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    A country in Southern Africa. Known for its desert and the San people who live there. One of the major tribes, the Herero were nearly decimated under German occupation of the country. It's capital city is Windhoek. Is one of the world's youngest nations, having only been independent since 1990, when it fought South Africa to gain its independence.

    Not only is one of the least densely populated independent countries (second only after Mongolia), it also has a huge income inequality (partially because of the Apartheid era). It's also expensive, since a lot of things have to be imported from other countries.

    The Namibian flag

    • The Apartheid Era: One of the things that triggered the war of independence.
    • Crossing the Desert: Namib and Kalahari Desert.
    • A Nazi by Any Other Name: In Windhoek, Goerring Street is not named after Hermann Görring. It is, however, named after his ancestor, Heinrich Görring, who has just as much of a history.