Dumb Is Good/Quotes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

How sweet to be an Idiot,
As harmless as a cloud,
Too small to hide the sun
Almost poking fun,
At the warm but insecure untidy crowd.

How sweet to be an idiot,
And dip my brain in joy,
Children laughing at my back,
With no fear of attack,

As much retaliation as a toy.
—Neil Innes, "How Sweet To Be An Idiot"
A small mind is easily filled with faith.

What did you learn today?
I learned nothin
What did you do today?
I did nothin
What did you learn at school?
I didn't go
Why didn't you go to school?
I don't know

It's cool to know nothin...

Look at the happy moron,
He doesn't give a damn
I wish I were a moron

Dear God, perhaps I am!
"God only gives you 26 seconds of 'tard happy in you're LIFETIME....enjoy it."

Averagely wise a man should be,
never too wise,
for a wise man's heart is seldom cheerful

if the one who owns it is too wise.
—"Sayings of the High One," the Poetic Edda.
"Take a smart guy and he ain't hardly ever a nice fella."