Sean Malstrom/YMMV

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/wiki/Sean Malstromcreator
  • Dude, Not Funny: His entire celebration of Miyamoto's retirement, even after it was confirmed by Nintendo that he wasn't going anywhere. Worse, he dismissed these reports as "damage control," which reeks of flat out ignorance due to getting in the way of his almost obsessive hatred of the man.
  • Fan Dumb: Malstrom's fanbase is a peculiar lot, to say the least.
    • Hate Dumb: And many of his detractors.
      • Malstrom himself is one too. He fits the description of "Andy Titlement" to a T and has traits of "The Purist".
      • As of December 2011, Malstrom is celebrating Miyamoto's supposed "retirement" with a twelve-part series (invoking the 12 Days of Christmas) as to why his involvement was harmful to Nintendo... even though the aforementioned reports of Miyamoto retiring have already been denied by Nintendo themselves. In typical Malstrom fashion, he dismisses Nintendo's denials as "damage control". Yeah.
  • Fan Myopia: He'll make one non-Nintendo related post (usually related to Blizzard or Minecraft if it isn't his latest game music entry) for every ten or fifteen posts devoted to bashing the perceived poor quality and sales of current Mario, Zelda and Metroid games. The enduring success of other franchises (such as Pokemon, Call of Duty, or the Playstation and Playstation 2) is brushed aside by him simply because he doesn't care about them like he does with Mario/Zelda/Metroid.
  • He Panned It, Now He Sucks: A minor example would be his dislike of 3D Mario games, but a major one would be his dislike of Other M. Which leads us to...
  • Internet Backdraft: This thread on the Metroid Database forums will give you a good idea what the Metroid fanbase thinks of him.
  • MST3K Mantra: Everything Malstrom has ever written (whether you agree with it or not) is incapable of grasping this basic concept. His reaction to Iwata's Asks: Super Mario 3D Land is arguably the starkest and saddest example of this.
  • Never Live It Down: His jabs at Sakamoto's line about "maternal instincts". Goes for both Sakamoto (because Malstrom almost always brings it up when talking about Metroid) and for Malstrom (because the jabs really irk the Metroid fanbase).
  • Opinion Myopia: He marginalizes or flat-out ignores the high critical and fan acclaim given to recent 3D Mario games, specifically because he perceives them as part of the "hardcore crowd" he despises so much.
  • Serious Business: See MST3K Mantra above.
  • Silent Majority: He maintains that he is the unofficial spokesperson for the "casual" majority of gamers, typically in response to critics' claims that he holds fringe opinions.