Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru/Characters

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Dark Elves

Olga Discordia

The Queen of the Dark Elves. Olga rules the Northern region of the land of Eostia where the dark elves and monsters reside. Being a noble, she tends to look down on others, and doesn't show much emotion to the things happening around her. She is stated to be a powerful sorceress, and has been at war with Celestine for hundreds of years. She, along with her right-hand woman, Chloe, were captured by the Kuroinu mercenaries at the beginning of the story after Olga's magical abilities suddenly started to decline, allowing the mercenaries to convince Olga's monsters to preform a coup d'etat against her.

  • Ambiguously Brown: Being a "dark elf" Olga has a much darker skin tone compare to the other characters.
  • Anti-Villain: While Olga allows her monster to attack human settlements, kidnap woman and force them to be Sex Slaves for the monsters, Olga at least treats her fellow dark elves relatively well, and forbids her monsters from attack them. Even her worst trait, her Fantastic Racism towards humans, is somewhat understandable since most of the human that she has directly dealt with are those who want to do harm towards her people, namely by capturing and enslaving them. It's even implied her image as a calm, ruthless queen is just an act to keep her monsters in line.
  • Asshole Victim: Depending on your Alternate Character Reading this can played straight or downplayed.
  • Black Magician Girl: Before her power began to decline, Olga was a powerful sorceress that specialized in black magic.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: She was captured by the Kuroinu mercenaries at the very beginning of the story, granted she was apparently suffering from a case of Worf Had the Flu.
  • Bi the Way
  • The Caretaker/Parental Substitute: It's implied that Olga was this for Chloe after rescuing her.
  • Evil Counterpart: Maybe not exactly evil, but can be seem as one her Celestine, the other elf queen in the story.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She truly cares about remain dark elves in Eostia and is very close with her servant Chloe.
  • Expy: Olga is basically a Composite Character of Queen's Blade's Welveria the Swamp Witch and Echidna. In terms of physical appearance, she is the spitting image of Unchou Kan-u from Ikki Tousen.
  • Fantastic Racism: Strongly believes that Humans Are Bastards, although considering the humans the she has met include Sir John Mandeville and Vault, its hard not to blame her. This is downplayed when it comes to relationship with the half-human Chloe, who she treats extremely well.
  • Ms. Fanservice
  • Offstage Villainy: According to the narration, Queen Olga has allowed many of her monstrous subjects to kidnap and rape human woman from neighboring kingdoms. She also been at war with Celestine forces for hundreds of years. However, onscreen, Olga hardly seems villainous. At her worst, she, understandable, wanted to kill Vault and his men since they were going to defile her and her closest subject, Chloe. Although her offscreen acts of villainy is somewhat justified with the implication that humans don't treat dark elf very well either, seeing as Chloe, someone Olga cared about, spent most of her childhood forced to be a Sex Slave for humans.
  • Our Elves Are Better: She was the Queen of Northern region, which included varies different species of monsters.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: Her hair would normally cover her right eye.
  • Rapunzel Hair: They reach down to her knees.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Even though Olga looks like she is in her 20s, she is stated to be several hundred years old.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue Oni to Chloe's Red.
  • Sexual Karma: Spent years allowing her monsters to capture and forcing human woman to a life of sex slavery. Olga herself would later suffer the same fate as those she indirectly wronged.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Depending on the translation Olga name could either be spelled "Olga" or "Origa". The upcoming official english release of the visual novel should clear up the confusion.
  • Squishy Wizard: Olga is a powerful magician, but without her powers she is defenseless against the assault of a group of four unarmed mercenaries.
  • The Stoic: Normally, tries to keep a calm composure whenever others are around.
    • Not So Stoic: It's implied her calm demeanor is just an act, she quickly dropped her stoic persona when the Vault and his men subjected her to sexual torture.
  • Taking You with Me: In first chapter of the manga, Olga tried to cast a spell that would kill both herself and Vault after being told that he was planing on defiling her. Unfortunately, Vault made sure to place Power Limiter on her, in the form of a collar, so all the spell did was destroy some of her clothes.
  • Thong of Shielding: A black one.
  • Tranquil Fury: At the beginning of the story, even though Olga tried to keep herself composed after being capture, she was clearly upset. In the OVA, despite her calm face, it's heavily implied she was distraught about what the Orcs were doing to Chloe in the first episode.
  • Villain Has a Point: Her belief that Humans Are the Real Monsters isn't entirely wrong in this series, as her human usurpers ended up being far more evil and sadistic than her.
  • The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: Implied. Olga usually seems like a strong, stoic queen whenever she is around people, however this likely just an act. When your a queen with monstrous subjects that have uncontrollable libido, it makes sense that she would need to present a strong image of herself. The moment they found out her magical powers were declining, they quickly turn on her if favor of Vault, who promised them more woman if they sided with him.
  • Worf Effect: Despite being a powerful queen that has waged war against Celestine for years, she was captured by Vault at the very beginning of the story to establish him as the bigger threat to the princess knights.
  • Worf Had the Flu: She magically abilities began to decline at start story, making it much easier for the mercenaries to capture her.


A young dark elf who has swore loyalty to Olga, and has faithful served her as Olga's personal servant. She is the daughter of a male human and a female dark elf, making her half-human, and half-elf. She spent most of her childhood as a slave for the aristocrat, Sir John Mandeville, before being rescued by the dark queen. Chloe is very serious about serving Olga, and as such, she can get angry very fast if somebody badmouths her dear queen. Chloe, along with Olga, were captured by the Kuroinu mercenaries at the beginning of the story.

The Seven Princess Knights

In General

The seven princess knights are the leading figures of the land of Eostia's allied forces. They were chosen by Celestine to help her govern her territory. Each princess is assigned to guard a fortress within the continent.

  • All Women Are Lustful: By the end of story after being force to a life of a Sex Slave.
  • All Women Are Prudes: At the beginning of the story. Out of 7 princess knights, 5 of them were virgins, including the centuries old Celestine. The only two that aren't virgin are Claudia, who is Happily Married, and Maia, who apparently hadn't had sex for some time at the start of the series.
  • Authority in Name Only: At the end of story they all retain their titles, but all of them were force to serve as sex slaves with no actual authority.
  • Badass Princess: Supposedly...
  • Everything's is Better with Princesses: Define "better".... In terms of being attractive woman that are loved by their people, then "yes." In terms of being actual heroes that can protect their subjects, then "no."
  • Expy: Many of the princesses are clearly based on characters from Queen's Blade.
  • Failure Hero: Ultimately they were captured by the Vault's forces by the end of the story and are forced to be Sex Slaves.
  • Faux Action Girl: Largely due to the fact they are in Hentai, so there is no actual fighting scenes letting the characters showcase their abilities. Arguable, the worst offender being Celestine, the leader of seven princess knights, who apparently gave up as soon as Vault came knocking.
  • Hero Antagonist: To Vault's Villain Protagonist in the visual novel version of the story.
  • Informed Ability: Many of them are stated to by skilled fighter, not that we actually got to see them in a fight.
  • In Name Only: Technically only Alicia, Prim and Luu-Luu are actual loyal princesses in the traditional sense. Celestine is a queen, Claudia is holy knight, Kaguya is a shrine maiden, and Maia is a mercenary.
  • Lust Object: Well they are characters in a hentai.
  • Mother to Her Men: If anything, they treat their subjects relatively well, and are adored by them. In fact, it because that they are so adored that many of their Abhorrent Admirer that these admirers decide to help the Kuroinu mercenaries on their conquest in hopes of receiving a villain's variation of a Standard Hero Reward.
  • Ms. Fanservice: All of them fit this description.
  • Rotating Protagonist: Along with dark elves in the OVA and manga version, while the visual novel is usually told from Vault's perspective. The story usually switches between the point-of-view of one the princesses.
  • Seven-Woman Band:
    • The Leader: Celestine, being the The High Queen
    • The Lancer: Claudia, the commander-in-chief of the allied forces and Celestine's Number Two
    • The Big Girl: Both Maia and Luu-Luu, Maia was likely chosen to join the group for her fighting skills, while Luu-Luu is physically the strongest.
    • The Smart Girl: Kaguya, being the magic user of the group.
    • The Chick: Alicia and Prim, Alicia is the most emotional of the group, while Prim is the most sensitive. Prim could also double as the Tagalong Kid being the youngest princess and often relying on Alicia to help her govern her fortress.
  • Sex Slave: All were forced to be this after their capture.
  • Stripperiffic: Let's just say some of their outfits are super revealing, even by normal Hentai standards.
  • The Wrongful Heir to the Throne: They have good intentions, but are very incompetent.

Celestine Lucross

The High Queen of the Continent and leader of the allied forces. Celestine is a high elf and apparently the "Reincarnation of the Goddess". She was the one who organized the princess knights by selecting seven individuals, including herself, to be the rulers of her territory. Ultimately, she was final princess knight to capture by the Kuroinu mercenaries.

Claudia Levantine

A holy knight and the commander-in-chief of the allied forces. Claudia is the strongest fighter among the princess knights, and act as Celestine's bodyguard. She was trained by one of the allied forces's strongest soldiers, her father figure and mentor, Grave Levantine. She would later marry her mentor's biological son, Klaus. However, despite being married for some time, she and Klaus were unable to produce any children (as its implied that Klaus is sterile), much to Grave dismay. Claudia was the second-to-last princess knight to be captured after being betrayed and defeat by Grave.

  • The Ace: Stated to be the strongest of the princess knights.
  • Bodyguard Babes: To Celestine.
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Chainmail Bikini: Let's just say her armor covers very little.
  • Daddy's Girl: She tries to be everything that Grave ever wanted in his child, a powerful warrior, someone with a high military position, and is extremely famous among the people of Eostia. The only real issue that Grave has with her is the fact that she is not his biological daughter.
  • Expy: Claudia can be considered a Composite Character of Claudette Vance (Chainmail Bikini and having a "complex" relationship with their father figure) and Annelotte (due to their knight-theme).
  • Happily Married: To Klaus.
  • Lady of War
  • Number Two: To Celestine. Claudia is the second-in-command of the seven princess knights.
  • The Paladin: Being a holy knight
  • Rapunzel Hair: Although her hair is normally kept in a bun, but let down her strands a least reaches down to her hips.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Depending on the translation Claudia's surname can spelled out as "Levantine" or "Levantain".
  • Thong of Shielding: A white one.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Grave's betrayal really took her by surprise and it was implied that she holding back when being forced to fight her mentor.

Alicia Arcturus

Referred to as the "Princess Knight of Iris". Alicia is a prestigious noble who is the only daughter of Eos. She is well-known and very honored through the army. Alicia is the older cousin to fellow princess knight, Prim, who she views and refers to as her younger sister. She also serves as Prim's personal bodyguard. Alicia was the first princess knight to be captured, after choosing to surrender to save her kingdom's captured nuns.

  • Alliterative Name: Alicia Arcturus
  • Big Sister Instinct: She is very protective of Prim, and agreed to be the Kuroinu mercenaries Sex Slave if they chose to spare her from the same fate. Unfortunately, depending on the adaptation, they would either force Prim to be their slave anyways or Prim herself pulls a Face Heel Turn and rapes Alicia herself.
  • Bodyguard Babes: To Prim.
  • Chainmail Bikini: Much like Claudia.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: One of Alicia's biggest flaws is her unwillingness to sacrifice anyone other than herself. Surrendering to save a few of your captured subjects, while noble, is still pretty boneheaded as this would only result in more people being captured. Alicia then offers to be sex empire's slave if they leave Prim and her subject alonewithout considering that she has no leverage against them to uphold the deal, or that her captors are just maybe a bunch of lying bastards.
  • Cool Big Sis: Towards Prim.
  • Expy: Alicia bears a strong resemblance to Elina Vance, while role her role as a commander and bodyguard for her (non-traditional) little sister is apparently based on Claudette Vance.
  • Fatal Flaw: Alicia's stubbornness, Chronic Hero Syndrome, and her inability to think things through tend to repeatedly bite her in the ass. First, she surrenders her entire fort just to save a few subject, when everybody was telling her that was a horrible idea. Then, assume her opponents had an honor to be willing to take just her as a slave, when they made their ultimate intentions pretty clear.
  • The Heroine: Arguable, out of all the princess knights she is the closest to being this, in terms of appearance and amount of screen time.
  • The McCoy: Easily the most emotional of the princess knights that has a bad habit of Didn't Think This Through. While she does have a good heart, surrendering her entire fort, and by extension Prim's fort, just to save a few nuns, wasn't her smartest move. Even the nuns themselves pointed out that The Needs of the Many, but Alicia's Chronic Hero Syndrome got the better of her. This is partly the reason why Vault choose to attack her fort first, since he knew it would be easy to bully her to surrender.
  • Moe Couplet: With Prim.
  • Rapunzel Hair: They reach down to her hips.
  • Stupid Sacrifice: She surrendering her entire fort, just to save a few nuns, the nuns were raped anyway..
  • Thong of Shielding: A white one.

Prim Fiorire

Alicia's younger cousin and a princess with a lovely appearance and gentle characteristics. Despite being Alicia's cousin, Prim views her more as an older sister, and referred to her as such. Prim is the second princess knight to be captured shortly after Alicia's surrender.

  • Adaptational Villainy: In the manga version, Prim willingly joined the Kuroinu Mercenaries in exchanged for the right to violate Alicia, as opposed to being forced to be a mind broken Sex Slave like most of the other princesses. Prim underwent a ritual that temporary turned her into a Hermaphrodite. She later violated the nuns of her kingdom as "practice", before drugging and raping Alicia herself, with the intent to impregnate her.
  • Big Sister Attraction/Kissing Cousins: In the visual novel and the manga version, Prim secretly has feeling for Alicia beyond sisterly love.
  • Bi the Way
  • The Chick: Of the princess knights.
  • The Cutie: She is definitely the most sensitive of the seven princess knights.
    • Break the Cutie: Naturally...
    • Corrupt the Cutie: In a suprising twist in the manga version, Prim actually willingly joins the sex empire after seeing Alicia being violated, apparently  developing sexual jealously towards Vault and his men after realizing that she wants to do the same thing to Alicia.
  • Evil Costume Switch: In the manga, she was given a new darker outfit after her Face Heel Turn.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: After her Face Heel Turn in the manga, her hair is noticeable a lot more disheveled with some added bangs.
  • Face Heel Turn: Does this willingly in manga.
  • Kawaiiko: Her appearance is clearly meant to cater to "cute" tastes as opposed to the usual "sexy" tastes of most of the other female characters. This is subvert in manga, as her new evil look is meant to look more "sexy" than cute. She even seem to have gone up a cup size after her Face Heel Turn.
  • Love Makes You Evil: In manga, Prim joins the Kuroinu Mercenaries so that she would able to have sex with Alicia, who she secretly lusts for.
  • Moe Couplet: With Alicia.
  • Non-Action Guy: The only other princess knight alongside Celestine that does not posses any combat abilities. She normally let Alicia take care of their military affairs.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Like Alicia, they reach down to her hips.
  • Satellite Character: Especially in the OVA version where she is treated as nothing more then the little sister that Alicia wanted to protect. Out of the 9 main female character she was given the least amount of screen time.
  • Thong of Shielding: A pink one.


The head shrine maiden of the continent and a foreigner from the far east. Kaguya is stated to have a quite personality and is extremely devoted to her religion. Like Olga, Kaguya possesses some magical abilities and can inflicted curses. She is the third princess knight to be captured (fifth in the OVA version).

  • Emotionless Girl: Acts like this before being forced to be a Sex Slave
  • Expy: Kaguya appears to be based on Tomoe, in terms of personality and status as a Miko. Also, some of physical traits seems to based on Menace.
  • Fundoshi: Wears this instead of the usual Thong of Shielding.
  • High Priest: Or Priestess in this case.
  • Miko
  • The Smart Girl: The magic user of the seven princess knights.
  • The Stoic: The calmest of the seven princesses. She is even better at keeping her composure than Olga.
    • Not So Stoic: After her magical barrier protecting her "maiden's virtue" was removed, she quickly succumbed to sexual torture and became a mind broken Sex Slave.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Well at least as proper as one can be in a hardcore hentai.


A wondering mercenary and former member of the Kuroinu group. When she was a member of Kuroinu mercenaries, she fell in love with their leader, Vault. She was also very popular among their ranks, before leaving the group after she was chosen by Celestine to be one of the princess knights. She is the fourth princess knight to be capture (third in the OVA version) after being defeated by Vault.

  • Absolute Cleavage
  • All Women Are Prudes: Subverted. Maia is apparently the only female character that has engaged in casual sex without being married. This does make sense considering she was a former member of the Kuroinu mercenaries.
  • The Big Girl: Shares this position with Luu-Luu. Considering that Maia wasn't in any form of political leadership position like the other princess knights before joining them, Celestine likely choose her due to her skills in combat, being the sole female of Eostia's strongest mercenary group.
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Dating Catwoman: She falls in love with Vault during her time with Kuroinu mercenaries. Vault would later go on to be the Big Bad of the story.
  • Expy: Maia seems to a composite of Risty and Irma. She also seems to take inspiration from Berserk's Casca due to her past history with Vault and the Kuroinu mercenaries.
  • Leotard of Power
  • Rags to Riches: Unlikely the other princess knights, Maia wasn't a noble or was in some form leadership position like the others. She was a simple mercenary before being chosen by Celestine to join the princess knights.
  • Smurfette Principle: The only female member of the Kuroinu mercenaries.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Like Claudia, it was implied that Maia was holding back when confronted to a fight by the man she loved.


An axe-weilding leader of the halflings. Halfling are small, child-like, solely female race of half-humans that can mate with any other species. Luu-Luu, like the rest of her species, has superhuman strength (despite her small frame), and is skilled in manufacturing weapons. She is the fifth princess knight to be capture (fourth in the OVA version).