Pretty Cure Entwined Hearts

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Pretty Cure Entwined Hearts is a Pretty Cure fanseries by Twinkling Cupcake, putting emphasis on The Power of Love and having a "Shakespeare" theme.

Kokoro is a vibrant, happy place where all the universe's love is guarded and nurtured by the royal family. On Prince Ti's tenth birthday, however, the kingdom is attacked by Shitsuren, a quartet bent on removing love and replacing it with heartbreak. Ti and his caretaker, Coffee, manage to escape - aided by Cure Ariel. As she points them towards earth, she gives them three Cure Signets so they can find more Pretty Cure and get help. Cure Ariel is defeated and captured, while Ti and Coffee arrive in a small Japanese town. Eventually they locate three teenagers and form a small team:

  • Hiromi Satou/Cure Capulet: A book-loving Shrinking Violet with a strong sense of justice.
  • Misaki "Aki" Oshiro/Cure Montague: A beautiful girl who would be a "school princess" if it weren't for her goofy side.
  • Miho Sakura/Cure Portia: A school drop-out who's trying to become a manga-writer.
  • Otome Aimiya/Cure Ariel}}: A Cure from Kokoro, who was captured in the attack by Shitsuren.

Other characters include:

  • Prince Ti: The young prince of Kokoro, and one of the Mentor Mascots.
  • Coffee: Ti's Cool Big Sis and primary guardian since he had to flee Kokoro and leave behind his parents.

It can be read here. It is officially complete.

This fanfic contains examples of:

Tropes used in Pretty Cure Entwined Hearts include:

  • An Aesop: Episode 19 - You are not obligated to forgive someone who was horrible to you.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: A non-romantic version in the final episode, as Ti cries out to the apparently-dead Hiromi and Aki "Can't you see how much everyone loves you?"
  • Battle Couple: Hiromi and Aki, who are dating.
  • Beach Episode: Episode 17
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Aki is Beauty, Hiromi is Brains, Miho is Brawn.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Applies to both civilian and Cure forms. Hiromi has dishwater-blonde hair that turns golden as Cure Capulet, Aki has black hair that turns blue-black as Cure Montague, and Miho has cherry-red hair that turns a light orange as Cure Portia. Otome is technically a redhead too, with cerise hair as a civilian, and magenta as a Cure.
  • Big Bad: Not Break, but Lady.
  • Big Fancy House: Aki lives in one of these, complete with serving staff.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Lady was lying about her love for the rest of Shitsuren the whole time. And is the Big Bad.
  • Book Dumb: Miho and, to a lesser extent, Aki
  • Breather Episode: Episodes 17 and 28
  • But Not Too Foreign: Antoinette is half-Japanese, half-French.
  • Catchphrase: Aki's "This is far enough!"
  • Chekhov MIA: Cure Ariel spends a lot of time depowered and held captive by Shitsuren. Finding and freeing her is part of Pretty Cure's agenda.
  • Coming Out Story/Gayngst: Mostly averted. No one bats an eye at anyone's sexualities, and a flashback to Aki revealing her gender identity is met with a simple “Oh, okay, then you're a girl.” The only trouble comes from a random character misgendering Aki, but it's clearly accidental and not meant to be malicious. Said student even corrects himself in a later episode.
  • Disney Death: Hiromi and Aki in the final episode. Also Shylock, as it turns out.
  • Expy: One commentor said that Cure Capulet looks a lot like Princess Peach.
  • Festival Episode: Several festivals are shown throughout the story; both on Earth and Kokoro.
  • Four Is Death: Shitsuren.
    • Averted when Cure Ariel joins the Cures.
  • The Four Loves: The Power of Love isn't strictly romantic love; all four of these appear at some point or another.
  • Friend to All Children: Otome is shown to be this.
  • Deadly Change-of-Heart: Shylock and Tamora both; Shylock is struck by Break's attack just before he can step through the mirror portal and join the Cures on Earth, Tamora attempts to leave Heartbreak Manor and go to Earth but succumbs to poison before she can reach the door.
    • Subverted in Tamora's case, however, as the next episode revealed she was still alive, but just barely.
  • Hidden Depths: Antoinette at first appears to be a stock Alpha Bitch, but is quickly shown to be a Friend to All Living Things with a heart of gold.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Miho dealt with this after she left school.
  • Insult Backfire: In the finale.

Portia: "You''re evil!"
Lady: "Thank you."

"Now, do me a favor and die."

  • On the Next Episode of Catchphrase: “Let love heal your heart!”
  • One Steve Limit: Averted; there are two characters named Emi.
  • One-Winged Angel: Lady gets this in the finale.
  • Perky Female Minion: Tamora
  • Pet the Dog: Tamora approaching a despairing Mrs Matoko and giving back her teddy bear, believing its loss to be the main source of her anguish. Keep in mind that Tamora wanted to harvest heartbreak and despair, yet she still goes to prevent it later.
  • The Power of Love
  • Power Trio: Initially
  • Red Herring: There is brief suggestion that perhaps Noa, a girl from school who went missing pre-series, is Cure Ariel, and certain events leading to her disappearance do point to this. Except she's not; Cure Ariel is in fact Otome Aimiya, a girl from Kokoro, not Earth.
    • Minor example in episode 19. Antoinette acts a bit suspiciously in response to Hiromi's bullying; watching her reactions, staring at her in class, telling a classmate to keep an eye on her, and switching cleaning duty with another classmate to be closer to Hiromi. But it turns out she's not behind it - someone else is, and Antoinette was looking out for Hiromi because she'd seen this before in another school.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Shylock is killed in sending Cure Ariel to Earth.
  • Schedule Slip: The fic was updated on a weekly basis, but then problems arose in the author's personal life, and it went on a brief hiatus.
  • Shrinking Violet: Hiromi
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Cure Ariel and Shylock
  • Transformation Trinket: The Cure Signets
  • Transgender: Aki is a male to female transgender. Her chosen name is Misaki.
  • Transformation Sequence: Natch. Aki and Hiromi share theirs, which includes:
  • Two-Teacher School: The only teacher seen is Mrs Matoko.
  • Verbal Tic: Ti ends his sentences with "-datchu."
  • Villain Teleportation
  • Whole-Episode Flashback: Episode 4
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Not just the heroes; almost everyone has an unusual hair color.