Samurai Fantasy

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
So you wanna learn about the anal arts?

"Whoah, he's the king!"
"Yes, he is a true anal man!"

Samurai Fantasy is a yaoi/gay Animesque film featuring characters blatantly ripped off from Rurouni Kenshin and Street Fighter. Apparently the plot has to do with a dojo in the woods and a mysterious series of kidnappings, but nobody remembers that. All anyone knows the film for is the terrible voice acting, absurd sex moves and over-ridiculousness.

Tropes used in Samurai Fantasy include:
  • Anatomically-Impossible Sex: As mentioned previously, some of the things done in this movie are just plain impossible.
  • Bile Fascination
  • Black Comedy Rape: The infamous and lengthy Ryu rape scene, featuring some of the most absurd sexual maneuvers you will ever see.
  • Boys Love: Although it's actually more of a parody.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Surprisingly, one actually does show up. The scene where Kenshin slaughters Ryu's thugs on his own is pretty badass admittedly.
  • Captain Ersatz: Ryu and Kenshin are never explicitly called by name, but if you really think they aren't meant to be those characters you are kidding yourself.
  • Everything's Better with Spinning: The Infernal Catherine Wheel.
  • Frozen Face: In most of the animation, the only thing the characters end up moving are the mouths.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The ending, where Ryu gets raped and bukkaked by The Village People
  • Memetic Molester: After watching this movie, you will never be able to look at Ryu the same way again.
  • Memetic Mutation: Mostly among the MUGEN fanbase, where a Street Fighter 3 conversion of Ryu even has a voicepack with clips from the film.
    • And all of the phrases related to the "Infernal Catherine Wheel" clip.
  • Misaimed Fandom: Nobody watches it for the yaoi. Its fanbase consists of mostly fighting game and anime fans who laugh at how downright silly it is.
  • Mondegreen: The terrible quality of the voice acting leads many to hear Ryu's line "So, ya like peepin' do ya?" as "ya like peepee" or even "ya like pooping" depending on the viewer.
  • Narm Charm: Nobody takes this movie seriously. NOBODY.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: The Village People do not show up in this film in any way. Nor does The Jimmy Hart Version of YMCA. No sirree.
  • Off-Model: the characters involved look quite weird.
  • Playing with Fire: Ryu's penis catches on fire before he rapes Kenshin. No seriously....
  • So Bad It's Good: It's like if Uwe Boll and Ed Wood collaborated on a yaoi film.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: All of the ridiculous sex moves Ryu uses to rape Kenshin, but especially the "Infernal Catherine Wheel." To summarize, Ryu is laying on his stomach, arms out with his thing....inside Kenshin's anus. He then proceeds to SPIN AROUND LIKE A PROPELLER WHILE STILL RAPING KENSHIN. Yeaaahhh.....