energy had been sapped away by the Temples, leaving Sonic with pure dark energy. This....led to an easy takeaway.
  • Yet another Sonic Unleashed moment. A lot of people were wondering how Eggman knew that releasing Dark Gaia by cracking the planet into seven pieces wouldn't just destroy Earth. Well, this is not the first time Eggman ripped the planet apart with the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic Advance 3 has Eggman used the gems to rip the planet into seven zones much like this time, only they were Genesis-era style zones instead of the more realistic continents in Unleashed.
  • This troper used to think that Rouge the Bat got her name only for wearing makeup as a Ms. Fanservice. Later he realized that the similarity to "rogue" was probably no accident. Furthermore, her full name is a partial reversal of "Baton Rouge." Triply appropriate!
  • It took me a while, but I finally realized that the Karma Meter in Shadow the Hedgehog is a perfect representation of how Chaos Energy works. "Power is enriched by the heart.", "The controller is the one who unifies the chaos." Since he's suffering from amnesia and mind-control, he can't focus his powers as well as he could in SA 2, so Shadow's state of mind influences the energy he draws from the Emeralds, and alters his powers, much like in Sonic Adventure, where Sonic and Chaos drew upon completely different "sides" of the Emeralds' powers. When he's full of rage and hatred, he draws on the negative power of the Emeralds and his powers become incredibly violent and destructive, like Chaos was; and when he focuses on rescuing people or destroying evil, he gets the positive energy of the Emeralds, and his powers resemble something closer to Super Sonic: high speed, nigh invincibility, and flight. It just fits so well! -- User:Enlong
    • Also, why was G.U.N. trying to kill Shadow in SA 2? Even if he wasn't the dangerous Prototype that G.U.N. was at the ARK searching for, they tried killing him anyways. But, you think they would know the difference between a giant fucking lizard and a hedgehog, and you would be right! They did! They went after Shadow because of his appearance: A Hedgehog sporting the Black Arms skin color! -- Shadowgirl13_chaos
      • On top of that, when Rouge recovers Professor Robotnik's notes in Sonic Adventure 2, we find out that Biolizard's given name was also Shadow. Assuming G.U.N. knew about this project, and Shadow the Hedgehog was developed in secret, they would've come to one logical conclusion about someone created by the Professor and identifying himself as "Shadow."
  • I always wondered why, in Sonic Adventure 2, only Eggman had the Protective Armor Upgrade and Tails didn't. But then I realized that Eggman's Egg Walker is just an assault platform, while Tails' Cyclone was an alternate form for his plane, the Tornado 3. Of course Tails didn't put extra armor on the Cyclone - it would have been too heavy to fly!
  • In Sonic Rush Series, Sonic's bosses, which are Eggman Nega's, feel a lot harder than Blaze's bosses, the characters have the same mechs, but Eggman Nega feels harder, why? It's because Eggman Nega is a Complete Monster, thus, he doesn't have the same Moral Restraint that Eggman does! He's actively trying to kill his enemy, while Eggman Normal uses his others as last resorts.-Etheru
  • Noticing an overload of newer games, and a lack of classic ones, here. The Hidden Palace Zone in Sonic & Knuckles counts here. If we skip to the final boss battle in Doomsday Zone, Sonic (as Super Sonic) is travelling at super speeds in raw space, against Robotnik's latest giant robotic, humanoid egg, right? Let's go back to the Hidden Palace zone, specifically the battle with Knuckles, look at the mural in the background. It's a blatant image that foreshadows the final boss battle, a rodent consumed by a golden aura, facing off against a giant mecha. Many people came to realize this more than most fridge examples on this wiki, but ask yourselves, how many of you were completely unaware of this, then later shat bricks when you realized it some time later? But that's not even the extent of it. It also potentially brings up more justification of why the Hidden Palace zone is REALLY HIDDEN inside/under a volcano, the powers within it, and what it's capable of foreseeing, perhaps it's protecting far more than just the chaos emeralds. - DC Horror
    • Connected, but for a different reason. After playing Sonic Chronicles, it occurred to me: it's not a prophecy, it's a history lesson. A ancient version of Super Sonic banished the Nocturnus Clan to the Twillight Cage.
      • Where did you get that idea? There is absolutely nothing in the games to support that.
    • Another interesting tidbit, notice the mural shows two forces fighting over the Master Emerald. Knuckles probably already knew about the mural as well. Now imagine Eggman showing up and looking like one of the two forces in the mural. Next he tells Knuckles about the other force. Knuckles was probably easier to trick because once he met Eggman, he misinterpreted the roles of the forces in the battle. In addition, the mural shows the Master Emerald in Eggman's hand. Knuckles probably interpreted this as Eggman protecting the Emerald from Sonic. --Emerald Wind
    • Also notice that the style of art and story the mural portrays is very similar to the mural in the museum in the game Mega Man Legends. Both show a glowing blue hero fighting a giant robotic monster, which in both cases are foreshadowing the final boss. --Emerald Wind
  • Why does the music in Sonic 3 & Knuckles loop over and over to the point of annoyance? No Fair Cheating!
  • Launch Base Zone in Sonic 3 is much different from the other final levels in the series, not being a highly toxic nightmare and instead a sort of ruins/construction site thing. Why not a factory-like setting like Sonics 1 and 2? Because Robotnik's trying to prove he's a good guy to Knuckles. If he had built a huge toxic factory, Knuckles would obviously be pissed off at him.
    • Another suitable explanation would be that it's not a final level in the first place-- remember, that game and Sonic and Knuckles are two halves of a whole.
  • In Sonic Adventure 2's "Dark Side" ending it's shown that unbeknownst to Eggman, the laser has overloaded as he tried to fire it with the power of all seven Chaos Emeralds, which is what the Cannon's power was source was intended to be - Whilst it's possible Gerald Robotnik underestimated the power of the Emeralds, in the "Hero Side" ending, Sonic manages to prevent the ARK's cannon from firing, potentially causing the resulting overload that occurs in the "Dark Side" ending. This makes even more sense when one remembers that in the "Hero Side" ending, there is a moment when you see Eggman's hand reaching for the Chaos Emerald. When Amy and Tails look out the window, and we have a clear view of the entire room, Eggman is gone, presumably having taken the Emerald to the cannon's core. Cue "Dark Side" ending.
    • The Last Story ending has a subtle reason for why Shadow powers down from his Super form & Sonic doesn't - You start the preceding boss battle with Sonic, and each successful hit switches the other Hedgehog in, whilst the one who is not being used collects some rings to stay powered up, and it's a six hit boss. Whilst travelling past the boss leads to the characters switching out again, Shadow is meant to be the one to get the last hit.
    • In later Sonic games it is shown that Shadow survived falling to Earth from space. At the beginning of Sonic Unleashed, Sonic proceeds to do the exact same thing.
    • Shadow doesn't depower, though. Not on screen, at least. He starts falling while still Super.
    • Actually, dialogue during the fight have both Sonic and Shadow noting that Shadow is having a far harder time maintaining a super form than Sonic.
  • Sonic Adventure 2 seems to have an Idiot Plot where people can't tell the difference between Sonic and Shadow, resulting in Sonic being framed when Shadow steals the chaos emerald. However, it becomes fridge brilliance when you consider that the organization that blamed Sonic was G.U.N., which may have been framing him in order to hide Shadow's existence.
    • Considering the amount of research that Gerald had on the ancient Echidnas in Sonic Battle, Shadow may have actually been based on the artwork in the Hidden Palace that depicts Super Sonic with Dr Eggman. While he would've noticed his semblance to the image of Eggman, the mural does not clearly show them fighting, and could even just be interpreted as the man giving the hedgehog the Master Emerald. It's an intentional reference to the picture, but an unintentional reference to Sonic, who just happens to be the picture's intentional reference. Confusing.
    • Actually, how many anthropomorphic really fast male hedgehogs are there in Sonic universe? Prior to Shadow's introduction there was only one.
  • AOTKorby realized recently that Chaos Control is either a Shout-Out or an unintentional reference. Chaos Control, how about KAOS CONTROL. Made better by the fact that SA2 wasn't developed in Japan.
    • The same could be said about Tails's plane "Tornado", don't see it yet? Tails is a fox, in spanish a fox is called zorro. The name of Zorro's horse in the movies: Tornado.
    • Speaking of Chaos Control, an old meaning for 'chaos' is a space in which something exists, as in planes of existence. Somebody who is using Chaos Control is controlling the very universe they live in, in order to teleport. No wonder it can do pretty much anything. This pretty much explains the Archie story Genesis, too.
    • Chaos Control has been shown to do three distinct things (counting Sonic '06). First: freezes or slows down time in an area, excluding the user, allowing for things like Shadow to roundhouse kick Silver in the back of the head at walking speed. Second: teleporting. Third: time travel. Each time it's either a distortion of time or space. Modern science currently supports that time and space are properties of the same thing. 'Chaos' is also the Greek primordial void from which everything originated- I.E. pre-Big Bang space. It's manipulation of time space.
  • The level timers on Prison Island. In the dark story, following the Eggman vs. Tails battle, we have a cutscene where Rouge is instructed to set the timers on the bombs for 15 Minutes. Her level then has a time limit of 5 minutes - followed by Shadow's next level having a timer of 10 Minutes. It gets better. In the Hero Story, Tails and Amy proceed to bust out Sonic, who runs around like a madman through the harbor. Neither of these levels are timed - Because the heroes don't know about the bomb. After both Metal Harbor and White Jungle, there's the first Sonic vs. Shadow fight. After this, Sonic learns about the bomb. The next level for Hero Story, Green Forest, has a timer of 8 Minutes. Considering that Metal Harbor can be completed in around 2 minutes (Which is actually the requirement of the 4th Mission), it can be assumed that, canonically, Shadow gets through White Jungle in the same amount of time - leaving Sonic with the 8-minute timer for Green Forest - Dan Genesis
  • Sonic nearly dying in Sonic Adventure 2 wasn't an Ass Pull. A key thing to remember about the Chaos Emeralds is their power over time. Which also leads to Destiny. In other words, it's Sonic's destiny to save the world. This literally explains why he's in the right place at the right time to save the world. Destiny finds a path for him to follow. ~User:Hydronix
  • A lot of Chao resemble characters in the game. Most notable, are the Shadow, Sonic, and Ni GHTS chao. However, there are three special chao, known as the Chaos chao. These chao are effectively immortal(no reincarnation, no death), and are quite difficult to obtain. The dark and hero chao resemble a demon and angel, respectively, appropriately enough. However, the third bears a vivid resemblance to Chaos 0. This may seem odd, or unimportant... until you remember that Chaos is a mutated chao. That means that the chao doesn't resemble Chaos; Chaos resembles his previous chao form! - User:Kuiper
  • Through the course of Sonic Riders and Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity the supposedly Babylonian ruins change from looking arabic to looking chinese. This doesn't make much sense until you get to the end of Zero Gravity where it's revealed the Babylonians were aliens that crash landed on earth, and Babylon Garden's arabic look is just being used to cover the advanced space ship underneath. They obviously wouldn't be expecting to crash and therefore wouldn't have the building materials needed to make their own kind of buildings and therefore would have to copy other civilization's style and means of creating buildings. They'd also probably be interested in the other less advanced species of the planet and might copy their style out of interest or just because they think it's strange and new.
  • I'm not sure if this fact will continue in later games, and may not be the case in the other universes, but every character to canonically have a Super Form has gone into said Super Form for the first time along side Sonic. It happens with Shadow in SA2, with Blaze while she used the Sol Emeralds, and most recently with Silver (and Shadow) in Sonic '06. Sonic is first shown using his Super Form, without any known help, way back in Sonic 2! I understood it as Sonic just being The Chosen One, but he could also be able to hand off the ability or show how to use Emeralds in this way, since everyone mentioned can go Super on their own from that point on. Tails and Knuckles getting their super shields in Sonic Heroes may or may not count, since it wasn't a real Super Form for either, but Sonic was still the one that gave them said shields. And their Hyper modes are an entirely different matter since they aren't known for being canon, at least in the games.
    • Super Knuckles IS canon, however, as his part of Sonic and Knuckles at the very least. He's the guardian of the emeralds, though; if anyone should be able to use them freely, he should.
    • If the "Classic Sonic is from between Sonic 1 and 2" is to be believed, Sonic himself first transformed into his Super form alongside Sonic.
  • In Sonic 2, all you had to do to become Super Sonic (after collecting all the Chaos Emeralds and 50 rings of course) was jump. Then Sonic 3 came around. In order to go super in that game you had to jump and then press the jump button while in mid-air. Why the change? Since Sonic 2 was the first time Sonic ever transformed, he probably couldn't control this new sudden burst of power so it easily overtook him. By the time Sonic 3 takes place, he's had some time to master his new form, and can now control when he becomes Super Sonic as shown in the game's intro. It makes perfect sense! - MPEFF
    • Except Sonic 3 takes place right after Sonic 2. Sonic trashes the Death Egg, it crashes into Angel Island, pushing it down into the ocean, Sonic and Tails go to check it out, you know the rest.
      • Perhaps he finally mastered it while he was falling from the atmosphere in Sonic 2's ending?
    • In addition, Knuckles never had the issue Sonic did when transforming in Sonic 2. Why? Knuckles is the guardian of the Master Emerald so he's been exposed to chaos energy for much longer than Sonic has. Of course he'd have better control over his super form than Sonic! - MPEFF
  • I just realized that Chaos has a blue body and green eyes-- just like Sonic does. And those things on Chaos 0's head look like Sonic's quills.
  • Tommy X: Sonic Generations reveals that Classic Sonic is actually younger Sonic. This means that the moves and techniques Sonic has had through the years also show his age. A few examples.
  • Here's something I realized during one of my hearings of Sonic's first Image Song, It Doesn't Matter. It is obviously a song the describes Sonic The Hedgehog the character, but if you delve into it a bit, it can also describe what's going on with Sonic The Hedgehog the franchise. Let's take into consideration the main chorus line:
    • It Doesn't Matter Now What Happens I Will Never Give Up The Fight seems to mean that Sonic isn't going going to stop moving on.
    • There Is No Way I Will Run Away From All Of My Frights means that, even with the downturns such as Shadow the Hedgehog and |Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, Sonic isn't going to look back, keeping on with the franchise.
    • Long As The Voice Inside Me Says "Go," I will Always Keep On Running and There Is No Way To Stop Me From Going To The Very Top are similar to the first. Sonic isn't going to quit until he stops Eggman once and for all, and unless Sonic Team makes a game where that happens, the franchise isn't going to stop, either.
    • It Doesn't Matter Who Is Wrong Or Who Is Right may be a credo Sonic has, but it can also extend to everyone involved with the franchise, from the people developing the games, to the people who are (or should be) enjoying them. Sega and Sonic Team may add some strange features, but who cares? It's just a game, and games are a form of entertainment. You shouldn't let simple entertainment take over your life. This is what Sonic's song is trying to convey. Don't let the little things get the better of you and keep on moving. Hopefully people will be able to take this to heart after Generations comes out...
  • This is not game related per-se, but comic related. Tails is not nearly as smart or technology fancy as his game counterpart, in Sonic the Comic. This makes sense since he's from the Nameless Zone which has none of this technology; it's stuck in the Medieval ages. So he's a Fish Out of Temporal Water.
  • At the beginning of Sonic 3, Knuckles is able to hit Sonic even though he is in super mode and should therefore be invincible. This seems strange until you realise that you also start the stage with zero rings. Knuckles hit Sonic at the exact moment he ran out of rings and powered down from his super form! - Paralda
    • Nope. That would have killed him.
    • At the end of Sonic 2, Sonic stormed the Death Egg without rings and was still able to use his super form in the ending. This troper thought it was because, with all the threats gone, Sonic was only partially using the power of the emeralds and thus able to maintain the form without rings. He used his power of flight to re-enter the atmosphere and then his super-speed to reach Angel Island. The one power he wasn't using? INVINCIBLITY! Since he didn't have any rings and he wasn't invincible, he had his emeralds knocked out. This happens a second time in Sonic Adventure where Sonic or Tails gets the emeralds they were holding knocked out after another violent clash with Knuckles.-Ninetails2000
    • Don't forget that the echidna who cancelled the power of the Emeralds is the same echidna who's been around their power for his entire life.
  • In Sonic X, during the episode where Cosmo and Chris are captured, Sonic transforms into a new "dark form." While this may seem like an Ass Pull at first, one must take this into account- They are surrounded by (duplicate) Chaos Emeralds. The Chaos Emeralds have two types of energy - positive and negative. Positive is activated by those pure of heart, while those who are consumed by rage will use the negative side. When thinking of Sonic's state of mind, he was quite angry, no? That wasn't some kind of hidden demon locked within his heart, or some new kind of technique he had learned - Sonic had just used the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds! - Lord Of The Internet
  • In Sonic Generations, ever wondered why classic Sonic and modern Sonic look different in certain ways despite being the same person at different ages? (like the eye color for example), Brainscratch Comms gives plausible reasons at around 8:46
  • Watching some of the Hellfire Comms playthroughs of some of the Sonic games, they expressed the view that Shadow being created by the Black Arms (and thus making him a Half-Hedgehog Hybrid) was really stupid and not needed...but at the same time, they puzzled over how Professor Gerald, in his experiments to make the Ultimate Life-Form, went from The Biolizard to Shadow, with no other prototypes in the middle. That's when I realised that him being created by the Black Arms was actually necessary to explain why Gerald made the technological leap that he did: using his own intelligence and resources, the best he could come up with was the Biolizard, a creature which clearly wasn't up to scratch. At that point, he encountered the Black Arms, and they gave him the information and resources he needed to create Shadow - they actually say in the game that "He needed a little help", so they helped him out. The game Shadow the Hedgehog basically explains every plot hole from Sonic Adventure 2, both why the Eclipse cannon was made and how Shadow was made (sorry, Hellfire Comms - no offence was intended).
  • The reason Sonic couldn't go super in the first game is because there were only 6 Chaos Emeralds instead of 7.
  • Even more Fridge Brilliance: OK, so we all know that Super Sonic (or Super Knuckles, or the Hyper forms, or whatever the hell you can think of) is a Game Breaker, yes? At least, to some people? After seeing Super Sonic fight giant killer monsters every other game, his Game Breaker status in the classics (and Sonic 4) makes a whole lot more sense; Naturally, the badniks and such can't even touch him. Rings aren't much of an issue, either. Sonic Chronicles shows that he really didn't need them anyway. Even if Sonic Chronicles isn't considered canon, BioWare really had to do their homework to deal with the various informational extras. As for Big Arm from Sonic 3, Super Sonic could get hurt because the robot was powerful enough to accomplish it. Super Knuckles, on the other hand, had to have been sturdier than that, just as normal Knuckles is harder to KO than normal Sonic if they both took a strong hit (aside from gameplay, that is). It all makes sense, thinking about it. -Akamia
  • In Speed Highway from Sonic Generations, play close attention to the rocket. In Classic Sonic's act, he grabs an idle rocket to enter a dimly-lit, empty shopping mall-esque area (the one from the Goin' Down section in Modern Sonic's act.). The rocket flies through the building's windows, but we never see it crash. In Modern Sonic's act, he just happens to be passing by the still-flying rocket after the second 2D section, grabbing it to get to the highway with the cars - and the rocket finally crashes after he lets go of it. -- The Dead Skin
  • The Progressive Ad has a lot of people wondering why Sonic is looking for insurance, then I realized he owns a plane which has been shot down at least twice.
  • In E-102's story in Sonic Adventure, his perspective on good and evil becomes challenged when his brother, E-103, stares at him pleadingly, an image that seems to haunt him. In short, it caused a change of heart. E-103's designation is Delta (Δ),which means "change in" when applied to mathematics.

The Comics

Fridge Brilliance

  • While not mine, I was let on to someone else's Fridge Brilliance regarding the Dark Legion in Sonic the Hedgehog and their new implants: Long story short, the Legion lost their implants, sided with Eggman to get new ones, learned the new ones contained bombs that they couldn't remove, and abandoned him for the Iron Dominion when they learned the Dominion's queen wielded Magitek that could remove the bombs. However, when asked about it, the Dominion said they couldn't, because the cybernetics were too "sophisticated", and instead gave them a bunch of microchips that supposedly disabled the bombs. This made no sense to me, since it's been shown afterward that the Dominion's Magitek can control mechanics as sophisticated as the Legion's implants, and I couldn't figure out how the chips played into things, as it's revealed that, while they do disable the bombs, they also leave the Legion susceptible to the Dominion's Magitek. It wasn't until I brought this up on a Sonic wiki that someone pointed out the difference in the Legion's implants to the tech in a character like Bunnie Rabbot, which the Dominion was able to control through her cybernetics: unlike Bunnie, whose cybernetics take up a good portion of her body, the Legion's cybernetics were more sporadically placed, with most Legionnaires going no farther than replacing a single body part with a prosthetic. While the Dominion could use their Magitek to wreak havoc with a true cyborg like Bunnie, the most they could do to a Legionnaire would be to take control of that one body part and make it spaz out, and when that body part is a single dreadlock or eye, that doesn't give them any significant advantage. So, basically, the Dominion is lying when they say they can't manipulate the Legion's cybernetics, but don't see any strategic gain for them in doing so. As such, the chips are obviously there to do something to the Legion's implants to allow the Dominion's Magitek to affect their central nervous system, and control them directly that way. SynjoDeonecros

The Cartoons

Fridge Brilliance

  • Sonic the Hedgehog's series finale, "The Doomsday Project", was already the best episode of the series, but the climax seemed... well, anticlimactic. Sonic and Sally infiltrate the tower, put the Deep Power Stones together curvy-side first rather than pointy-side first, and destroy the place while a few robots prove completely ineffective in trying to stop them. It wasn't until years later that I realized that it was a Take a Third Option scenario -- Sonic and Sally went in fully expecting to blow themselves up along with Robotnik and the Doomsday Project. Only the realization that they could just as easily destroy the whole world stopped them. The scene where Sally insists on going with him just became a lot more meaningful... - User:Caswin

Fridge Horror