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  • Hurley "is" this trope.
  • "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1." Indeed, as the Oceanic Six are reunited with their families. But the best part comes even later, when Sayid is reunited with his lost love Nadia, whom he had resigned to considering as dead. The fact that we know Nadia will be dead eight months later just adds to the tearjerkability.
  • After being presented as a cold and heartless husband in Sun's flashbacks, the revelation that Jin is a man deeply in love with his wife who is suffering the worst of conditions from her father in order to be with her was, in this troper's opinion, the most beautiful moment of the series.
    • Their farewell scene in "Exodus, Part 1" was the first Tear Jerker moment of the series for me.
    • Not to mention Sun and Jin's reunion in the final season. It has to be one of the most heartwarming moments in the series coupled with the Crowning Moment of Sadness that they die together mere hours after reuniting for the first time in three years.
  • For this troper, it's the end of the episode "The Constant". For all that the writers have tried to push the largely unconvincing Jack/Kate/Sawyer triangle on us, the tangential subplot of Desmond and Penny's relationship succeeds at everything that the triangle is trying for: an epic, tragic, and beautiful romance that overcomes all obstacles.
    • Their reunion in the season finale is the only TV moment that's ever made this troper cry from joy.
      • This particular troper was really only watching the last two seasons of Lost for the Des and Penny subplot. That moment in the season finale where Des sees Penny, pushes the other castaways aside to physically climb up the side of the ship to reach Penny had me actually shouting at my television, "Des it's Penny! Des it's Penny! It's Penny! KISS HER YOU IDIOT!". I didn't end up crying, but that was a moment of extreme joy and elation.
    • In the fifth season Desmond and Penny sail around the world together and have a son, who is named ... Charlie.
    • It seems that Desmond and Penny have the only true "happily ever after" in the show.
  • In this troper's opinion, the season 4 episode of 'Something Nice Back Home' both played this trope straight and subverted it: In the future, Jack and Kate end up together, with Jack proposing to Kate. However, it all goes down hill from there as Jack begins an addiction to painkillers and his relationship with Kate deteriorates after he finds that Kate is trying to fulfill an old promise to Sawyer.
  • Third-string characters Rose and Bernard also manage to be more touching in their one "starring turn" than the entire J/K/S triangle. After meeting relatively late in life.. Bernard: "Will you marry me?" Rose: "I have terminal cancer." Bernard: "You didn't answer my question."
    • Later in that episode, when Bernard learns that Rose's cancer is cured and promises that they will never leave the Island.
    • Later on, we find out what they've been doing during the 3 year timeskip, a period which the other characters spent angsting and fighting. They were enjoying a peaceful retirement, far away from the other groups on the island. They even have team pet Vincent with them.
      • Not even the impending doom of Jack possessing a bomb that could blow up and kill everyone on the entire island seemed to have any affect on them and Bernard makes it a point to tell the other survivors "So we die. We just care about being together. It's all that matters in the end."
  • How could you have forgotten all those beautiful moments between Charlie and Claire? If the imaginary peanut butter scene didn't get you, Charlie's final scene with Claire before he goes off to his Heroic Sacrifice (complete with last kiss) will, especially since you know he's not coming back. And the last item he puts on the list of the best days of his life, which he's been compiling the whole episode, is "The day I met you." Aw crud...
  • Season five time-traveling scene in "The Little Prince". I don't think it should matter if you're a Jater or a Skater, if you weren't feeling a little bit awestruck by Sawyer seeing Kate alive again in that flashback of Aaron's birth, there is something seriously wrong with you.
  • Season five episode "This Place is Death" has Jin reuniting with Sawyer, who embraces him with joy, and the rest of the remaining survivors.
  • A few weeks later, "Namaste" provides a similarly moving scene between Sawyer and Hurley. Especially when the latter admits he kind of missed Sawyer's nicknames for him.
  • Many tropers point to the van scene in "Tricia Tanaka's Dead" as a CMOA, but for this troper, the tail end of that scene, and the quieter scene just after it, is a moment of Heartwarming - they're happy, at long last, they finally have this little moment of rare joy. And then the quiet scene after that, set to the instrumental version of "Shambala," if you take a look - Jin, Charlie, and Hurley are all walking a little bit straighter, they're all smiling, they're all...at peace. Because something GOOD happened, and they're happy.
  • "Whatever happens, I got your back." Finally they split away from the awful J/K/S love triangle and let Sawyer have some happiness.
    • ...Which was destroyed by Jack and company arriving to Dharma, culminating in Juliet's death in the season finale.
  • Jack and Locke in the Alternate Timeline.
  • "I'll have you..." Considering Ben killed the only person Ilana ever thought of as a father, the fact that she forgives him makes This Troper all happy inside.
    • What's notable is that Ben more or less makes a Heel Face Turn on the spot, quietly returning to the camp and helping Sun out with menial chores. Another nice moment earlier in that sequence is even after Un-Locke told Ben that Ilana won't hesitate so he shouldn't, they both hesitate.
      • That bit got to me too, but not as much as alternate universe Ben giving up his chance of being principal just so he could make sure Alex had a better future than the one he has.
      • These two bits are pretty good, but just that little bit inferior to :Ben's saying "I had a chance to save her, but I chose the island over her." his voice trembling in emphasis on the "over her".
  • Any Alternate Universe moment from the last season with Jack in it is either a Heartwarming Moment or Crowning Moment Of Awesome, but specifically two. First, Jack attending his son's piano audition for a performing arts academy, and second, when, less than a day after meeting a very pregnant Claire, he offers to have her stay with him rather than a motel, simply because she "is family".
  • Sayid and Nadia. Too bad she gets hit by a freaking car eight months later.
  • The scene wherein Jack's soon-to-be-wife reveals her non-paralysis.
  • Hurley and Libby finally have their date in the alt timeline.
  • Pretty much any scene with Rose and Bernard together.
  • Jin and Sun finally being reunited after three years apart... too bad it doesn't end well.
  • Ben thanking Richard for burying Alex, at the barracks.
  • Can we just say the last episode? All of it? Quite a few live-bloggers complained about how dusty their living rooms had suddenly become. (Others complained that the finale was 2+ hours of hugging, and they can go suck rocks juggle sticks of old, mouldy dynamite.) Highlights include:
    • Jin and Sun remembering their past as they see their child's ultrasound, being fully reunited at last.
    • Sawyer and Juliet remembering their relationship upon holding hands, and embracing on the verge of tears.
    • Jack and Kate in the Grand Finale. After years of dragging out the Love Triangle, it was genuinely nice to see them as a couple. Especially when she saved him in the fight with Flocke or when she gave him flashes by putting her hands on his face and saying, "I've missed you SO MUCH".
    • Kate and Claire remembering their past on the island by looking at each other and Aaron. It gets even more tear jerking when Claire touches Charlie's hand.
    • Hurley asking Ben to help him run the Island. An adorable moment between them anyway, but when you realize that Ben finally gets to be in a position of power, without hurting someone to get it, it gets even better.
      • It's this exchange that really gets this troper:

Hurley: (tearfully) What the hell am I supposed to do?
Ben: I think you do what you do best. Take care of people.

    • Hurley and Charlie -- when Hurley meets Charlie in the afterlife. It's heartwarming just because of the smile that Hurley gives to Charlie when he first sees him. After all, they were very, very good friends on the Island until Charlie died. And this is the first time that Hurley has seen Charlie in possibly hundreds of years, given Hurley became the Island's protector. The look of joy on the big boy's face, restrained though it has to be, just gets the waterworks going.
    • Locke forgiving Ben outside the church, after he sincerely apologized for killing him. As Ben said, "It means more than I can say. Viewing the scene a second time also makes it clear that Ben will one day move on with the rest of them, it will juust take a while.
    • Jack finally being reunited with his father.
    • Everyone in the church following Christian's example and "moving on."
    • Many of the Jack/Locke scenes in the flash-sideways universe are touching for the ironic reversal of the differences they had on the Island. However, in The End, the scene in the church, where they finally meet with both their memories restored, is truly touching, even if it's just a moment and you can't hear what they say to each other, one has to assume Jack finally told Locke he was right, as Jack had earlier said he wished he could have done.
      • The hug between Jack and Sawyer made me squee, too. Knowing that yes, they've finally put their rivalry behind them was wonderful.
    • Hurley: "Jack, I believe in you."
    • Jack: "Hurley, I believe in you."
    • It's a small moment compared to the rest of the episode, but this troper loves the moment when the tree falls on Ben and everyone, sight unseen, immediately goes to help him out-- everyone's finally on the same side, now, even Ben.
  • How about the moment when Hurley shares his snack with Ben, at the end of "Cabin Fever"?
  • And speaking of the scene in The End where Jack and Christian talk, pay attention to the stained glass window in the background. It depicts six different religious symbols, hinting that the afterlife doesn't care about your religion. Awww...
    • Also from The End, a CMOH is found in, of all things, the script of the final scene. Here it is: "The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end."
    • Crosses with Tear Jerker, just as Jack is prepared to die alone, Walt's dog, Vincent, comes over to him and lies down next to him and comforts him before he dies.
  • Locke revealing that the project he's been working on for the whole episode is a cradle for Claire's baby.