Kill la Kill AU/Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Trivia about Kill la Kill AU includes:

  • Author Appeal:
    • Nui listening to J-Core
    • The fact that the characters seem to be using newer Microsoft Windows computers (except Nonon, Word of God states that she uses a Mac).
    • Ryuko playing Bejeweled
  • Creator Breakdown: According to the most recent[when?] update, the comic is on hiatus until Amoridere, quote, "gets her mental health sorted out enough." As she stated on her Twitter, she doesn't want her upsets to bleed into the comic.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: Amoridere, female, voiced Soichiro, male, in XXXVI
  • Doing It for the Art: Amoridere stated her reason to create the comics is because they are fun to do and that they amuse her
  • Missing Episode: Wish on YouTube because of a copyright claim with Victor Entertainment, which resulted in the authoress taking it down and later on reposting it on Dailymotion, however, the original video can be seen on tumblr. As she commented, "Better that than argument."
    • To elaborate further on that, Wish has spoken dialogue (sans speech bubbles) against a music background, thus ruling out "audioswapping" (another alternative), as that would remove the dialogue, otherwise, she would had to have had to edit the video and post it again.
  • No Budget: Amoridere mostly uses whatever is free and some of the props she borrows (the rightful owners of which she is quick to credit) and does mostly everything with whatever is free.
  • Reality Subtext: The reason as to why Ragyo and Soichiro are divorced is because Amoridere's own parents are divorced and have been since she was either five or six (the same age as if not older than Satsuki was at in the earlier half of the comic). However, unlike the aforementioned two, her parents' divorce was something not to be discussed.
    • The Wish arc was inspired by how she has an Ill Girl friend and, once, wished to switch places.
  • Schedule Slip: Amoridere states that some of the comics took and take long time to make and, other times, there are problems with her computer and/or internet connection, thus she tends to post it late.
    • In a more recent[when?] update, on the official tumblr page, she announced that she was putting the comic on hold until she could get a new computer but she said she would be writing the fanfics.
    • The most recent[when?] update, she announces that besides computer problems, she won't be able to do the comic as create.swf (the which she uses to create much of the character art) is no longer available to use online besides to be downloaded and, until she finds a file converter, the comic is on hold.
    • From what we can see, she's resumed the webcomic. However, she has since run into computer problems and the comic is on hold again.
  • Series Hiatus: The longest hiatus (besides few pics here and there) to date was from about March 2016 to the end of 2018. As stated with the abovementioned, the hiatus was mostly caused by Amoridere working on other projects, real life events, and computer problems (mostly those).
  • Talking to Himself: Any speaking parts in the videos are done by Amoridere and only her.
  • Tuckerization: One of Ryuuko's nicknames is "Jugie", which is what the authoress calls her nephew. However, she also calls one of her nephews "Nonie", which came after the fact.
  • What Could Have Been: According to her, she would have used a voice changing app on her phone or Audacity to change her voice for any characters she's voiced in comic 34 but found either of which too hard to do, so she just went with using different voices to the best of her abilities.
    • She also said here that, originally, Ryuuko would have met Ragyo earlier and said plot would have involved her stealing an RV.
    • For the video version of XXXVI, she would have used the actual soundtrack from 2 Girls, 1 Cup but couldn't and neither did she want that to lead her to the actual site, so she went with the Debbie Does Dallas theme to substitute it.
    • She did state that Rei would have been dark skinned like her canon counterpart, however, she had forgotten when she was making the final edits on the comics and when she realized her mistake, found she couldn't go back and change it, as it had already been established early on, so she kept it.
  • For Room 002108, she did state she would have made Ryuuko a Littlest Cancer Patient (albeit subverted/ played with in Ryuuko would have had cancer but it wouldn't be played for sympathy) but found the thought too depressing
  • For the 50th comic, that was supposed to come earlier, yet she forgot. She also stated that Ryuuko was supposed to attached to an intravenous drip but opted against it.
  • Write Who You Know: Amoridere states that she tends to think of Nui as being more or less like a benign version of her youngest sister and Ryuuko and Satsuki being more akin to herself and Ragyo and Soichiro being loosely based off her father and his mother (in a sense).
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: Amoridere stated that some of the stories are typically thought out, at least to some degree, whereas others are ideas that "just show up" and she runs with them, thus most of the storyline and dialogue is improvised

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