Refuge in Audacity/Comic Books

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Examples of Comic Books that take Refuge in Audacity include:

Comic Books

These examples should be listed at Refuge in Audacity/Comic Books.

  • In Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 Buffy and Angel have sex while flying, going into space and then hurtling down to Earth, still having sex, starting the next universe. They then abandon that universe to save this one. Brings a new meaning to Big Bang, huh? Oh, and it happens in the issue "Them F#©%ing (Plus the True History of the Universe)".
  • From what's been seen thus far,[when?] the twin sisters Indigo from Dreamkeepers have made an art out of this.
    • As in, helping Scinter and Igrath escape from a squad of Shock Troopers by driving a cart of booze right through the blockade; tossing several bottles of said booze to the gathered crowd; and ripping their tops off, ultimately causing a riot.
    • Saying that, Tinsel sauntering through a damaged room, full of surveyors, clad in nothing but lingerie falls safely within this Trope. Most telling is that the guards present seem used to this.
  • In the first Sam & Max comic, our heroes are spared from ritual sacrifice when the dagger-holder spontaneously combusts. Instead of lampshading the unlikeliness of such rescue and bringing plausibility crashing down, the duo comments on adjusting one's wardrobe to prepare for such occasions. Light cottons are preferred.
    • Then there's their actions in the recent games. Sure, any crime-fighting duo can take out the mafia. But saving the day by usurping the presidency, starting a civil war, and abusing "The Button" takes style.
    • Plus, they did take out the mafia-free playland and casino by pretending to be hypnotized and dead respectively.
  • The Joker. In almost every incarnation he is capable of getting away with things because no one can anticipate his actions, even Batman. In The Dark Knight he has such a conviction in himself and is so apathetic about everything that he can get away with wearing a nurse outfit and remain intensely frightening.

Gamble: "You think you can steal from us and just walk away?"
Joker: "Yeah."

    • In one of his most insane plans, Joker poisons Gotham harbor with a specialized toxin that only affects fish. Since all the fish are now smiling, he tries to copyright them and make a fortune. When a bureaucrat tells him he can't copyright a natural resource, he goes on T.V. and announces he's going to kill the guy at midnight, which he does despite police protection and Batman. Turns out Joker poisoned the guy while he was in his office. Then he just forgets about the copyright stuff and starts killing bureaucrats.
    • As a general rule, most Bat-fans would agree that if the Joker's on the screen/page and you're not laughing, something is being done horribly wrong. This applies no matter what the Joker is doing, with the sole possible exceptions of paralyzing Barbara Gordon and killing Jason Todd.
  • Transmetropolitan‍'‍s Spider Jerusalem lives by this. Hopped up on God-know what drugs, brutalizing anyone who stands up against him, handing out blasts of a bowel disruptor like they were candy, all in the pursuit of The Truth.
  • Tommy Monaghan from Hitman tells his first girl, Wendy, that he kills (bad) people for money. Wendy doesn't believe him until he shows up, shot. Ironically, his next girl doesn't believe Tommy refuses to say 'bitch' because he kills (bad) people.
  • Lobo is built around this trope.[context?]
  • Rose Wilson, the Ravager from Teen Titans. She's so Crazy Awesome that she can get away with leaving in the middle of a funeral reception to skinny-dip, and shoot Supergirl and Wondergirl with a rocket launcher when they're in the middle of hugging. And that's without mentioning her seemingly skin-tight chain mail armor which in Real Life would be completely impractical.
  • A Batman comic has Bruce Wayne sequestered to sit on the jury of a man he arrested as Batman trying to kidnap a baby. The prosecuting counsel asks whether there is any reason why he should not sit on this jury. Bruce calmly admits he's prejudiced in the case because he's Batman (hey, he's under oath). After everyone's stopped laughing, the judge tells him to stop screwing around and take things seriously.
  • In Kyle Baker’s You Are Here the main villain manage to serve only a year for murdering his wife due to "A good lawyer, bad evidence, worse cops and prison overpopulation" and then goes on to publish a book called "Yes I Did It and I'll Kill Again." After attending a press junket he says "I plan to kill the bastard who was screwing my wife" on air.
  • In "Axiom of Implausibility", a story from an issue of the magazine Heavy Metal, a firm is contracted to kill a witness who's holed up in the middle of suburbia. The first three attempts on his life fail after the hitmen, attempting to be inconspicuous and avoid witnesses, keep getting their covers blown by observant neighbors. So on the 4th try, they send in a Stripperific, Dual-Wielding, bizarre One-Liner-spouting Action Girl to kick down the front door and make a total spectacle. The hit succeeds, and the eyewitness reports are so outlandish that the cops don't believe them.
  • Most characters in Preacher.[context?]

Came the day that T.C. fucked the chicken.

Newspaper Comics

These examples should be listed at Refuge in Audacity/Newspaper Comics.

  • Calvin and Hobbes dabbled in this. One Sunday strip depicted a scene from a story Calvin had written, in which an ordinary office worker is shot and killed by rifle-toting deer.
    • Another of the Sunday strips featured aliens taking the entire water supply for no discernible reason, and telling the Earthlings "We're just doing our job". (Hobbes admits that, if anything, Calvin's story wasn't outrageous enough.)
    • And then there's this.