Eye Scream/Fan Works

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John Freeman fired his bullet from teh gun really fast and the bullets went and shot the final boss in the eyes and the final boss couldnt see.

  • In Land Before Time: Twilight Valley, a dinosaur gets his eye ripped out by another dinosaur, then nearly decapitated; this is after he was kneed in the groin. The less brutal "finger in the eye" attack is also used (by a clawed pterosaur on another pterosaur).
  • A particularly dark (yes, even for the setting) Warhammer 40,000 fanfic is framed as a Tau interview with a former Imperial Guardsmen, who was captured and recruited by a Chaos warband devoted to the God(dess) of Pleasure Slaanesh. The ex-cultist describes how his "owner" proved her superiority over him by tearing out his eye and popping it in her mouth as a snack, and later was gifted with a mutation giving her an eye in her hand. She apparently spent a few days admiring herself through it, before growing bored and poking, twisting, and mutilating it for the sensations it gave her.
  • The protaganist of the Ranma ½ fic Be careful what you wish for winds up taking a knife to the eye. Later on, he is caught performing a self-inspection to check its condition. This is Played For Laughs, really.
    • In the sequel A careless wish, former protaganist's successor fights something big, purple, and mean. The words 'Occular Fluid' are used, and cover one of the character's hands. NOT played for laughs this time.
  • An unintentional example: Characters in (usually bad) fanfic being described as having "[food, precious stone or something equally silly] orbs" for eyes. Think about it...
  • In Tiberium Wars, a Nod soldier is hit by shrapnel in her eyes from a grenade, ruining both her eyes and her face. This becomes a minor plot point later on when the Nod commander, Rawne, opts to give her advanced cybernetic eye replacements and transfers her to his personal command.
  • Once Upon a Time In Mexico fanfics tends to use this. Fitting given the source.
    • The fic "Alpha" leverages this trope pretty well in one of the later chapters. (It's also well-handled Dark Fic, but in all likelihood not SFW. Mentions of Villainous Incest at the start of the second chapter might warn you.)
  • In Ash the Wanderer's Dragonball Z fanfiction "Atrocities", original character Erik tells the Son brothers of replacing his love interest's eyes with those of a mad scientist using a machine the scientist created after her own eyes were destroyed in an explosion. Not quite as Squicky as it could be, but the gore in the rest of the fic more than makes up for that.
  • In Challenge of the Super Friends: The End, very few of the Legion of Doom's members have their eyes intact afterward.
  • The Halo fanfic "Enemy of my Enemy". When the Pride of Sangheilos crashes on Crassus, one of the crew members comes up to his commanding officer with one eyeball gone, burst during the impact. He treats it as if he just got a haircut.
  • Quite a few Harry Potter fics used this trope.
    • In chapter 3 of Like Shadows on the Winter Sky by Resmiranda, Snape is tortured after being found out as a spy, but the reader is left unsure as to how. Then chapter 5 comes along, in which the reader is told exactly how his torture proceeded: Voldemort took the knife mentioned at the end of chapter 3 and plugged it into his eye sockets to remove his eyes. After that is done, Voldemort makes sure that Snape can never be fitted for a prosthesis by placing his wand into the sockets and firing off a curse that completely damaged the nerves running from the socket all the way to the occipital lobes in the brain. At the end of the chapter, Snape is back at Hogwarts, confined to his rooms. While there, he decides that it will be a good idea to plunge his own fingers into his bloody sockets and use said blood to write morbid poetry on the wall.
    • Another fic has a similar premise.[context?] When Snape returns to Hogwarts, it is immediately apparent that one of his eyes can't not be salvaged, and hope for the other is dashed when the bandage is removed and the eye falls into his lap/the floor.
    • In the Harry Potter fanfic Walk the Shadows by jharad17, after Harry pisses off Nott, a Death Eater, Nott responds by casting a spell which damages Harry's eyes and removes his tongue.
    • In Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness, Dennis Creevey kills the Death Eater who killed his brother by jamming his wand into the Death Eater's eye and screaming "AVADA KEDAVRA, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Unfortunately, it's a mutual kill.
  • 30 "H"s opens with Harry eating Ron's eyeballs for no apparent reason. It gets weirder.
  • Nobody Dies: "Ocular virginity?" Gendo Ikari asks, "What does 'Loss of Ocular Virginity' mean?"
  • Aeon Entelechy Evangelion has no shortage of these, starting with Rei's hollow eyesocket and then scaled up with the Cosmic Horror plucking the eye out from the Unit-01 and Shinji (by synchronization).
  • While what, exactly, happens to Anchorite Ranith in the WoW Fanfic Stand of the Exiles is obscured by Purple Prose, she's blinded beyond hope of magical repair. And ends up crying blood.
  • The villain of Awakening, an Axis Powers Hetalia fan fiction, is real-life Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, whose many twisted interests included trying to change people's eye color with dye injections. The scene depicting such a surgery made even the author cringe while she was writing it.
  • The dark BL Death Note fanfic Poison Apple provides an example of this trope when Light gouges his own eye out with a piece of shattered mirror.
  • In the second part of Metal Gear Solid: Fight of Metal Gears, Jake Snake gets shot in the eye by Revolver Ocelot, and immediately puts on an Eyepatch of Power.
  • Vince gets shot in the eye by Vice (this time, intentionally), in Relationships Series.
  • In the Left 4 Dead 2 fanfiction Two Step, Nick loses an eye when he saves Coach from a Witch. He is very obviously disadvantaged by it, being a survivor in a zombie apocalypse who's main defense is a gun. He's still a badass.
  • The very NSFW site Paheal has this bloody picture of The Nostalgia Critic.
  • In the Mass Effect fanfic The Council Era, a batarian commander (whose species possesses two pairs of eyes, one above the other, for the record) serving under the Villain Protagonist is described as only having two working eyes. This was explained on his article page at the Mass Effect Fanon wikia. During his service for the Hegemony's military, Nikhail (the batarian) was taken prisoner by guerrilla soldiers, and when he steadfastly refused to give information for three months, they resolved to execute him before he could be freed by the Hegemony. He was in fact rescued, but not before his eyes had been stabbed out with a hot poker.
  • In the Hunger Games/Hetalia crossover What If, one character, driven mad by guilt, will do anything to keep herself from seeing hallucinations of the one she killed. So she ends up (accidentally) wedging a rock in one eye and (purposefully) gouging out the other with the claw end of a hammer.
  • A Hetalia doujinshi featuring the Sweden/Denmark pairing portrayed Denmark as quite the insane Yandere for Sweden, and one of his first crazy actions was using his axe to injure Sweden's eyes when he merely insinuated that he may take off and leave the Nordic group. Sweden managed to escape the worse part of his ire, but still had some damage to his eyes; in the next scene, he's seen using glasses.
  • In Poke Wars: The Exigence, Banette burns out a Golem's eyes (and everything else) with Will-O-Wisp. Also in the same story, Alpha Houndoom headbutts a Golem just so hard that its eyes rupture.
  • In the Homestuck roleplay New Game Plus, eye injuries seem to be a recurring theme. Near the beginning Kevin Low burnt out an imp's eyeballs with a lit cigar to prove a point to his rival/enemy Jack and other imps. Then he beat an ogre by jumping up to its head, and shooting his duel revolvers directly into its eyes. And then during a possession, he has a monster's tendrils stab him through the eyes and take over his body.
  • In the Neverwinter Nights 2 fanfic Hungry Dreams the the main character spends most of the story wearing an Eyepatch of Power. Eventually, it's revealed that she took an acid arrow to the eye, and the results are not pretty.
  • In the fic Raccoon, this occurs with both eyes. One of which is with a corkscrew, which get slid under the eye, and screws up the nerve endings attached to it before tearing it out. The other? Just ripped out
  • In the crossover fic Blood That Flows, Cinque uses her Rumble Detonator IS on Laevatein while Signum was holding it. The resulting explosion not only took her eye, but her hand and Laevatein as well.[context?]
  • Yet again, with a little extra help: Waltz tears out a rogue Hyuuga's eye, in front of a mirror.
  • Connecting the Dots is not very kind to its characters' eyes. Sasuke loses one of his eyes in a fight with Kyuubi-Naruto, Neji Shoots a Kryptonite-tipped arrow into Bizarro's eye, killing him and Lex Luthor /Darkseid rips the Mangekyou Sharingan out of Kakashi's head to complete the Anti-Life Equation.
  • Calvin and Hobbes: The Series, mimicking a children's show, merely implies this with Future Andy, who wears an eyepatch. Lampshaded by Calvin.
  • In The Servants of Ungoliant, during his Roaring Rampage of Revenge, Daurin executes a Gong by slitting the eye-level of its face with his sword.
  • In Fallout Equestria Project Horizons, Blackjack loses an eye when her rapidly mutating body literally pushes it out of its socket. Later, she gets the other blown out by grenade shrapnel.
  • In Astral Journey: It's Complicated, the narrator (Emma) suffers this among her injuries, with one of her eyes almost popped out of its socket.