Ghost Sweeper Mikami/Characters

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Reiko Mikami

  • Action Girl
  • Bad Boss
  • Berserk Button: Losing money, cockroaches (tries to nuke her own office when she sees one) and Yokoshima's death(s).
  • Combat Pragmatist: Saijou's a rank amateur compared to her.
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Very greedy and self centered and is certain to overprice her services a lot while paying her employees peanuts. That said, she does care for her companions' life and goes berserk or nearly has a Heroic BSOD when Yokoshima is killed and genuinely cares for Kinu's well-being. There was also one instance where she chose to not do her job and get the money.
  • Hiromi Tsuru
  • Greed: She could easily take that spot in the pantheon of this site.
  • Meaningful Name: Shiina came up with her name as an oblique reference not just to the goddess Aphrodite, but also the financial headaches Japan was going through when the manga was first published. Guess which character obviously avoided getting hit with problems...
  • Onee-Sama: Meiko sees her as this. Or more.
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money
  • Stripperiffic
  • Time Travel: Her family from her mother's side has this as an ability that's triggered by lightning.
  • Tomato Surprise ((It turns out that her existence began in the Heian era as the artificial demon Mephistopheles. It helps explain why she's Chaotic Neutral, for starters...)
  • Tsundere: Type A. She lets down her guard against Saijo, Kinu and her family. She is also arguably a type B since she's her harshest around Yokoshima who's her love in her former life and also supposedly her future husband

Tadao Yokoshima

  • Chivalrous Pervert: He'll do whatever it takes to help the girls who care for him. Not too many of them around, unfortunately, thanks to the 'pervert' part.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Acts like a perverted idiot most of the time, but plenty of people have noted how tenacious he is at getting a glimpse of some booty (though he fails most of the time) and people like Shouryuuki and Mikami's mother have noted his incredible growth potential which, according to the latter, surpasses even Mikami and Saijo. Heck, he managed to almost beat Mikami during his special training (he had aready beaten twice the number of monsters Mikami did on that same training her first time around), only losing due to hesitation.
  • Idiot Hero: Between TNA and his life, its always TNA.
  • The Chew Toy: Barely a file goes by without him falling prey to Amusing Injuries or some other aggravation, whether because of Mikami's neglect, his own overactive libido, or whatever else the cosmos thinks it'd be fun to visit on him. Even after he saves the day.
    • Iron Butt Monkey: The only thing that seems to work on him is cutting and stabbing attacks...
  • Weirdness Magnet: Lampshaded by Mikami how he attracts all kinds of female supernatural beings. Ironically enough, this includes her past self...
  • Future Me Scares Me: Was incredulous at how competent his future self was.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Like you wouldn't believe.
  • Meaningful Name: Although Ironic Name would work better--Tadao means "loyal husband". Considering how he'll try to convince just about every other attractive female around his age to help him lose his virginity...
    • One file reveals that, yes, he got married to her 10 years later.
  • Ryo Horikawa
  • Took a Level in Badass: Eventually learns to fight on his own with his spiritual lightsaber and small spiritual balls that can create any effect as long as they're one kanji long. His future self can travel through time on his own power, which not even Mikami and her mother, whose super-special ability is to travel through time, can do.

Okinu/ Kinu Himuro

Emi Ogasawara


Dr. Chaos

  • Mayfly-December Romance: He abjured a relationship with Princess Maria precisely because he knew he'd outlive her, and she deserved a more mortal mate. Nonetheless, he made sure her image lived on as the mystic robot Maria.
  • Mad Scientist: Hooo boy...
  • My Skull Runneth Over: Because his brain has become completely full with information, learning something new means that one of the earliest things still remembered gets overwritten. It really says something that he can understand how the Tenshi Luopan works at first sight, but at the same time forgets what 2+2 results in...
    • Also, he can't remember how to build Maria.
  • Perpetual Poverty: He's practically the poster child.
  • Shigeru Chiba


  • Action Girl: Well, Action Robot Girl...
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Ridiculously-Human Robots: Although it makes sense here, since she was designed in part as a memorial to an old acquaintance of Dr. Chaos's. Played with when a love potion makes her fall in love with Yokoshima and tries to kiss him...with a metal head and enough force to destroy concrete walls...
  • Wakana Yamazaki

Meiko Rokudou

  • The Beast Master: She has a retinue of twelve shikigami under her control, but no thanks to her complete lack of self-confidence, it's very easy for her to lose control over them. When that happens, Anything standing around her turn into ruins.
  • Berserker Tears: She cries and her Shikigami goes ballistic...which happens a lot.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: She could function somewhat normally in society, but when Nightmare invades her mind, he has no idea what goes on in her much so he had to abandon his attempt.
  • Eastern Zodiac
  • Kumiko Nishihara
  • The Ojou: Her family is incredibly rich.
  • Older Than They Look: Meiko's mother was pregnant with her before Mikami's parents even met. Yet you could be forgiven for thinking she's a little younger than Mikami.
  • Person of Mass Destruction
  • Shrinking Violet: Self-confidence is a severe rarity in her bloodline.

Father Kazuhiro Karasu

Pete/Pietro de Bloodeau





  • Evil Counterpart: To Shouryuuki
  • Lady of War
  • [Reincarnation:\] During the battle in the moon, she had to do this after getting shot by Mikami. She did it by performing mouth-to-mouth on Yokoshima and nearly going out Chest Burster style into a younger, "fresher" version of herself.


Michie Mikami

Tiger Torakichi

Date Yukinojou

  • Battle Couple: Him and Yumi.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Unlike Innen and Kankuro, Yukinojou is very careful with the Masoujutsu from the beginning. Under no circumstances will he let it persist to the point that he risks getting corrupted into a demon. Later on, he decides that he needs more power than that, so decides to find an alternative form of spiritual armor that doesn't have the corruption risk--in other words, not derived from demonic energy.
  • Heel Face Turn: He gets so thoroughly disgusted with the lengths Medusa will go to achieve her goals that he renounces her, and ultimately even upgrades his infernal-energy armor into a less dangerous version with Hanuman's help.
  • Momma's Boy: Yukinojou flat-out idolizes his mother and her zealous care for him, to the point that Kankuro, Yokoshima and Mikami think it crosses into incestuous. Later on, it turns out his mother died when he was young, giving the reader something to potentially temper that problematic image with.
  • The Rival: Considers Yokoshima as this.

Kankuro Kamada

Inukai/ Fenrir

Shiro Inuzuka

  • Petting Zoo People: An inukami, in this case meaning that Shiro has a dog's fangs and tail while in humanoid form.
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: Adsorbing some of Yokoshima and Mikami's energy to heal actually accelerates Shiro's maturation by a few years, in the process revealing that "he" is actually a "she".
  • Samus Is a Girl
  • You Killed My Father: Shiro's motive for chasing down Inukai.

Teruhiko Saijou

  • Biseinen: Apparently was a Bishonen and, as implied by Marin, Really Gets Around...
  • The Ace: Was introduced as this and, as the series goes on, was shown to be a capable leader.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Odd when you consider his proclaimed devotion to justice, until you realize that he's more worried about just results than just means.
  • The Rival: With Yokoshima for Mikami's affection.

Hanato Kobato

  • Name's the Same: Really? This long without someone noticing she has the exact same name as the eponymus title character of one of CLAMP's recent works?
  • Perpetual Poverty: Her family was cursed with constant poverty through a binboukami. It didn't exactly help that, until they met Yokoshima, the binboukami's attempts to turn himself into a kami of fortune never got anywhere.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Would probably be this if she wasn't so damn poor.





  • Cute Monster Girl
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: See all those eyeball accessory looking things all around her body, on her arms, dangling from her ears? They're all real eyes. But she's cute, so we're not complaining.


  • A God Am I: He certainly acts like this towards his minions, and becoming the sole god of the universe is his ultimate goal. Well, one of the two goals he's willing to accept, at least...
  • Bad Boss Poor Dogura, even if it is a restorable automaton...
  • Big Bad: Though the series doesn't actually have one, he's probably the next best thing since a lot of the series' important events revolve around his actions.
  • Death Seeker: Ashtaroth couldn't handle the fact that his role as a demon, to maintain the flow of chaos and generally keep the universe from stagnating, meant that he'd be vilified more often than not. As far as he was concerned, there were only two acceptable alternatives--rewrite the whole of reality to his whims, and this.
  • Empty Quiver
  • Put Them All Out of My Misery: Basically, the combination of his two goals means that either he goes, or the universe that causes him so much pain goes.

Dogura Mogura

  • Golem


Mari Ichimonji

Kaori Yumi

Marin Megumi



